A player reported he gets activity on moon after login, it was not caused by fleet activity he said
It happens in Firefox, Internet Explorer no issues, Google Chrome logs him in at his moon.
He tested it with 1 hour between log out and log in. He also tested it with add-on's deactivated.
Also activity appeared on a moon after his Jump Gate was finished, he was on another planet/moon at that time, not sure if that also can be a bug ?
A player reported he gets activity on moon after login, it was not caused by fleet activity he said

It happens in Firefox, Internet Explorer no issues, Google Chrome logs him in at his moon.
He tested it with 1 hour between log out and log in. He also tested it with add-on's deactivated.
Also activity appeared on a moon after his Jump Gate was finished, he was on another planet/moon at that time, not sure if that also can be a bug ?

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