Tutorial 01: Basic economy / Temel Ekonomi

    • Tutorial 01: Basic economy / Temel Ekonomi

      After you have been looking around for awhile, and because now you know the basic elements of the game, you are now able to start with building up your account. As most of the menu items are still unavailable, we will start with constructing buildings, more precisely with constructing mines, which are responsible for the resource production.

      ==Construction of the resource supply==
      Please change to the according menu, by clicking on the button “resources”, once there, please click on the first building of the list: the metal mine. By clicking on the “improve” button, the required resources will be deducted off your credit, and a countdown will start. After this countdown comes to the end, you have constructed your first building, Metal Mine level 1. Without energy, the mine is not able to produce any resources, therefore now you have to select and build a Solar Plant. Until then, no Metal will be produced, as you can see in the resource setting.

      If you accidentally start constructing a wrong building, you can still cancel it while it's building. To do this, scroll down a bit to where you can see the current building order under "Buildings" and click here on the red "X". Now confirm the following safety question and the construction will be canceled and the resources will be repaid for the full 100%. If you notice your error to late and the building has been completed already, you can't cancel it anymore. It's possible to deconstruct finished buildings, but instead of getting your resources back, you'll have to pay extra resources for the deconstruction. As this isn't recommended at the start of the game, it's better to be careful which buildings you put under construction.

      The first mine is now producing a constant flow of resources and of course you have to go a little further now. Besides the Metal Mine, the Crystal Mine is very important, later the Deuterium Synthesizer. With those you have all 3 types of resources covered. As you can only build every building once on each planet, you have to upgrade their level. With every level, the costs for the new level and the production will increase, also the deconstruction costs increase as well with higher levels.

      Also make sure that you upgrade your Solar Plant sufficiently, because your mines can only produce at 100% if you have enough energy. You can see if you have enough energy by looking at the resources list. When your energy level is shown in red, you have to upgrade your solar plant urgently. If after that your energy is still shown in red, you can go to your resources settings and change the production factor of some mines so your other mines can produce at 100%. By fine tuning the production, you can often obtain faster the resources you need for your next building project. At a later stage of the game, you have 2 other alternatives for energy production besides the solar plant ( Solar satellites and Fusion plant). This will be explained in the <<Energy production>>.

      Tutorial reward:
      Under the "?" sign you will find the tutorial as explained in guide <<Tutorial 00: First steps>> As soon as your planet has a Metal Mine level 4, a Crystal Mine level 2 and a Solar Plant level 4, you will receive 150 Metal and 75 Crystal from the ingame tutorial.

      Both of these resources are specially important at the start of the game. Soon the third resource, named deuterium, will play a central role. Therefore you now have to upgrade your Deuterium Synthesizer to level 2. Be careful though, the production of Deuterium costs a lot of energy and goes very slow. Make sure your Solar Plant level is sufficient. When you are out of resources, you have to wait until your mines have produced enough to finance the next level.

      In the next guide you will find details about different types of buildings in ogame.
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