Setting officers on pause while being in vacation mode

    • Declined

    • This is an old idea.
      Let´s resume how the vmode worked before many changes for vmode was done.

      - You could only activate it, when nothing is build or researched.

      Now? All queues are paused, which forced also the vmode saving thing.

      Now I come to your sugg:
      You buy officers and also Items for a period of time. How you manage your time, is your decision. A change will have some problems.
      First of all it will force the vmode saving part, which is just an abuse. We also have then more events to store for each player and also have in mind that running officers or activated items, also prevent you from deleting by system.

      I am strongly against a change on that!

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • Yes I can understand it will require some more things to store if this will be implemented, for those who buy officers it would be good because they don't waste officers time if they go in vacation mode to take a break from OGame :)

      It could also result in less people buying officers if they are abusive with vacation mode and can have officers activated for a longer time.

      So for GF it's a bad idea but it benefits the players, it might not be needed so I'm okay with a no, it's just an idea so far :P
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