Wiki meeting 27.6.

    • Hello, all interested in wiki.. there will be meeting on monday, 27.6., 8pm german time at #ogame.origin

      See you there

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      03[20:32] * Shole is now known as Shole|work
      03[20:35] * Red_OUT is now known as Red_Head
      06[20:51] * @APW|zZzzZ share cookies with everyone!
      03[20:56] * Sam|AFK is now known as SamSkywalker|OFF
      03[21:00] * krusz^off is now known as kruszynka
      06[21:02] * @Valent takes all the cookies
      [21:03] <@APW|zZzzZ> Wiki meeting? :D
      01[21:08] <@Valent> yes
      [21:12] <Red_Head> o/
      01[21:13] <@Valent> i'll keep it until Icegirl gets here
      01[21:13] <@Valent> not to let you waiting
      01[21:13] <@Valent> but first i want to see who is participating
      06[21:13] * @Atina share coffee to everyone \_/?
      [21:13] <@APW|zZzzZ> I`m in :)
      01[21:13] <@Valent> please say somthing , anyone else ?
      01[21:14] <@Valent> Migotka, red-dragon, Rdet, NoMoreAngel,
      01[21:14] <@Valent> MasterYoda
      [21:14] <@APW|zZzzZ> c`mon people, we have cookies! :D
      01[21:14] <@Valent> Lord
      01[21:14] <@Valent> kruszynka
      01[21:14] <@Valent> ImperatorMaximus
      01[21:14] <@Valent> Imperor
      01[21:15] <@Valent> Galadriel
      01[21:15] <@Valent> Dziuba
      01[21:15] <@Valent> danimanza
      [21:15] <Red_Head> me
      01[21:15] <@Valent> benneb
      06[21:15] * @Valent gives a cookie to Red_Head
      [21:15] <@benneb> hello
      01[21:15] <@Valent> Atina and APW|zZzzZ are here :)
      01[21:15] <@Valent> hello everybody
      01[21:15] <@Valent> Vayus
      [21:16] <@NoMoreAngel> partly here
      01[21:16] <@Valent> ok
      [21:17] <@Migotka> I want cookies ;d
      01[21:17] <@Valent> lets start
      01[21:17] <@Valent> Wiki list
      06[21:17] * @APW|zZzzZ gives Migotka a cookie.
      01[21:17] <@Valent> if you look at the link, you can see that all tutorials and guides are done
      01[21:18] <@Valent> but not quite
      01[21:18] <@Valent> the truth is the game is changing fast and some of the guides need to be checked if they reflect the most recent changes
      01[21:19] <@Valent> how can you do that ?
      01[21:19] <@Valent> simple
      01[21:19] <@Valent> read this : Wiki & Guides - Important
      01[21:20] <@Valent> we are waiting for Vayus to upload the finished guides to the wiki
      01[21:20] <@Valent> but while we are waiting is important to make sure the guides are correct
      [21:20] <@benneb> or me, if you ask ;)
      01[21:21] <@Valent> good then
      [21:21] <@Vayus> (guides until 8 done, 9-18 follow when i am done with exams which is friday)
      01[21:21] <@Valent> have good luck with exams
      01[21:21] <@Valent> but as i said
      [21:21] <@Vayus> thank you ^^
      01[21:22] <@Valent> i'd like that each of you - if you are playing the game - and you know it well
      01[21:22] <@Valent> to read again the guides and check if there are inconsistencies
      01[21:23] <@Valent> also
      01[21:23] <@Valent> maybe is time to look forward
      01[21:24] <@Valent> and reach for the tactics
      01[21:25] <@Valent> here we need experienced players
      01[21:25] <@Valent> wishing to share with us their knowledge
      01[21:25] <@Valent> also is important to determine to what level of detail we get with the tactics
      01[21:26] <@Valent> is not good to give all the details and thus limiting the player imagination to what other players imagined in the past
      01[21:27] <@Valent> maybe it will be better to teach them how to think , how to imagine new tactics :)
      01[21:27] <@Valent> if that is possible
      01[21:28] <@Valent> and that would be all i had to say
      01[21:28] <@Valent> now
      [21:28] <@Imperor> what happened?
      [21:28] <Red_Head> maybe it will be better to teach them how to think , how to imagine new tactics :)
      07[21:28] <Red_Head> [15:27:33] <@Valent> if that is possible
      01[21:28] <@Valent> lets see who can help
      01[21:29] <@Valent> Red_Head ?
      01[21:29] <@Valent> what you want to say ?
      01[21:30] <@Valent> so
      01[21:30] <@Valent> any suggestions , comments ?
      [21:30] <@APW|zZzzZ> Currently I working on Guides, translating to Croatian. Because of small amount of time ATM, progress is small.. When I translating a guide, than I also check for new changes. And about Tactics.. We should give them just few guidelines, so they can combine between Tutorials and Guides to make some Tactical decisions
      01[21:30] <@Valent> good
      01[21:31] <@Valent> anybody else ?
      01[21:32] <@Valent> maybe is hard to have an opinion
      01[21:32] <@Valent> right now
      01[21:32] <@Valent> Icegirl will make a " to do " list and a plan to advancement of the wiki and will post it
      01[21:33] <@Valent> and maybe anyone of you will find a way to contribute
      01[21:33] <@Valent> even is is a comment like " this is too complicated, i'll make it like this :........ "
      01[21:35] <@Valent> any other comments before closing this meeting and serving those fresh cookies ?
      [21:35] <@APW|zZzzZ> Just one :D
      [21:35] <@APW|zZzzZ> what about tutorials?
      [21:35] <@APW|zZzzZ> when they would be updated
      [21:35] <@APW|zZzzZ> ?
      01[21:35] <@Valent> tutorials are done,
      01[21:36] <@Valent> but as i said at the beginning
      01[21:36] <@Valent> guides and tutorials need to be checked for v6 changes
      01[21:36] <@Valent> and that fast because the wreck field is approaching
      [21:36] <@APW|zZzzZ> Ok :) Cookies time?
      01[21:37] <@Valent> maybe won't be bad that tech people in this team to look for wreck field changes too
      [21:37] <@Lord> since wreckfield is completely new
      [21:37] <@Lord> and adds something that has never been to the game
      [21:37] <@Lord> the guides / tuts will not tell something wrong now ;)
      [21:38] <@Lord> however
      [21:38] <@Lord> there is something missing now ;)
      01[21:38] <@Valent> what ?
      [21:38] <@APW|zZzzZ> wreckfieds should have his own thread I think so, and add just few things about them into fleet guides
      01[21:39] <@Valent> correct
      [21:39] <@Lord> Wreck fields don't change how things worked
      [21:39] <@Lord> it doesnt change the old stuff
      [21:39] <@Lord> it just adds something new
      [21:39] <@Lord> so the old stuff is not wrong now
      [21:39] <@Lord> there is just something missing ;)
      01[21:40] <@Valent> also , we need to take into account the new portal
      01[21:40] <@Valent> that will change many things also
      01[21:40] <@Valent> regarding account management
      [21:41] <@APW|zZzzZ> I have to leave now, so I would read logs later :) aaaand I left my cookies to Atina *.*
      01[21:41] <@Valent> but both, wreck fields and new portal are not yet in live servers
      01[21:41] <@Valent> see you , thanks for coming
      [21:41] <@Atina> @APW|zZzzZ ^^
      01[21:41] <@Valent> and changes can happen
      [21:41] <@Imperor> but... space dock is available now
      01[21:41] <@Valent> in test servers only is activated
      [21:42] <@Imperor> in .es are available to be built :|
      01[21:42] <@Valent> ah
      [21:42] <@Imperor> if they don't work yet, is something i don't know
      [21:42] <@Imperor> xd
      01[21:43] <@Valent> i see in newest server too
      01[21:43] <@Valent> so, it has to have own guide , yes
      [21:44] <@Imperor> if we organize it well, in a few days we can do it, i have to prove it
      01[21:50] <@Valent> ok, i'll add the logs to wiki meeting announcement
      01[21:50] <@Valent> to have it for reference