OGame Fleet Tool

    • OGame Fleet Tool

      OGame Fleet Tool -Redesign-
      • Info : This tool not only calculates the needed big (and if necessary also small) transporter for resource transport from a colony to your home planet, but also provides a transport workflow.
      • Author : the.darkman
      • Remark : The legality of this script needs to be cleared. On the one hand, it does something automatic (enters the number of ships needed to lift all the resources from the planet and the coordinates of the planet where you want to transport them) but, OTOH, the user has so click manually through all the fleet sending pages and the "automatioon" isn't really anything more than what, e.g., Antigame does when it selects the target type automatically if there are recyclers and when it enters automatically the number of resoures saved in its resource calculator.
      • Forum : userscripts.org/scripts/discuss/78537
      • Download : userscripts.org/scripts/show/78537
      • Browser : Firefox + GM
      • Languages : German, English, Greek - natively, Bulgarian - with a language pack