Redesign of galaxy view

    • Redesign of galaxy view

      I don't like the redesigned galaxy view.

      In my opinion, same as in the actual design, the black parts are much too dark - they don't match with the rest of the colours on the screen. I prefer it as it looks like using AGO.

      But apart of that, the handling of this redesigned galaxy view is worse than the view we have at the moment. Going on the galaxy view, I'd like to see all positions at once, without having to scroll.
      As it is now, with zoom on 100%, I can see at once up to position 12, but being the zoom on 90% (as I have it, also to see more planets on the right side), the galaxy fits perfectly on the screen up to position 15 - I only have to scroll to see 16 (and 17).
      The new design allows to see hardly 10 positions on 100% and 11 1/2 on 90%. -> Going through the galaxy sending espionage probes would mean a lot of scrolling... Or I have to zoom to 75% to see 15 positions, but that way everything else gets a bit small...
    • - The dark part (Same dark as before, there was no color change)
      - It´s too big for you hmm yeah it is some px larger, but no that much. What is your resolution or screen size? I don´t have to scroll.
      - for the AGO part, please don´t compare it with such an addon, i don´t want to start a discussion about those many different addon settings and views

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • Surok wrote:

      I have the same issue. I don´t have to scroll that far, but I only see until part of Planet 14. I am playing on a Macbook Air 15´´. 1440x900.
      I think there should be less space between each planet line. If you could adjust that, it would be great.

      Forwarded :)

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • JoKy wrote:

      - The dark part (Same dark as before, there was no color change)
      I know that the colour is the same... ^^

      Lunati wrote:

      In my opinion, same as in the actual design, the black parts are much too dark
      With 'actual design' I meant the design we have at the moment on the normal servers

      But I still don't like it concerning the colours - sorry, but that's my opinion. You wanted feedback - I'm giving feedback... :D
      Mentioning AGO, I just wanted to say what I would prefer concerning the colour - I didn't mean to compare it.

      And although it's already forwarded:

      JoKy wrote:

      - It´s too big for you hmm yeah it is some px larger, but no that much. What is your resolution or screen size? I don´t have to scroll.
      Well... for me there is a noticeable difference...
      Resolution is 1366x768.

      Meanwhile I could have a look at the new galaxy view with a resolution of 1920x1080 - that looks much better, I would not have to scroll. Unfortunately I cannot use that computer... :(

      Another thing that I noticed is that the names of the planets and the nicks of the players have less space within the fields of the new view, so that already a bit longer names always end up with "...". I think that would be a bit of a pity if it stayed like that...

      You also asked to have a look at the loading time. First impression, just from a couple of clicks: I noticed that clicking through the galaxy takes a bit longer with the redesigned view (about 1-2 seconds more). But it might not always be like that (?), because with the actual view that we have it is also not always the same...
    • Have to scroll up and down for 1366x768 resolution. Cannot see fleet section when viewing 15 planets all together.

      Load times between changing galaxy is too long (compared to older view)

      At least server doesnt sign out (yet) when i scan through 100 galaxy

      Bermuda server should receive 10m DM to test this new view :) it has been more than 3 months
    • We noted all these things down, especially the loadtimes.

      Another thing: What do you think about the now missing Pictures when there is no Planet/Moon/DF and the removed grey backgrounds and black area between moon and DF? (We already noted that the images need to be moved a bit because currently they look weird positioned)

      @Lunati: The Planetnames still get cut of after the same amount of chars. It might just look like they are cut of earlier because the some letters are "skinnier" than others. Eg a name like iiiiiiiiiii looks shorter in the galaxyview than MMMMMMMMMM.

      Origin Admin
      OGame-Tech Chief
    • NoMoreAngel wrote:

      What do you think about the now missing Pictures when there is no Planet/Moon/DF and the removed grey backgrounds and black area between moon and DF? (We already noted that the images need to be moved a bit because currently they look weird positioned)
      Hmm... now that you ask... When there ist no moon and no DF, both sides (the left with the planet + its name, and the right side with the player's name etc.) are kind of lost... As it is now (with the grey backgrounds and the small black area) planet + its name, player's name, alliance etc. form a unit, while without these backgrounds it is a little bit more difficult to see at once which planet belongs to which player...

      NoMoreAngel wrote:

      @Lunati: The Planetnames still get cut of after the same amount of chars. It might just look like they are cut of earlier because the some letters are "skinnier" than others. Eg a name like iiiiiiiiiii looks shorter in the galaxyview than MMMMMMMMMM.
      I have observed something strange ?(
      I compared more closely the amount of the chars in both designs, and already had the following result:

      planet names actual design: more than 13 chars -> 11 chars + '...'
      planet names redesigned view: more than 11 chars -> 9 chars + '...'

      I thought concerning the names of the players I was wrong somehow...

      But then casually I saw that it seems to change... :crazy:
      In one system (actual design, German universe) there were 3 planets called 'Heimatplanet'. One of them was fully displayed, the others only with 'Heimatpla...'. I went through a few systems and found some other 'Heimatplanet' and also some 'Heimatpla...'. I went back to the first system mentioned, and now at two of these planets the complete name was displayed. Away and back again in the system, the names of all 3 planets were fully displayed.
      Back in Bermuda, now planet names with up to 13 chars are fully displayed ?(
      Unfortunately I have not done a screenshot, but if I see that again, I'll do.

      Not many people giving feedback here....... :(
    • Lunati wrote:

      Not many people giving feedback here....... :(

      Some are using the ingame feedback option :)

      Anyway: Thx for your feedback so far. I think you will notice several changes based on your feedback in the next version.

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.