Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 21.

  • arent we supposed to speak english here?

  • really great answer. its not like i get the message that its forbidden to use certain hosts. so someone has to show up and explain personally or ull never know. great concept to save ppls time. why not just throw in why u cant use that host or whats wrong and not like "its forbidde to use xyz". literally wasting ppls time.

  • hey guys, i can proudly present my first hof on the retro server to you guys. took a little while since i started 2 months late :D. theres not much of a story to it. i guess i was just lucky to catch him when he was offline. unfortunately the battle ended in a draw, especially considering that he came online only shortly after the hit. he had round about 1kk res on his planet which i wud have loved to pick up. oh well i guess u cant have everything. i got everything but 300k from the df which im…

  • The Original Origin™ Spam thread

    Lasso - - Spam



  • selling 2kk met

    Lasso - - Archive


    hey guys, 2kk met is for sale. im fine with taking crys or deut or a mix of both. ign = Lasso regards

  • and banned again. my god how poor are you? honestly i was questioning u as a player the on every thread u posted because u dont seem to know anything about simming. u always send overkill fleets so u are either bad as fuck or you got infinite deut to spend. or well it might be both. even if u get unbanned again anyone whos gonna trust you is just straight a stupid human being. man that triggers the shit outta me. bragging around with hits made by most likely unfair gameplay. what kind of ego do …

  • lol why wud u send such an overkill fleet? anyway, nice hit

  • nice fleet, now go build up some battle ships

  • looking for a guild

    Lasso - - Diplomacy


    hey guys, as the title reveals im looking for a guild. i just started 2 weeks ago and im currently at 3k points. i shud be climbing the ladder even faster since im farming quite actively. picking up some juicy raids (He captured 57.209 metal, 46.974 crystal, and 6.981 deuterium) here and there so dont get fooled by my yet low rank :). if even anyone wud pick me up languages i can speak are german and english. to be honest i dont mind guild rank too much altho the higher the better obviously. but…

  • hey sorry, i was looking at impulse on tech and it said it wudnt support small cargos. thats why i was asking ty tho

  • question above

  • attacking inactives?

    Lasso - - General


    ok cool ty

  • attacking inactives?

    Lasso - - General


    hey, am i allowed to attack inactive players as many times i want per day?

  • nice joob good profit

  • retro stats?

    Lasso - - General


    lil question. is there really def into df? i just read it somewhere.

  • retro stats?

    Lasso - - General


    yes it was done by me as well. i hosted a galaxy tool page for my ally. wondering if that stuff still works. i might try it out with potentially older versions.

  • that barzilian server is now at 3.1k players .. and that only 2 weeks after u posted. i just joined couple days ago so ill leave a little feedback. it seems that the board isnt used as much as it used to be in the old days. but ingame it seems plenty ppl are actually playing the at 50 pts and just hit top 5k, so there 5k ppl that built to where i am. ill need another week or two and then i can judge on how easy it is to farm stuff etc that will beasically tell me how active this server i…

  • retro stats?

    Lasso - - General


    hey guys, im pretty sure theres a site where u can see stats and planets of players etc etc. i found this for stats but i cant find the retro universe. can someone help me out? regards

  • where can i find the rules?

    Lasso - - Suggestions


    thx. maybe someone shud try to fix it since its basically impossible to find these if ure new to the game. have a nice day

  • where can i find the rules?

    Lasso - - Suggestions


    im looking for retro server ingame rules