[TOT: 4.669.000] koda [NB-DOWN] vs. H4rD [pErFeKt] (A: 1.599.000, D: 3.070.000)

    • [TOT: 4.669.000] koda [NB-DOWN] vs. H4rD [pErFeKt] (A: 1.599.000, D: 3.070.000)

      This time I wanted to do it in the right format so here we are. Not sure why i'm the only one uploading some battles, but for me the important is having fun so enjoy.

      First of all a bit of history. I knew he farmed at night and the fleet arriving to his planet so when i noticed the first fleet coming I threw the atack. When my fleet was arriving to his planet, 13 battleships unexpected arrived, and if i had seen it them before i would have cancelled and send some extra fooder to absorb their damage. I had little time to react because they arrived 5 minutes before my atack was arriving and simulating from the mobile phone isn't fast enough, but I saw I was going to lose a bit but with the satisfaccion of destroying about all his fleet so I decided to continue. I managed to recycle all so even it may seem bad for me, in my game strategy it's pretty good because now all those cruisers that I had and that I wasn't using at all are now converted to resources and I can create now more battleships that are way stronger than cruisers.

      So I hope you enjoy the fight. And remember, play for fun, destroy and get destroyed, who will care about the points and the buildings in some years from now? :thumbsup:

      On 05-07-2016 --:--:-- , the following fleets met in battle:

      Attacker koda

      h.fighter 30
      cruiser 100
      battleship 10

      Defender H4rD

      s.cargo 7
      l.cargo 14
      l.fighter 20
      h.fighter 15
      cruiser 60
      battleship 13
      col.ship 2
      recy. 25
      esp.probe 30
      sol.sat 2
      r.launcher 15
      l.laser 4

      After the battle...

      Attacker koda

      h.fighter 3 ( -27 )
      cruiser 53 ( -47 )
      battleship 9 ( -1 )

      Defender H4rD

      s.cargo 0 ( -7 )
      l.cargo 0 ( -14 )
      l.fighter 0 ( -20 )
      h.fighter 0 ( -15 )
      cruiser 4 ( -56 )
      battleship 3 ( -10 )
      col.ship 0 ( -2 )
      recy. 0 ( -25 )
      esp.probe 0 ( -30 )
      sol.sat 0 ( -2 )
      r.launcher 0 ( -15 )
      l.laser 0 ( -4 )

      The battle ends in a draw.
      The attacker captured:
      - metal, - crystal and - deuterium
      The attacker lost a total of 1.599.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 3.070.000 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 954.000 metal and 435.300 crystal.
      The chance for a moon to be created is: 13 %
      Converted by OGotcha CR Converter 1.0.0 (skin: kokx)

      Summary of profit/losses:

      TOTAL PROFIT: -107k ; FUN FOR DESTROY PROFIT 100% :love:

      As always i leave the OGMem link so everyone can see the follow-up atacks and all they want: OGMem Report
    • hmm... maybe peaople aren't interested to paste reports with a few percents. i appericiate it u decided to continue ur flight knowing u will get more losses than u expected, but... it isn't actually play for fun ;) u took a profit anyway and like u said it helped u to make a fleet what u want :) this is the beginning, many of us are playing a lot. for example i lost about 800 probes by typing wrong coordinates ^^ what serioulsly stopped me (as everybody knows, alcohol harms fleets ^^ ) but i didn't stop playing, this is play for fun ;) i'd like to see u playing after u lost ur fleet (i don't wish it to you to be clear)... i hit a few guys with about 300 probes and thet stopped playing... what i mean now... i mean everybody started with some hopes they will be one of the best, but one of the best can be just a few of us... if u will loose ur fleet and will still play, then u will be able to write "And remember, play for fun, destroy and get destroyed, who will care about the points and the buildings in some years from now?" ;) really m8, i got nothing against u, but a think u wrote a little bit to much :) battle report was enough ;)

      nice hit by the way.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Krogulec ().

    • Thank you for openning this section with nice figures Koda, and with a nice spirit too. :thumbup:

      It is indeed much important to have fun in a game, and destroying a fleet can be a benefit because it is one rival less than before. But here this benefit of destroying a fleet is for all players, not only for you as it would have been with a better profitability. So the bookkeepers and the strategists among us will not support the all philosophy of this action.

      Well, as the fun is not only from profitability, you can ask to that nice spirit of yours where would be the fun if all of us were agree with you ? I am all for this fun spirit, and you are totally right about it from my point of view. My only question is : you knew his habbits, how the hell could you miss these 13 battleships in the composition of his fleet ? :D

      French player - wordreference user :D
    • This battle is better :crazy:

      Battle date: 06-29 17:37:39
      Rounds: 6

      S.Cargo 27 loses 6
      L.Fighter 3 loses 0
      H.Fighter 19 loses 0

      S.Cargo 31 loses 31
      L.Fighter 2 loses 2
      Sol. Sat 5 loses 5
      R.Launcher 14 loses 14
      L.Laser 9 loses 9

      The attacker has won the battle!
      He captured 53.426 Metal, 15.603 Crystal, 5.609 Deuterium

      Attacker: 24.000 units
      Defender: 188.000 units
      Total: 212.000 units

      Debris (3 recyclers)
      Metal: 24.000 units
      Crystal: 25.800 units

      Attacker (recycling): [418,49%] 100.438 units
      Attacker (without recycling): [210,99%] 50.638 units

      Defender (recycling): [-73,51%] -138.200 units

      RetroRAR v0.3 by Noonien Soong
    • D J t R wrote:

      - Successfull study of defender's habits +2
      - Not knowing exactly defender's fleet -2
      - Cracking his whole fleet +2
      - Recycling all DF +1
      - Too many losses -3
      - Bravery on posting CR +1

      1/5 stars :doofy:

      Keep on rolling...FR to both of you!
      im not sure how is here, but in my country purple colour is reserved for administration (go's, mod's and similiar), same like green for example... beside u mentioned 6 categories... in a few i counted more than one point... even if was possible to give 1 point in every category, the scale should contain 6, not 5... so m8, if u are trying to measure somebody is proffesional or not, u should be a proffesional first... colour of ur text and content is including u as somebody who wants to come into being between others without showing ur BR... just a one post more on ur account... im not commenting the meaning of that categories u named to dont bring more shame to u... some players can be visible only on the forum talking about somebodys mistakes, fails - but never posting BR... just using a different colour to highlight theirs existence... this is interesting, it happening always and everywhere...
    • @ Krogulec: I don't type purple just to be more visible...if u want to play Freud Iet's say that (IMHO) you type colourless because you want noone to stare at the stupid words of you (I don't think so...but it was just to make an example)
      About the scale...I'm no good at this kind of math ;) I just tried to analyze critical points of this CR giving my personal value to each of them (didn't mind that personal thoughts aren't allowed on a forum), anyway I said more or less what 90% of the people who responded in this 3D said.
      About being visible only on the board...you totally right mate :crazy:

      @MODS: sorry for OT...it won't happen again :oops:
    • Hello guys and girls,read this please

      Simply there is one GENERAL RULE to follow: "Be pleasant and support OGame and this Origin Board and team." We are here not to judge you or your comments or your ideas, we are here for feedback/opinions/ideas and helping each other, the communities and OGame.
      Respect others and others will respect you.
      We aren't a fan of the normally used warning/ban systems used across all boards, we like to solve things quietly and with conversations, without the usage of warnings and bans.
      Insults, trolling and flaming are still not allowed, and can result in a warning in case all methods of calming and avoiding warnings were used, and the said player continues in his bad behaviour towards others and towards the Origin Board.
      The Terms and Conditions should always be respected as well, and an emergency ban can always be used in case of an out of control situation.

      thanks for understanding