[TOT: 5.332.000] Night_Assassin {RETRO} vs. Bowen {OFLAME} (A: 983.000, D: 4.349.000)

    • [TOT: 5.332.000] Night_Assassin {RETRO} vs. Bowen {OFLAME} (A: 983.000, D: 4.349.000)

      Defender was seen 48 hours ago withot fleetsaving. At that time my fleet wasnt capable of beating him with a good profit.

      48 hours later im back and with a real suprise that this time he has 1kk resources sitting with fleet!

      Special Dedication to my new Alliance and mates at Retro

      Not to forget special assitance for Duet!


      On 16-07-2016 --:--:-- , the following fleets met in battle:

      Attacker Night_Assassin

      h.fighter 28
      cruiser 125
      battleship 46

      Defender Bowen

      s.cargo 120
      l.cargo 26
      l.fighter 183
      h.fighter 9
      cruiser 70
      col.ship 1
      recy. 28
      esp.probe 3
      sol.sat 65
      r.launcher 73
      l.laser 34
      s.dome 1

      After the battle...

      Attacker Night_Assassin

      h.fighter 8 ( -20 )
      cruiser 96 ( -29 )
      battleship 46 ( -0 )

      Defender Bowen


      The attacker has won the battle!
      The attacker captured:
      48.866 metal, 48.866 crystal and 48.866 deuterium

      The attacker lost a total of 983.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 4.349.000 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 1.016.700 metal and 512.700 crystal.
      The chance for a moon to be created is: 15 %
      The attacker captured a total of 146.598 units.


      The attacker has won the battle! He captured 127.021 metal, 76.680 crystal, and 227.811 deuterium
      The attacker has won the battle! He captured 974 metal, 516 crystal, and 107.505 deuterium
      The attacker has won the battle! He captured 493 metal, 261 crystal, and 53.753 deuterium
      The attacker has won the battle! He captured 2.415 metal, 1.206 crystal, and 27.352 deuterium

      Harvesting report from DF on [x:xx:x] .Your 46 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 920.000. At the target, 1.025.700 metal and 515.700 crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 460.000 metal and 460.000 crystal

      Harvesting report from DF on [x:xx:x] .Your 32 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 640.000. At the target, 568.700 metal and 57.500 crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 568.700 metal and 57.500 crystal.

      Total PROFIT: 1,318,985

    • The attacker has won the battle! He captured 127.021 metal, 76.680 crystal, and 227.811 deuterium
      The attacker has won the battle! He captured 974 metal, 516 crystal, and 107.505 deuterium
      The attacker has won the battle! He captured 493 metal, 261 crystal, and 53.753 deuterium
      The attacker has won the battle! He captured 2.415 metal, 1.206 crystal, and 27.352 deuterium

      i dont understand that... i mean the quantity of metal and crystal in the middle 2 farmings... looks strange... defender could be online after crushing his fleet, spend almost all resources (except deut - usual situation ofcourse), but... if he was, why the last farming contains more of metal and crystal than previous two?? can attaker explain it somehow?
    • NoMoreAngel wrote:

      I like how everyone assumes stuff and doesn't know the right ban reason^^
      if it wasn't a reason, sorry about that... but looked like that... beside... i like, when "administration" changes rules to make it more confortable for them... to get more power... more control... if pranger was exist (like in the past), everybody could check what was the reason... and we could avoid mistakes like this... so don't be so clever NoMore please...
    • That wasn't anything against you, just in general statement for all OGame communitys ;)

      Btw does not have more power or more control than when the pillory was still here. Every process is the same, just a third person can't see anymore why someone was banned. Also the change was done to not do anything against the german data protection law.

      Origin Admin
      OGame-Tech Chief
    • NoMoreAngel wrote:

      That wasn't anything against you, just in general statement for all OGame communitys ;)

      Btw does not have more power or more control than when the pillory was still here. Every process is the same, just a third person can't see anymore why someone was banned. Also the change was done to not do anything against the german data protection law.
      i mean changing rules at all, not only the pillory itself... beside this, the pillory doesn't exist, has an impact for getting by u more power and control... if you don't have an obligation to put person what broke the "ogame law" on the pillory, i can also ignore some tries (made by ur friends what u want protect for example), and u are just shielding yourselves by "the german data protection law" ;) on the pillory was shown only the nickname in the game, not personal data... i know u must dance to the music what gforge plays... but dont comment something what u're unable to defend and u dont have to to comment please. will be better for u personally ;)
    • The rules haven't changed since 2012 in germany (all other communitys get closer to the german rules and nearly all are the same now). Also I can just speak for the origin and german team, we do not do these things for friends, if you would do that, you would get kicked out of the team.
      The data protection law is the reason given to us. We don't hide behind it.
      Also I can say what I want and do not only need to say stuff that is pro Gameforge, I criticize them on a regular basis ;) And yes I can defend all that I write here.

      Also back to topic please, which is the CR

      Origin Admin
      OGame-Tech Chief
    • NoMoreAngel wrote:

      The rules haven't changed since 2012 in germany (all other communitys get closer to the german rules and nearly all are the same now). Also I can just speak for the origin and german team, we do not do these things for friends, if you would do that, you would get kicked out of the team.
      The data protection law is the reason given to us. We don't hide behind it.
      Also I can say what I want and do not only need to say stuff that is pro Gameforge, I criticize them on a regular basis ;) And yes I can defend all that I write here.

      Also back to topic please, which is the CR
      ehh... as 1st... i stopped playing ogame when u changed the rules and it was before 2012... it was in 2008??? (im not sure) when u done a change every activity on acc was generating "stars" on all planets (a sign for everybody u are online)... that change was removed with time, bacause of the protest of the players... but for me it was too late... i tried to start again a long time after old ogame i remember, but i've seen something i couldnt believe on... antymattery... u can change the place of ur planets, u can build a fleet or defence in a few secs... shit... what will be next?? will u be able to make time of ur flight shorter? shame... only shame... what peaople can do for money (but in the commercials u can read "play for free"... just forgot to add are peaople more equal than others... like in the George Orwell's "Animal Farm"... )

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Krogulec ().