Non-active accounts

    • Non-active accounts

      Greetings. Is it possible to know when the non-active accounts (showing double i I in galaxy) will be deleted?

      Here (Attacking Inactives) i read one week later, but there's not a certain answer. Moreover, is it interpreted as "they'll disappear at 00.00 of the seventh day of inactivity" or as "they'll disappear at their seventh day of inactivity (ex: the account appear on 1st june at 16.00 and will disappear on 8th june at 16.00)"?

      Hope i've been enough clear. Thanks. :)

    • Hi!

      Currently the Retro Server has 11.137 Accounts. WOW!
      There is the old retro inactive deletion active, all accounts are deleted after 35 days. In RD universes (live) there are more deletion times e.g. for never logged in it is 1 day and if you don´t reach min. 1 points or never build anything your account is also gone after at least 3 days.
      To give you more room for your colonizationa actions, we force the deletion of those never logged in accounts. That mean, during the night the script will clean up at least 1840 accounts.

      So you have time to farm those iI accounts, until they are deleted. Be sure that if you have a fleet event running to or back of one of those accounts, your fleet is beamed back to your planet.

      For sure, there are more inactives on the server, but let´s see if the first action to clean up is enough.
