See resources in friendly missions

    • Gerti wrote:

      numi wrote:

      I agree with NusaDua. However especially the point of advising friends is not bad. So why not only show the resources of players in your buddy list or your alliance because when trading with these players the propability of making a "mistake" isn't so high
      This could be a good solution. Only the ressources of Buddylist-members and ally-mates. But as my pre-posters, I also assume the possibility to betray in trade as part of the game....even if I personally never would tolerate this ingame ;)

      Completely agree with Gerti.

      There should be some possible "surprise" when you deal with an "unknown" user. Trying to betray someone is part of the game. And there are many possibilities to punish those "traitors"... Let's get them: it's part of the game.
    • Gerti wrote:

      numi wrote:

      I agree with NusaDua. However especially the point of advising friends is not bad. So why not only show the resources of players in your buddy list or your alliance because when trading with these players the propability of making a "mistake" isn't so high
      This could be a good solution. Only the ressources of Buddylist-members and ally-mates. But as my pre-posters, I also assume the possibility to betray in trade as part of the game....even if I personally never would tolerate this ingame ;)
      +1 :D
      - - - WTH was here - - -


      ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
      yeah my girlfriend too :P
    • I think that NusaDua is talking about a recent case in the french community. an operator ( a bit surprising isn't it?) has sent to another player an amount of resources less than what did they agreed on and another time he sent the ressources and few seconds after delivery he attacked the planet and took back his resources ^^ . seemes that he's a friend of that uni's operator a good friend ^^ coming from two operators it's really unacceptable. It's just an example so /i think it may be really useful =)
    • Hi The Truth, I was not thinking about any particular case (never heard about what you talk about) , my opinion is based on my analysis of the game.

      Just to speak more about this idea. Well, if you can see the ressources in the ships that someone in your "friend list" is sending to you.
      Then, when you are about to make a trade with someone that you don't know, what will you do ? Accept the guy in the friend list for few seconds (just the time to double-check the ressources shipped), and then delete it again to protect your online status.
      I think this intermediate solution is suitable only for the member of a same ally.
      Otherwise, you just have to use the little trick I explained, and it makes the game very predictable.
      Moreover (this is a smaller issue) seeing other people's ressources flying, it was never done before, this is making an exception to a very old rule of Ogame, am I correct ?
      So at the end, if this idea remains as described, I wouldn't consider this as a positive evolution, but it is just my point of view ;)
    • Why on earth did you make this commander-only? I think this is low. That's an option everyone should benefit from. Do you mean only people who paid should have a right for not to be cheated? Because that's the only meaning i can get. Of course there are OP's and Admins for cheating, but what will happen to the precious hours you lost? THIS SHOULD DEFINITELY BE FREE.
    • I do somewhat agree that this shouldn't just be a commander feature. However, it's not hard to avoid being cheated without this- simply have the lower ranked player's resources land first.

      In fact, you should probably do that even if you have commander, just in case the lower ranked player recalls their fleet.
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