[TOT: 13.467.000] Serserimayin [MeRMiMa] vs. Turet [YonkouS] (A: 9.754.000, D: 3.713.000)

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    • [TOT: 13.467.000] Serserimayin [MeRMiMa] vs. Turet [YonkouS] (A: 9.754.000, D: 3.713.000)

      I am new, this is my first post… and I am here to introduce myself with this new battle. I am an old player, my last remarkable battles date from around 2006/2007 when I was top 1 in Uni18.es… so it’s been a while :P

      I only like posting battles that are somehow exceptional or different and this one certainly is. Not only for being the new top 1 in total losses or because it ended in a moon creation with 20% chance, but because of the players involved and the story behind it. I want this post also to be a tribute to a formidable opponent: Serserimayin.

      So now let’s talk about our true protagonist. Who is Serserimayin? Some people might call him a kamikaze, some others just a try-hard and some others a hero or even a legend. Truth is, Serserimayin/Lamer (aka darkness in ogame.tr) has something that 90% of ogame players do not have: this player really has BALLS, and I respect him for that.

      The story
      I started this universe hoping to revive the ogame experience that I once had (that has nothing to do with the nonsense pay-to-win that it has become) and I got blessed with the presence of this player in my solar system. Initially I went for a calmed play style, 100% mines and some probes so I could get the maximum profit with minimal dedication… and here was Serserimayin, a mere top 800 at that time, ready to punish me for that. My reaction? Just get gauss fast and I would be fine at least until he gets a decent amount of battleships.

      A couple of peaceful weeks passed by and there was Serserimaying again, now a solid top 200 with an incredible amount of 50 battleships knocking at my door again (I was top 100 and I didn’t have a single light fighter yet). So things really started to get nasty for me to the point that I was forced to change my plans. My options were either to invest heavily in defenses, which I didn’t like because the situation was definitely going to get worse in the future, or just make a fleet and kill the threat, which I didn’t like either because it would mean changing completely my strategy to a more time consuming one.

      I finally decided to take the second approach and build an “emergency” fleet of 500lf so I could hide, bait him and surprise him with my new fleet. But that failed horribly. This strategy was too time consuming, it was not simply having a hidden fleet flying all day, but having the patience and more importantly, having it ready when he decides to attack (40 min is all he needed to spy and to send an attack). Of course, one distraction, 30 seconds, one probe, fleet spotted, plan ruined.

      What next? At least he couldn’t fight my small fleet inside my bunker anymore… for a while. Obviously I couldn’t kill him either outside my planet so I had no other choice but to get back to the mine strategy and keep an eye on his next move. And that is when Serserimayin became scary as shiiiiitt: top 150, a 10k point fleet and silo 4 with 20 IPM ready. To give you an idea of how “full in” his strategy was I will simply say that silo 4 costs 615 points and 20 IPM cost 500 points (200k deut included) while his highest mine in his main planet, a metal 20, is only worth 166 points. That was 4 days ago.

      And the war began…

      “Alright then, you wanna fight bro? Then I will give you a fight!”. That’s what crossed my mind after seeing his last move. Now it was my time to go full in, build a fleet and try to outplay a strong enemy. For things like this is why I came back to ogame. The plan was simple, all I had to do was to power up until I was able to fight and recycle his entire fleet. How? I don’t know, I was sure I would figure it out. Of course at this moment he had the dominant fleet, I could only play defensive and try to “hold” until my fleet surpasses his.

      During the last days we both pushed ourselves to the limit. We played psychological game trashtalking to each other, we did random moves to generate confusion, we both set up baits to each other, we raided each other. The one who sleeps more than 3 hours gets f*cked, and that’s what happens in a war like this in the same solar system. My defenses (around 500 light lasers) were vaporized by his missiles, so were the satellites of all my planets (around 130). Eventually, I reached the amount fleet I needed, and I was ready to receive him…

      I have to say that Serserimayin technically did nothing wrong in this attack. I managed to hide my fleet and put it together 5 seconds before his attack. His mistake was that he failed to realize how “big” I became. Even though he never saw my new fleet, with my jump in the statistics, my 3k fleet points, he definitely had to be more cautious, but well, 4 days ago I just had 500 light fighters and 100 heavy fighters… Here is the battle:

      On 25-07-2016 --:--:-- , the following fleets met in battle:
      Attacker Serserimayin
      l.fighter 562
      cruiser 38
      battleship 108

      Defender Turet
      s.cargo 1
      l.cargo 50
      l.fighter 1.182
      h.fighter 230
      cruiser 93
      col.ship 3
      recy. 1
      esp.probe 1.454
      sol.sat 60

      After the battle...
      Attacker Serserimayin

      Defender Turet
      s.cargo 1 ( -0 )
      l.cargo 33 ( -17 )
      l.fighter 738 ( -444 )
      h.fighter 161 ( -69 )
      cruiser 84 ( -9 )
      col.ship 3 ( -0 )
      recy. 1 ( -0 )
      esp.probe 700 ( -754 )
      sol.sat 37 ( -23 )

      The defender has won the battle!
      The attacker captured:
      - metal, - crystal and - deuterium
      The attacker lost a total of 9.754.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 3.713.000 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 2.638.200 metal and 1.401.900 crystal.
      The chance for a moon to be created is: 20 %
      The enormous amounts of free metal and crystal draw together and form a moon around the planet: Moon given!

      Summary of profit/losses:

      The attacker lost a total of 9.754.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 3.713.000 units.

      Converted by OGotcha CR Converter 1.0.0 (skin: kokx)

      100% recycled and at the end I didn’t have time to research my battleships.

      I am grateful to Serserimayin for being such a formidable enemy, it doesn’t matter if I am top 100, top 25 or top 1 that he would still try to push me to the limit. I think we both laughed and suffered a lot during this intensive fight. I just hope there are more players in this universe with half the BALLS he has. I hope you try to recover and don’t give up, the universe is still in the early stages and I’m sure that with your skills you can get back to the top 100 in no time.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Martins ().

    • yes this is serserimayin :) i just wanna say first of all there is no excuse you were not my enemy you were my opponent we had fun ... really I don't wanna follow strategies any more like before because I was boring and feeling tired with the game but there is no excuse you got what u have to do and ur strategy achieved and made me suprissed first time because nobody made me suprissed like u and nobody could attacked during normally anyway congratulations again again again I wish all the best for u and good luck... for everyone too u never made me angry :) we had fun and exiting this battle is nothing for me if i want to continiue to play i can do better but I won't play because I wanna take a rest and I ll see what is happening in the game next years congratulations again turet good luck everyone :) i ll not come back :)
      Normal people have no idea how beautiful the darkness is .
    • Good Story. Very nice moon.

      But one thing i have to say:

      If the Attacker did really nothing wrong, why did he lost the battle then?
      This loss of his ships could be easy avoided if he had checked the fleet stats of his target.
      To underrate a player, is the biggest fail a player can do! That makes him look like a newbie.
      His arrogance made him lost his ships. Not his balls!

      the defender made everything right. Especially the interception!
      And if the attacker would have done the same, this cr would not exist.

      so, Luck is everything you need in this game. One time more we could see, how important that kind of piece is!

      But in the end. He is out of retro. Because of a loss of (only!!!) 10.000.000 Units. What a shame for a #1 of ogame.tr
      others would farm that amount of points in serveral days, and would take a revenge.

      he looks like a newbie for me. not like a #1. Im sorry that i have to say that, but this is all just my personal opinion. you are allowed to hate me for that statement.
      Reporter zu Wladimir Putin: "Sie sollen so sein, wie der Westen von Ihnen erwartet! Sie sollen die Regeln des Westens gefälligst akzeptieren!"
      Wladimir Putin zum Reporter: "Nene, ich muss so sein wie mein Volk von mir erwartet!"

      Klick mich

      Sehr geehrte Frau Merkel. Wann möchten sie denn endlich beginnen sich ein Vorbild an ihm zu nehmen? Statt als Vasall der Vereinigten Terrorstaaten von Amerika, den Weltfrieden zu gefährden.
    • O-Game DE wrote:

      Good Story. Very nice moon.

      But one thing i have to say:

      If the Attacker did really nothing wrong, why did he lost the battle then?
      This loss of his ships could be easy avoided if he had checked the fleet stats of his target.
      To underrate a player, is the biggest fail a player can do! That makes him look like a newbie.
      His arrogance made him lost his ships. Not his balls!

      the defender made everything right. Especially the interception!
      And if the attacker would have done the same, this cr would not exist.

      so, Luck is everything you need in this game. One time more we could see, how important that kind of piece is!

      But in the end. He is out of retro. Because of a loss of (only!!!) 10.000.000 Units. What a shame for a #1 of ogame.tr
      others would farm that amount of points in serveral days, and would take a revenge.

      he looks like a newbie for me. not like a #1. Im sorry that i have to say that, but this is all just my personal opinion. you are allowed to hate me for that statement.
      I couldn’t agree more with all you said.

      “Technically” he did no mistakes in his attack, the ninja couldn’t be avoided even if he spied 10 seconds before the battle. At the same time I also think that he did the most elemental mistake a player can make, and he got severely punished for that.

      It is a shame that he decides to abandon, it’s so sad to see players that give up after losing merely 100 battleships, the universe is still young and even a ranked 1000 player can be a potential top 5 in the future as long as he has the will and the skills.

      It is true that after losing his fleet and me having a moon in the same solar system he was in no position to keep fighting in this personal war, but he could flee and recover in another galaxy and come back some other day for vengeance, or at least that’s what I would do.

      Anyway, good luck to Serserimayin in his life without ogame.
    • Yes. Technically was nothing wrong if he made a savescan 6 seconds before.
      But this is not the mistake i was talking about.

      if he would had make his Job better, he wouldn't even had start the attack! Thats the thing i wanted to tell ya.
      A #1 Player should know how to play.

      But i guess, that #1 Players from today are nothing, compared to #1 Players who played Ogame without IngameShop Items.

      I have nothing more to say.

      He is a big noob and stays one. That my final statement.
      Reporter zu Wladimir Putin: "Sie sollen so sein, wie der Westen von Ihnen erwartet! Sie sollen die Regeln des Westens gefälligst akzeptieren!"
      Wladimir Putin zum Reporter: "Nene, ich muss so sein wie mein Volk von mir erwartet!"

      Klick mich

      Sehr geehrte Frau Merkel. Wann möchten sie denn endlich beginnen sich ein Vorbild an ihm zu nehmen? Statt als Vasall der Vereinigten Terrorstaaten von Amerika, den Weltfrieden zu gefährden.