Ability to reverse the decision of deleting planet or moon

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    • Ability to reverse the decision of deleting planet or moon


      I just think it's a good idea to give the players the ability to reverse the decision to delete a planet or moon, in the galaxy deleted planets or moons appear deleted for around 24 hours, so within that time the decision could be reversed :)

      Why its needed:

      1. Sometimes players accidentally delete the wrong planet or moon, if that happens it's lost and only the OGame Developers can restore it but most of the time they won't spend their time to do it because of a user error.

      2. If a player get's hacked by someone and goes into their account, they can delete the planets or moons, if the owner can get access back into his account he could reverse the decision within 24 hours so they won't be lost :)
      Origin Supporter
      TM - OGame.dk
      Mail: erikfyr@ogame.dk
    • Maybe is a good idea to avoid hacking problems, but if a fleet is destroyed in a planet/moon deleted cannot be recovered... at least constructions.

      On the other hand, this kind of problems just happen when a player gives his password to another... that is on their on responsibility.


      I would prefer a variant of your idea:
      What about of setting a countdown of (for example) 12 hours to a planet/moon since it is activated before final deletion?

      After this countdown, planet/moon will be deleted as nowadays.
      Ogame.es & Ogame.ar SGO
      Origin Supporter

    • I had a case where the player accidentally did it, it wasn't because of Account Sitting, so it led me to suggest this :P

      It can be done that way too, but if the player will have to wait for the planet to be deleted before he can colonize a new one, it will just be annoying :)

      Just the ability to reverse the decision could be nice, if the player then colonizes a new planet then he won't have the ability to reverse it unless his Astrophysics is in high enough level :)
      Origin Supporter
      TM - OGame.dk
      Mail: erikfyr@ogame.dk
    • So for the first case i dont see the benefit. If you want to delete a Moon or Planet you have to enter your password.
      There is a two step process for deleting. I cant imagine how you can delete your colonys by accident with this feature.
      There is simply no "oops i pushed the button"

      The second case is a bit different.
      You dont have any influence when someone else does "the work". Thats true.

      But maybe something like a "sitting mode" would be a more holistic problem-solving approach.
      I think there are some more things you should be able to control during a sitting process.
      (like also restrict changing the email and password for the sitter or even giv him/her only temporary access data).
    • ErikFyr wrote:

      but if the player will have to wait for the planet to be deleted before he can colonize a new one, it will just be annoying :)

      In that case, we should think in adding the possibility of confirm a deletion.
      The sequence would be the next:

      1- Click on Abandon/Rename button on Overview.
      2- Click on Abandon Home Planet/Colony/Moon.
      3- "Please confirm the deletion of the planet/moon at [x:xxx:xx] by entering the moon`s/planet's name.
      4- Here we would have 2 possibilities:
      4.1- If we wait X hours planet/moon will be deleted at the end of countdown.
      4.2- Ask again planet's/moon's name to permanently delete.

      With 2 confirmations in that case, but if a player is hacked the problem is not solved...
      The problem of reverting a deletion would be as I said before if fleet is destroyed, because getting back a planet or moon would be useless if your fleet is broken.

      On the other hand, if it's an error because of touching where players shouldn't, maybe asking them 2 times for a password would be a solution to avoid the problem.

      TheViking wrote:

      (like also restrict changing the email and password for the sitter or even giv him/her only temporary access data).

      With new portal maybe is interesting if for recieving an account sitting, the owner gives at first a limited access to a friend, and can enter using his own portal, but with some restrictions...
      The problem is that we are going so far... this is another problem xD
      Ogame.es & Ogame.ar SGO
      Origin Supporter

    • TheViking wrote:

      The problem with a countdown is, that you cant colonize in a effictive way anymore.
      You would have to wait until the countdown ran out for the next colony.

      Yes if this feature could be made then it shouldn't mess with the way players colonize their planet, maybe you can give the ability to GO's instead to prevent any abuse :)
      Origin Supporter
      TM - OGame.dk
      Mail: erikfyr@ogame.dk
    • TheViking wrote:

      The problem with a countdown is, that you cant colonize in a effictive way anymore.
      You would have to wait until the countdown ran out for the next colony.
      You are right ^^

      Well than best to let it as it is, since there is security step where you write down planet name so player can't actually delete planet accidentally.
      And about hacking, Ogame is secure, account hacking is rare and don't happen. It is usually player fault, who shares his account info or gives account to untrustable person for sitting.

      GameMaster wrote:

      or If you have fleets in your Planet/Moon It should be warned 2 times imo. I changed my gamepage with chrome editor. If players see his fleets, buildings or etc. may become aware
      This could be nice, i mean no need to write two times planet name, it could be displayed as warning message pop-up after you click Submit.
      Very nice proposal :P
    • Imperor wrote:

      In that case, we should think in adding the possibility of confirm a deletion.
      The sequence would be the next:

      1- Click on Abandon/Rename button on Overview.
      2- Click on Abandon Home Planet/Colony/Moon.
      3- "Please confirm the deletion of the planet/moon at [x:xxx:xx] by entering the moon`s/planet's name.
      4- Here we would have 2 possibilities:
      4.1- If we wait X hours planet/moon will be deleted at the end of countdown.
      4.2- Ask again planet's/moon's name to permanently delete.

      I like idea.

    • First of all, what is the problem behind the idea.

      - Users don´t read before they abbandon the planet/moon and enter the password (with portal active the planet/Moonname)
      For that case we still have confirmation. All informations are listed and you confirm it by entering password or planetname/moonname
      -Users offend against T&C, where it is listed that you have to take care about your logindata.

      About the Solutions of that kind of problem a cooldown or warmup-phase will just open several edgecases and will annoy 99.99% of players, which know how to tie up their shoes. Just have in mind the different time phases in the game, where you want to get a big planet. For sure I don´t want to think of all fleet movements to such planet/moon, so defenitely a NOPE for that. And the nope means nope defenitely nope.

      Sure we can add another confirm phase after you entered the password to confirm your deletion, but will it solve the first problem? If you don´t read and enter your password and confirm the deletion, what will change if you do it another time? I mean I can understand if I just need to click, but there you need to enter something !?

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by JoKy ().

    • With the newest version there is an additional dialogue for abbandon planet/moon.

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by JoKy ().