Announcement We're waiting for your Suggestions

  • We're waiting for your Suggestions

    Dear players,

    Welcome to Origin Suggestion area. This is the place where all ideas are collected, discussed and analyzed by the game development team.

    Any opinion or discussion around the suggestions posted in here is pleasantly welcome!
    The players feedback is always so important and it doesn't matter if it is positive or negative: both are welcomed equally.

    So... ask yourself... "can I improve somehow the game?"

    If the answer is "yes", click the according Label and post your idea. You can do it in your own native language if you're not able to write in English. Just add an spoiler in your post with a Google Translate version. Our Localization Team, OGame Planet Team and Tech Team will help you managing your ideas to receive official feedback from GameForge and all the suggestions will be labeled and tracked in order to see so easily in which step they are.

    Don't hesitate and share with us your amazing ideas & suggestions... we're watiting for them!

    After you register an account on the Origin Board, take time to read User's Guide through Origin and Overview & Rules. Both threads contain important and useful information.

    Your Origin Team

    PS.: If you explain your idea, add some numbers, a motivation or something along those lines, it is more likely that people will discuss your idea and the GameForge will notice it.

    Origin Admin
    OGame-Tech Chief

    The post was edited 2 times, last by NoMoreAngel ().