What da fuq are u guys complaining about?

    • What da fuq are u guys complaining about?

      I see post like, lol where is BC, lol no ACS, and well the last one just made me laugh xD

      Just stop it, the complaining time, was months ago, even a guy opened a thread here in origin for this server to have ACS, but whatever, now don't complain, that is what we got, and its perfect, the only failing thing i found here is the ACS, but i can still play without him

      and about the mod, the admin or whatever who says perfect ogame is v6, please dont make me laugh, its just DM and 200 active players per universe, and this retro server surpass it for a simple reason, not for the amount of players, not DM, not messages works, commanders, the reason version 0.77 is a lot better than v6 is that u can gothrough galaxy more than 2minutes without getting kicked off the server :love:

      Yep its been a lot of monts since v6, and still logs u o ff the server, GG :lol: .

      :XXD: Your fleet has been crashed :XXD:
    • I don't care at all about acs at all since I always played non acs uni' but I am salty about the lack of battle cruisers. They were my ship to catch fleets by far. But alas I'm hoping somewhere down he line they decide to add it back to the game. I just keep looking at the gamma glider as a place holder for a different ship just because I can't see anyone actually using it.
    • I played OGame about 10 years ago, give or take. There were no ACS, no BC. Then, I had to stop for my studies, and didn't come back before 3~4 years ago. Only one French universe had no ACS and being a solo player mostly (not the most social kind), I figured it would be a good start. ACS has its uses, and has it advantages and drawbacks for and against raiders, but overall repels "elite" players who tend to be more lonely in their gameplay.

      As for the Battlecruiser, well... for what my opinion's worth, it breaks the game. Its only real drawback is its crystal cost that can be prohibitive at times. It has rapidfire against every classical ship except LF, rapes BS down to oblivion, and its rapidfire from the destroyer is just too low to be a problem, as one single hit doesn't even put them at risk, and dispersion does the rest of the job. On top of all that, it's fast, and even rapidfires cargo ships. Its damage is lower than the BS, but rapidfire makes up for it all. Basically, it has the same weakness as the destroyer (mass light fighters) but has many more advantages.

      In short, I'm glad they're not there.
    • I also like gameplay in every aspect. No, ACS, no BCs.. pure awesomeness. There's really nothing to add or to remove. That's the whole purpose of this game server isn't it?

      What a bit (but just a bit!) bothers me are some security and cosmetic non functionality details which have nothing to do with gameplay directly. Things like not be able to change default password. Or terrible, really terrible messages section.
      But it's understandable that under current game circumstances (no ads, no other income etc...) gameforge won't waste programmers time to work on this, so it's more like "take it or leave it" situation.
      And knowing gameforge - the less they muck with game as it is now, the happier we will be.
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si
    • Ogame retro is brilliant!
      Back to the roots...no AM makes the biggest difference...there is no short xut...just hard work...well, apart from pushing but this is a story for another thread.

      Always there will be something that people moan about or they want to improve...its the same for this unuverse

      I personally prefer system with ACS but most of the time Im playing and attacking solo anyway so I can live with this....
      Messaging system is tragic...but again, you can get use to it and live with it.

      Lets have fun...we all have been complaining for last few years about the AM. Now we have finally after few months universe with old rules and no AM!
    • ErikFyr wrote:

      I think they added it there instead of Battlecruisers, maybe to make it more retro or maybe Battlecruisers were buggy ? :)
      But how instead of... as until beginning of 2007 battlecruisers didn't even exist in game. You can't replace something what doesn't even exist ;)

      I wouldn't guess too much what's the purpose of this ship. Most likely just random more or less meaningless addon for fun of some gf developer or something like that.
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si
    • Sorcy wrote:

      ErikFyr wrote:

      I think they added it there instead of Battlecruisers, maybe to make it more retro or maybe Battlecruisers were buggy ? :)
      But how instead of... as until beginning of 2007 battlecruisers didn't even exist in game. You can't replace something what doesn't even exist ;)

      I wouldn't guess too much what's the purpose of this ship. Most likely just random more or less meaningless addon for fun of some gf developer or something like that.

      It can also be something random a GF developer added there for fun, I don't know, maybe someone from OGame Tech or Origin Crew knows :P
      Origin Supporter
      TM - OGame.dk
      Mail: erikfyr@ogame.dk
    • ErikFyr wrote:

      Sorcy wrote:

      ErikFyr wrote:

      I think they added it there instead of Battlecruisers, maybe to make it more retro or maybe Battlecruisers were buggy ? :)
      But how instead of... as until beginning of 2007 battlecruisers didn't even exist in game. You can't replace something what doesn't even exist ;)

      I wouldn't guess too much what's the purpose of this ship. Most likely just random more or less meaningless addon for fun of some gf developer or something like that.

      It can also be something random a GF developer added there for fun, I don't know, maybe someone from OGame Tech or Origin Crew knows :P

      Sure :P It was added because it's a legend! Also noone knows anymore which techs or picture it had, so that was all done new. The picture is btw from me :P

      Origin Admin
      OGame-Tech Chief