looking for a guild

    • looking for a guild

      hey guys,

      as the title reveals im looking for a guild. i just started 2 weeks ago and im currently at 3k points. i shud be climbing the ladder even faster since im farming quite actively. picking up some juicy raids (He captured
      57.209 metal, 46.974 crystal, and 6.981 deuterium) here and there so dont get fooled by my yet low rank :). if even anyone wud pick me up languages i can speak are german and english. to be honest i dont mind guild rank too much altho the higher the better obviously. but for now im definitely looking for an active guild of at leats like 10 members. irc is kinda dead and i honestly feel a little lonely out there all on my own x(.

      well i guess i shud add something like ive been playing xyz and have been top xxxx etc etc. well i cud do that but honestly its just a show off and it kinda feels awkward :D. in case i dont do well u can still kick me thats all i gotta say :)

      regards and have a nice sunday