Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 23.

  • 35 days inactive & MO

    PitA - - Archive - OGame Planet


    I think Rdet means some kind of ghosting system Ikariam is using. In Ikariam inactive accounts (with or without payed premium stuff on it) are removed and are stored back when the inactive player logs in again. Ikariam is also from GF and is bound by the same law. So the law shouldn't be an issue for this. I don't think is will be a problem if some planets are placed nearby like during merges if accounts are so long inactive. If someone really wants to keep his positions, he only have to login o…

  • feedback page

    PitA - - Wiki


    We have a link in the footer at the bottom and it works as follows: The link title can be set in the page and in for each language. If the page doesn't exist for a language, the english title is used. The link in the footer points to the page where we can explain how to give feedback. Translations work the same as for the other pages, so when the page wiki.ogame.o…

  • feedback page

    PitA - - Wiki


    I've found a nice solution for this which is active know on the test-wiki.

  • feedback page

    PitA - - Wiki


    l allready have some idea's how we can do this. I'm thinking about a special page like the disclaimer. But i have to see how that works with the languages. The idea is one page with an explaination how and where to give feedback for each language, combined with a list with links. Probably i will use includes on the "special" page. In that case the explaination can be on a seperate page, maintained by the representatives/loca's. This week i'm going to find out how we can implement this.

  • During events, a count-down timer is shown in the left menu. It's a nice feature if you have a relative new PC, but it's worse for older systems. I want to suggest an option to disable this timer for better performance. Same issue is with the topbar where new games are announced. This blinking text also gives a performance-penalty for older systems. It would be nice if the announcement wasn't blinking. If these items are active, the browser becomes more and more laggy during time and the system …

  • Cr converter by GameForge.

    PitA - - Archive - OGame Planet


    I have a better idea. Let GF provide the CR in xml-format also. Then they can change the layout of the CR every update, but the xml-code should still be the same. just create a button to show the CR in xml-format so you can copy/paste it to the converter. The converter can parse the xml-code and create a CR ready to post on a board. Then the converters also only need different languages for the output, because the xml-code will be the same for all communities. The xmlcode will only change if the…

  • Mainpage suggestions

    PitA - - Wiki


    Quote from Kramagon: “From my pow, it must be quite simple: 1. A short text introducing the Wiki itself (what's this, what do you can find here, and a general link to Origin) 2. Links to basic tuts 3. Links to guides & advanced tuts (whe available) 4. Links to specific matherial that can helps the player (such us, FAQs, troubleshooting, and that kind of stuff) 5. List of Origin links pointing to places where the Wiki user can suggest new contents, offers to help us, etc) 6. List of national team…

  • Overzicht van belangrijke spelelementen Aangepast voor v3.1.2! [r]Activiteitsymbool in het melkweg[/r] - Algemeen: - Activiteit wordt weergegeven met activity15.gif als er in de afgelopen 15 minuten activiteit is geweest, - Activiteit gedurende de afgelopen 15-59 minuten, wordt weergegeven met activity.gif of in de vorm van een getal (in te stellen via Opties --> Toon --> Ander --> Gedetailleerd activiteitsoverzicht). - Een activity15.gif verschijnt bij de thuisplaneet zodra je inlogt. Uitzonder…

  • It's an interesting idea, but there will be a problem to implement this. How are you gonna control this password ? If it can be set through the options-menu, a sitter can also change it. So this is meaningless. If it's set otherwise, you must have a quick method to reset it. A lot of players will forget it, due to the less usage.

  • But how do you see this ? E.g. There is a russian suggestion and an english summary is posted with it.. There will be a discussion in russian which most of the visitors won't understand... They see an english summary of the suggestion, but the discussion is in russian. So they cannot give feedback... If you want to discuss the suggestion in russian, it's better to post it on the russian board... You have a lot more players there to discuss it in russian... If it's a good suggestion, the russian …

  • this would be great. And if they allow to reply just as they did for PMs, it would be even better....

  • In my opinion is the local board a good place to have discussions in native language on suggestions. A translated summary can be posted on Origin to discuss it outside your community... On the local boards you have a bigger group to discuss it in your native language... Native language is for the local board, except where there is no counterpart on the local board

  • *cut* postings from Tutorials

    PitA - - Wiki


    Because "Buildings" is inserted between this chapter and "Defense". The last phrase need to be changed. Now it say: With an efficient economy and the first defensive structures, you are now well-trained and ready for the next chapter Defense. Proposed new text: With an efficient economy and the first defensive structures, you are now well-trained and ready to move on. But before you move on to the chapter "Defense", you can take a look at the descriptions of all buildings in the next chapter "Bu…

  • Bugs en workarounds versie 1.5.0 Portal/Login pagina- Portal: De Teamlijst is erg versnippert De lijst met teamleden op de portal pagina is onduidelijk en lastig te begrijpen voor spelers. Het zou beter zijn als de lijst op universum of de naam van het teamlid gesorteerd zou zijn. Ingame algemeen- Algemeen: Na inloggen via MMOGame werken sommige links niet Als er via MMOgame wordt ingelogd, werken de links naar coordinaten die gebruik maken van showGalaxy() niet (zoals in spionage-rapporten). - …

  • How many links to other wiki pages ?

    PitA - - Wiki


    Another option is to add a "More Info" box with links at the bottom of the page.

  • I need some translations to show the labels in special-page for translations in your own language. Please add them here in a reply, i will add them to the extension. Copy the code below, change TLD and translate them. Source Code (15 lines) Explanation of the items: Source Code (13 lines)

  • Database : Translation

    PitA - - Wiki


    There is one database with translations for page title, detail names and other words or phrases used in the templates: Translation:Translation/TLD How it works: - EN is the default language and will be used if there is no national translation. - For AR and MX is ES the default language, for BR it is PT. EN is the default language for missing ES or PT translations. - For those languages/communities (AR MX BR ORG US) you need only to copy and change the differences. How to edit: - You can see all …

  • Als je wilt doorgroeien in OGame dan is het niet voldoende om uitsluitend gebouwen en gevechtsschepen te bouwen. Je zal ook tijd moeten besteden aan onderzoeken, want door nieuwe technologiën te onderzoeken ben je in staat om sterkere schepen te bouwen en meer planeten te koloniseren. Denk er daarom altijd aan om te investeren in onderzoek terwijl je je koninkrijk opbouwt, zodat je niet achterop raakt ten opzichte van andere spelers. De bron van de wijsheid Het onderzoeksysteem van OGame is eige…

  • Update

    PitA - - Wiki


    Red text added. Quote from bibob: “ Interplanetary Missiles With Interplanetary Missiles you can clean an enemies planet from defense without launching a single ship. They destroy the defense without rebuilding, so when using them you can wipe out the defense completely. ”