[Script][Retro] O-Table Retro - Advanced spy report table

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    • [Script][Retro] O-Table Retro - Advanced spy report table

      O-Table Retro

      • Info : O-Table Retro collects your spy reports and create a sortable table with advanced filter functions. O-Table Retro is the retro-server compatible version of O-Table.
      • Author : OddWH
      • Ogame : 0.77
      • Website : No website, but a french thread : Here
      • Support : Here and Here (FR)
      • Download : openuserjs.org/scripts/OddWH/O-Table_Retro
      • Screenshot : See Below
      • Browser : Chrome (Tampermonkey), Firefox(Greasemonkey), should work on opera too (Tampermonkey)
      • Compability: with every scripts that doesn't change spy reports
      • Languages : French/English

        O-Table Retro is a script that create a summary board with all your spy reports. You can sort it as you want, display the rows you want, and hide every spy reports you don't want by applying filters on them.

        Advanced features like Profits MSU or the second wave generator helps you to find in your spy reports the best attacks to do.
        And you have some others features, like :
        - Colorize data by using criterias
        - Hide Spy reports by using criterias
        - Open attack in a new tab
        - Information board (helps you to know what you will get if you fill your slots with attacks)
        - [...]

        The script is currently in French/English.

        To use the script :

        1) Go in your messages
        2) Collects your spy reports with "Get Messages" Button
        3) Display your collected messages with "Display Board" Button
        4) When you don't need your spy reports anymore, push "Empty Script" button

        If someone come here and want a feature, you're free to post your suggestion, and I'll study it :)

      Screenshots :

      Dev notes :
      Current script hasn't been tested with moons, as I don't have enough points to spy someone with a moon (and I currently don't know if someone already have a moon in the server ^^)
      Please keep in mind the script is from the O-Table redesign, so some lines in the code aren't used in this version.

      As I had no beta tester with this release, the script is still in beta version. Please let me know if you find a bug while using it.

      Thank you :)
      • otableretrooptions.PNG

        158.24 kB, 739×1,196, viewed 2,053 times
      • otableretrotable.jpg

        230.69 kB, 706×295, viewed 1,905 times
    • Hello :)

      A friend reported me an issue : when you click on an attack button (or the spy button), the amount of ships isn't pre-insered in the fleet page. I tested the whole script with topraider retro activated and topraider retro is doing something on the fleet page that my script doesn't do.

      I'll make a fix soon (I hope tomorrow) :)
    • Hello ! :)

      I Updated the script to 1.0.2

      Changelog 1.0.2 :
      - Pre-selected amount of ships is now working on fleet page 1.
      - Button Continue is now pre-selected (you just have to push "enter" to go to the next page)

      Topraider retro already had these features, so this update is more for users who don't have topraider retro. Everything should be working fine now, please tell me if you still have an issue. Don't forget to send me :
      - your browser and its version
      - your scripts
      - a copy/paste of your console (if you can)

      Thank you !

      The post was edited 1 time, last by OddWH ().