About Moon attemps

  • About Moon attemps

    Hi everyone!

    I was reading the rules of the universe and didnt find any rule about moon attemps, idk if we have to make a ticket or even if its legal. So im asking if someone knows something about this topic.

    If a go could answer would great though, if not i will make a ticket, but i though this would be faster if someone already tried or asked :)
  • Here is a tutorial about moon: wiki.ogame.org/index.php/Tutorial:Moon

    I think you are asking about rules to make a moon.

    It is quite simple: pushing rule applies.

    This means that if a lower ranked player is attacking , you have to return to him at least the debris if not the entire cost of the lost fleet.
    Best option is to find a player that also wants a moon and you attack each other with the necessary ships , each of you can keep the corresponding debris. It is important that the higher ranked player not to take advantage of the lower one in matter of resources.

    In some communities the higher ranked player has to pay the entire cost of the moonshot ships, here is enough if only the resulted DF is returned.
  • Hello Ginger, and thank you for this usefull question ;)

    After reading all these topics, it seems that the higher rank players has to pay the entire fleet -especially after reading your aferomentionned link with NoMoreAngel's point of view-.

    I gave a lot of moonshoots to friends in the past, the solution was to have a higher rank just long enough to finish the operation (and not just 3k points ahead of your friend, obviously), which takes a "serious" player and not only a passive and not involved player. That was at the very beginning of ogame.fr community, I do not remember when the "only give back DF" rules appears for the higher ranked player but I knew both situation before I stopped playing.

    So Valent, we are all listenning :)

    French player - wordreference user :D
  • sorry for answering with delay.

    Confirmation : For moonshots , the higher player has to return at least the resulting DF . It is recommended to swap moons or pay the entire cost of the fleet ( nobody wants that lower ranked players to suffer from this rule) .

    One main reason for this exception is that we encourage players to find new ways to cooperate in game, and low ranked players can receive some strategic/ tactical advantages by sacrificing some moonshots.

    Remember, even if we say " free moonshots" nothing is for free and everyone should get an advantage within the limits of the rules.
  • As i read the rules:

    If a high ranking player gets a moonshot from a lover ranking, he has to pay the full amount of cost for the crashed ships and freight. ( so high ranking players, can not benefit of the cost of a lower).

    A low ranking player, can receive a moonshot, without paying. But he may not take the debrief field, for himself, should be returned to attacker.

    Please, reply if it is wrong. Valent.
  • ButtonDan wrote:

    5. Pushing

    It is not allowed for any account to obtain unfair profit out of a lower ranked account in a matter of resources.

    Pushing is, but not only limited to, these example: resources sent from a lower ranked account to a higher ranked one with nothing tangible in return.

    Trades, recycling help & ACS splits must be completed within 72 hours.

    For all exceptions (like bounties) a GameOperator needs to be informed via TicketSystem: support.origin.ogame.gameforge.com/


    After a pushing ban is over resources must be sent back to the player who pushed your account or otherwise returned as arranged with your GameOperator.

    • Trades that mean an unfair profit to the higher ranked player by falling outside the following range of ratios will be considered as Pushing cases:
      3:2:1 Where each unit of deuterium is worth 2 units of crystal or 3 units of metal.
      2:1:1 Where each unit of deuterium is worth 1 unit of crystal or 2 units of metal.

    • It is forbidden to manipulate legal trade rates by giving unfair advantage to a higher ranked player (example and not limited to this: buying expensive and selling cheaper the same resource to the same player).

    • Recycling Help : It is recommended to notify a GameOperator while the lower ranked player transports resources to the higher ranked one.

    • Bounties/Headhunts: must be approved by a GameOperator before they happen and can only be paid for after the conditions of the bounty/headhunt have been fulfilled.

    • Note: If You expectedly or unexpectedly receive resources from a lower ranked player, you cannot keep them. Any pushing case will apply 72 hours after the resources are obtained. Within this time, the resources should be sent back to the player pushing you or an appropriate GameOperator should be contacted to arrange a solution.

    where do you see that ?

    We are discussing here about the retro universe rules