Update 1.4.0

    • Update 1.4.0

      Changelog 1.4.0:

      - LogIn without activity star eliminated
      - LogIn problem for users with special chars in their name fixed
      - missing res after vacation mode fixed
      - interplanetary missile now visible in event box
      - cords in galaxy view shown if spy probe could not be send
      - display error in fleet movement fixed
      - now possible to (un-)load res with given buttons in Internet Explorer
      - display of times in fleet movements fixed
      - new expedition messages will be directly shown in correct folder
      - BBCode error in messages fixed
      - broken display of some chars in messages fixed
      - error message for built out planets fixed
      - wrong amount of new messages fixed
      - activity display in spy reports fixed
      - tooltip in eventbox now shows found ships after expedition
      - size of tooltips fixed
      - alliance depot removed from all moon´s & used fields available again
      - now possible to support all stationed ships in your orbit
      - several errors in alliance settings fixed
      - search for alliance now opens in correct tab
      - links on alliance page fixed
      - countdown of jump gate fixed
      - broken menu bar fixed
      - broken settings fixed
      - display of possible special chars during renaming your char
      - problems with link to stop mail changing fixed
      - changed merchant screen
      - changed jump gate screen

      The updates starts today in OGame.de and OGame.ae