[TOT: 35'191'000] b41n vs. Letchik

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    • [TOT: 35'191'000] b41n vs. Letchik

      ..:: 35'191'000 killed Units ::..

      ..:: HARDCORE Entertainment proudly presents ::..

      ..:: new biggest in retro ::..

      ..:: Story ::..

      The darkness arised.

      The time for beer and hunting has begun.

      After a couple of beers and cigarettes a target was found, sitting on his planet.

      the ships fly, the people cry and fame will occur: New Biggest HoF

      ..:: Battle ::..

      (HARDCORE) b41n vs. Letchik (PYCb)

      ..:: Fleets before battle ::..


      small cargo: 939

      light fighter: 3029

      cruiser: 295

      battleship: 350


      small cargo: 431

      large cargo: 51

      light fighter: 532

      heavy fighter: 64

      cruiser: 130

      battleship: 264

      colony ship: 1

      recycler: 213

      espionage probe: 26

      solar satellite: 66


      rocket launcher: 55

      light laser: 40

      heavy laser: 16

      gauss cannon: 3

      small shield dome: 1
      ..:: YOU GOT HARDCORE 'd ::..
      ..:: Fleets after battle ::..


      small cargo: 590 (-349)

      light fighter: 1.909 (-1.120)

      cruiser: 269 (-26)

      battleship: 348 (-2)


      small cargo: 0 (-431)

      large cargo: 0 (-51)

      light fighter: 0 (-532)

      heavy fighter: 0 (-64)

      cruiser: 0 (-130)

      battleship: 0 (-264)

      colony ship: 0 (-1)

      recycler: 0 (-213)

      espionage probe: 0 (-26)

      solar satellite: 0 (-66)


      rocket launcher: 0 (-55)

      light laser: 0 (-40)

      heavy laser: 0 (-16)

      gauss cannon: 0 (-3)

      small shield dome: 0 (-1)
      The attacker won the battle! He captured 760.458 metal, 955.575 crystal and 190.968 deuterium.

      The attacker lost a total of 6.698.000 units.

      The defender lost a total of 28.493.000 units.

      At these space coordinates now float 6.931.800 metal and 3.492.600 crystal.

      The chance for a moon to be created is 20%
      ..:: Harvest reports ::..

      4.506.800 metal and 3.493.200 crystal harvested.

      ..:: the rest of debris field was harvested by another person ::..
      ..:: Ogmem ::..

      click me for ogmem CR

      HARDCORE// eGo // iLLu // .AcTiVe. // F-Bi // .PC. // IO // .eLiTe. // TiHa // jg44

    • story:
      lechik slept, b41n did not.
      end of story


      oh w8 here we have to say "gratz" in order to not be warned, so: GRATZ!
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby
    • Ah, crap. I really didn't want to see Letchik crashed... yet.
      But nevertheless, really beautiful crash. Congratulations. And also wish you fast rebuild Letchink!

      Btw. doest this "the rest of debris field was harvested by another person" means stolen or harvested by friend/support?
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