Pinned OGame 6.2 x

    • Changelog

      OGame 6.2.0 ( live in all universes opened on June 23rd)

      [Feature] OGame Wreckfields for own destroyed ships
      [Feature] New Building - Space Dock
      [Feature] Different DF-Percentages for Ships and Defense
      [Feature] Eventhandler stop during daily crons at 3:00 and restart afterwars
      [Bugfix] modified DF-Creation so only destroyed defense goes to the DF
      [Bugfix] Increae of the max limit of the half time/finish function
      [Bugfix] http instead of https in xml API
      [Bugfix] No confirm box displayed when removing a buddy from the ignore list
      [Bugfix] Spy report: missing nickname of player who spies
      [Bugfix] Wordwrap cuts words
      [Bugfix] Ignored List and API button not correct positioned
      [Bugfix] Chat: covers last planet when list too long
      [Bugfix] Name Search error with browserzoom
      [Bugfix] Tactical retreat ratio gets rounded for display
      [Bugfix] Production difference in techinfo contains geologist bonus
      [Bugfix] Remove the Buddyrequest + Chat for Admins
      [Bugfix] Booster picture not shown directly when buying new one
      [Bugfix] Sharing CR/espio with alliance doesn't work (whatever the rank selected)
      [Bugfix] Report on Buddy-Request with wrong image
      [Bugfix] Buddies: buddy request stays even though it's been accepted
      [Bugfix] Wrong information about interplanetary missiles coverage without impulse drive
      [Bugfix] Missing part at plasmatech research text
      [Bugfix] No activity in spy report altough there is activity

      OGame 6.2.1 (all communities , WF enabled in June 23rd)

      [Polishing] Remove ignore list from mobile view (the button) and integrate it into buddy list
      [Polishing] Clean up CSS and html for ignore list
      [Polishing] Ignore list now located in the buddy list on bottom
      [Bugs] Item tool tip isn't refreshed when activating already active item
      [Polishing] Admin Accounts: change the support icon in Player row in galaxy view and add tool tip
      [Feature Request] Add nickname change overlay to top bar nickname
      [Bugs] Different redirects on fleet 3 either to fleet1 or fleet movement
      [Bugs] List BBCode in comments on a CR is not working
      [Text] Storage technology info text: Change for protected resources to indicate percent

      OGame 6.2.2 ( will come today, first in .de servers )

      [Bugfix] Several Fixes fort he On boarding Feature
      [Bugfix] display wreck field in mobile view galaxy
      [Bugfix] Spam protection for Chat
      [Bugfix] full favourite -> there has been an error
      [Bugfix] Chat bar: On-line player number - missing right to see on-line status in alliance
      [Bugfix] thousand separator espionage report
      [Bugfix] Activity triangle in tool tip doesn't align correctly
      [Bugfix] Ban Reason not shown when you try to login with Email
      [Bugfix] WF: Fix for rounding ships
      [Bugfix] fix problems with the alliance throwing errors
      [Bugfix] Player name not pink and triangle not aligned when outlaw
      [Bugfix] Outlaw Warning missing while already an outlaw
      [Bugfix] Outlaw Warning missing when starting espionage from espionage report
      [Polishing] Several Polishing fort he On-board Detail Page + Messages
      [Polishing] Performance upgrade for chat
      [Feature Request] Tools: Spy reports ´UL´ now have data-type – marker
    • Changelog for the update of OGame 6.2.3

      [Bugs]send buddy invite link only random possible
      [Bugs]fix error-message when canceling buddy request
      [Bugs]fix for empire view, research queue
      [Bugs]fix for planetlist, Tooltip at Wreckfield
      [Bugs]Attack icon instead of ? on reward page
      [Bugs]Several backend fixes
      [Feature Request] Move the transport messages and make them last longer

      Transport messages now stay 7 days and are moved into the „Union/Transport“ message tab.
    • Attention user tool developers.

      With the coming 6.2.4 version, the galaxy view will come with several changes. It is possible that your tools will not work anymore.

      Please test your tools in uni 680 . If you have a tool under development or already tolerated but you don't have account in 680 to test it. Please send me or Shole a PM with desired account name and e-mail you want to register your account.