Guide 17: Dark Matter and Payment

    • Wiki Updated

    • Guide 17: Dark Matter and Payment

      This is guide about payment. To find premium features, check tutorial <<Premium features>>.

      =Using Dark Matter (DM)=
      You may purchase either a 3-month or a 7-day subscription to the services. The cost is different for each officer.

      Planets can be relocated to another slot for 240,000 units of DM (-30% in the event). You need to wait 24 hours and your jump gate is block for 24 hours. You need to have no fleet to be in direction or from the planet/moon.

      You can buy fields for the planet or the moon or even a moon shot (1,667 light fighter).

      It is not possible to transfer DM between accounts, in the case of existing user subscription accounts you must cancel your current subscription and order a new one if you transfer to a new game account (e.g. account trade or free-give away). Further guidance on cancelling subscriptions can be found at

      =Account inactivity and Dark Matter=
      Due to legal reasons, any account that contains unused purchased DM or an active Commander/Officer subscription is exempt from deletion after 35 days of inactivity. It should be noted here that DM found during expeditions does NOT protect an account from deletion. In addition, all purchased DM will be used before any that is found during an expedition.

      CAREFUL, you need to have purchased DM on the account. If all your purchased DM is spent, you account can be deleted in 35 days.

      =Costs and Current Stock Levels Indicator=
      The cost of DM varies depending on the quantities you buy and the method of payment selected. These vary from, for example, 30,000 units for €2.99 via SMS payment to 1,250,000 units for €49.99 via paypal or creditcard. (Costs quoted here are given for illustrative purposes only and will vary depending on country and current exchange rates. These costs are subject to change.)

      The amount of DM you currently possess is shown at the top of the Game interface, between the Energy and Deuterium level indicators. Although DM is listed next to the raidable resources, it is not a commodity that can be plundered, neither can you donate any of your DM stocks to another game account; the DM is only available to the account in which it can be seen. In addition, no player will be able to obtain any information on your current DM status from Espionage action or by any other means.

      =How to Purchase Dark Matter=
      Click on the ingame link in the left-hand gamepanel "Recruit Officers". Then click on this image: followed by "Purchase Dark Matter". Select the appropriate country for your geographic location from the dropdown menu in the top right of the payment window.

      Next choose either one of the payment options listed below the various DM quantities displayed. e.g. in the image below you have "Telephone" or "SMS", but this may also show options such as Wallie card etc, or if you have a GF coupon then use the coupon link (indicated with a green arrow below). If you wish to pay by Paypal, Credit/Debit Card or one of the many pre-paid options that Gameforge support then click directly on the quantity of DM you wish to buy (e.g as marked with the red arrow)

      Once you select the quantity of DM you wish to purchase you will find a scrollbar filled with various payment options (pink arrow below) and quick links to the most common choices (paypal, Creditcard and Paysafecard).

      Select your preferred payment method and then a summary of you selection will appear as well as a link to proceed to the final payment window, follow the instructions provided to complete your payment.

      =Payment Options=
      Purchase DM
      DM can be purchased using any of payment options (availability may be limited to specific Geographic regions). You will have options listed once you try to purchase DM.

      Free DM
      Offerpal is a payment option introduced in April 2009 (New Payment option) that allows people to obtain "free" DM. Since then Gameforge has switched to SponsorPay and SuperRewards. The DM obtained from these options will be considered as "paid for" DM with respect to inactive account deletion.
      You can get it by opening purchase window and choose option Earn DM. You will have offer for options. Usually you will have to watch video or like something.

      Dark matter can take 48hrs to be transferred to your game account, anyone with problems should contact the offer provider directly using the link from within the offer area ingame. Select the offer option that you have the problem with and you will see a link in the top right-hand corner for either "Get Help" (SuperRewards) or "Support" (SponsorPay).

      =What to do if you have not received your Dark Matter?=
      There can sometimes be a delay before your DM is transferred to your game account. You may need to re-login before the DM appears.
      Where DM was obtained from the "Earn DarkMatter" scheme: Please contact the offer provider directly as stated above.
      If you have questions or problems concerning the OGame DM payment service please contact Your email will be processed within 2 workdays.

      =Dark Matter from Expeditions=
      Expedition results vary greatly, one thing you can find on expedition is small quantities of DM. These quantities vary mostly in the range of 300 to 1.800 units from any one expedition mission. The DM found in expeditions does not protect an account from 35-day inactivity deletion since it is free DM and therefore not subject to the same legal consideration as the purchased DM.

      =Dark Matter from events=
      Occasionally there are events when you can send a recycler to position 17 and receive Dark Matter. The amount is almost 9 time bigger than the one you can find in expeditions. It is important to be the first to reach the "golden DF " if you want to receive the prize. The collected DM is automatically added to your Found DM upon reaching the marked position 17.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Lynbo ().

    • Changelog:

      Document prepared using information from original guides by Merlin and by GeneralJJ with amendments/additions by zinzin and Son Goku

      CHANGED TO: added "by Lynbo"
      Document prepared by Lynbo using information from original guides by Merlin and by GeneralJJ with amendments/additions by zinzin and Son Goku


      NEW ADDITION: Added after the line saying "Merchants can be hired for 3,500 units of DM" (Note guide link will need adding)

      Planets can be relocated to another slot for 240,000 units of DM. For Further information on planet relocation see this guide: Coming Soon


      The cost of DM varies depending on the quantities you buy and the method of payment selected. These vary from, for example, 30,000 units for €2.99 via SMS payment to 1,250,000 units for €49.99 via paypal or creditcard. (Costs quoted here are given for illustrative purposes only and will vary depending on geographic region and current exchange rates. These costs are subject to change.)

      CHANGED TO: (to update to current ranges)
      The cost of DM varies depending on the quantities you buy and the method of payment selected. These vary from, for example, 35,000 units for €3 via Telephone payment to 3,000,000 units for €99.99 via paypal or creditcard. (Costs quoted here are given for illustrative purposes only and will vary depending on geographic region and current exchange rates. These costs are subject to change.)


      Then select the appropriate country for your geographic location from the dropdown menu adjacent to "Country Selection"

      And finally choose your preferred payment option and the amount of DM you wish to purchase (follow the instructions for the particular payment option that you select)

      CHANGED TO: (added new interface images and examples of which links to follow for different payment options)
      Then select the appropriate country for your geographic location from the dropdown menu in the top right of the payment window.

      Next choose either one of the payment options listed below the various DM quantities displayed. e.g. in the image below you have "Telephone" or "SMS", but this may also show options such as Wallie card etc, or if you have a GF coupon then use the coupon link (indicated with a green arrow below). If you wish to pay by Paypal, Credit/Debit Card or one of the many pre-paid options that Gameforge support then click directly on the quantity of DM you wish to buy (e.g as marked with the red arrow)

      Once you select the quantity of DM you wish to purchase you will find a scrollbar filled with various payment options (pink arrow below) and quick links to the most common choices (paypal, Creditcard and Paysafecard).

      Select your preferred payment method and then a summary of you selection will appear as well as a link to proceed to the final payment window , follow the instructions provided to complete your payment.


      Edit note updated > 5th Feb 2011 - Lynbo
      The Truth: This Guide isn't available on the Serv Owiki...

      Full post - old
      Document prepared by Lynbo using information from original guides by Merlin and by GeneralJJ with amendments/additions by zinzin and Son Goku

      A Brief History of Dark Matter in OGame

      Dark matter (DM) was implemented in September 2007 as a new payment option for the ingame Commander and Officer features. The introduction of this scheme gave players a single payment, no-ties "pay-as-you-go" option for using the enhanced game features. Prior to this, people were bound to a regular legally-binding subscription. Those existing subscriptions continued after the introduction of DM and subscribers still retained their full cancellation rights and Terms & Conditions.

      The original DM launch announcement can be found here: Dark Matter will be implemented today

      Subsequent to this, Merchants and Expeditions were introduced ( version 0.78 ). Hiring a Merchant requires 3,500 units of DM (Or 2,000 during event). However, you were also then able to find small quantities of DM on Expedition missions which gave the players who play the free version of the game a means by which they could use the Merchant and Officers features for free.

      Using Dark Matter

      You may purchase either a 3-month or a 7-day subscription to the services. The cost is different for each officer.

      Planets can be relocated to another slot for 240,000 units of DM (-30% in the event). You need to wait 24 hours and your jump gate is block for 24 hours. You need to have no fleet to be in direction or from the planet/moon.

      You can buy fields for the planet ou the moon. You can also buy a moon shot (1,667 light fighter).

      It is not possible to transfer DM between accounts, in the case of existing user subscription accounts you must cancel your current subscription and order a new one if you transfer to a new game account (e.g. account trade or free-give away). Further guidance on cancelling subscriptions can be found at

      Account inactivity and Dark Matter

      Due to legal reasons, any account that contains unused DM or an active Commander/Officer subscription is exempt from deletion after 35days of inactivity. It should be noted here that DM found during expeditions does NOT protect an account from deletion. In addition, all purchased DM will be used before any that is found during an expedition.

      CAREFUL, you need to have buying DM on the account. If all your buying DM is spent, you account can be delete in 35 days.

      Costs and Current Stock Levels Indicator:

      The cost of DM varies depending on the quantities you buy and the method of payment selected. These vary from, for example, 30,000 units for €2.99 via SMS payment to 1,250,000 units for €49.99 via paypal or creditcard. (Costs quoted here are given for illustrative purposes only and will vary depending on geographic region and current exchange rates. These costs are subject to change.)

      The amount of DM you currently possess is shown at the top of the Game interface, between the Energy and Deuterium level indicators. Although DM is listed next to the raidable resources, it is not a commodity that can be plundered, neither can you donate any of your DM stocks to another game account; the DM is only available to the account in which it can be seen. In addition, no player will be able to obtain any information on your current DM status from Espionage action or by any other means.

      How to Purchase Dark Matter:

      Click on the ingame link in the left-hand gamepanel "Recruit Officers". Then click on this image: followed by "Purchase Dark Matter"

      Then select the appropriate country for your geographic location from the dropdown menu in the top right of the payment window.

      Next choose either one of the payment options listed below the various DM quantities displayed. e.g. in the image below you have "Telephone" or "SMS", but this may also show options such as Wallie card etc, or if you have a GF coupon then use the coupon link (indicated with a green arrow below). If you wish to pay by Paypal, Credit/Debit Card or one of the many pre-paid options that Gameforge support then click directly on the quantity of DM you wish to buy (e.g as marked with the red arrow)

      Once you select the quantity of DM you wish to purchase you will find a scrollbar filled with various payment options (pink arrow below) and quick links to the most common choices (paypal, Creditcard and Paysafecard).

      Select your preferred payment method and then a summary of you selection will appear as well as a link to proceed to the final payment window , follow the instructions provided to complete your payment.

      Payment Options:

      DM can be purchased using any of the following payment options (availability may be limited to specific Geographic regions)

      "Click here for a list of payment options"

      Credit Card
      Instant Bank transfer/ EPS (netpay)/
      Bank Transfer (standard)
      Coupon (You can purchase E-Pins here:
      BoaCompra Coupon
      Yandex Money
      Ultimate Game Card
      Carte Bleue
      Sedeh e-pin
      SMS STC/ SMS ZAIN/ SMS Mobily
      Euro6000/ 4B debit card
      Solo debit card
      Offerpal/SponsorPay/SuperRewards (see below for further information)

      Special Notes Regarding "Earn Dark Matter" offers

      Offerpal is a payment option introduced in April 2009 (New Payment option) that allows people to obtain "free" DM. Since then Gameforge has switched to SponsorPay and SuperRewards. The DM obtained from these options will be considered as "paid for" DM with respect to inactive account deletion.

      The scheme is currently only available for players in certain geographic regions.

      These payment schemes work in partnership with Gameforge in OGame and whilst every effort is made to ensure that their content complies with Gameforge policy, there may be instances where this is not the case. Please be sure to fully read all Terms & Conditions and Disclaimers before you proceed with any of the offers. Further information about unacceptable content can be found here: Offerpal Reports. Complaints of that nature should be posted to the complaints section of the board: here Complaints

      Dark matter can take 48hrs to be transferred to your game account, anyone with problems should contact the offer provider directly using the link from within the offer area ingame. Select the offer option that you have the problem with and you will see a link in the top right-hand corner for either "Get Help" (SuperRewards) or "Support" (SponsorPay).

      What to do if you have not received your Dark Matter:

      There can sometimes be a delay before your DM is transferred to your game account. You may need to re-login before the DM appears.

      Where DM was obtained from the "Earn DarkMatter" scheme: Please contact the offer provider directly as stated above.

      If you have questions or problems concerning the OGame DM payment service please contact Your email will be processed within 2 workdays.

      Dark Matter from Expeditions

      Expedition results vary greatly, one thing you can find on expedition is small quantities of DM. These quantities vary mostly in the range of 300 to 1.800 units from any one expedition mission. The DM found in expeditions does not protect an account from 35-day inactivity deletion since it is free DM and therefore not subject to the same legal consideration as the purchased DM. More information on Expeditions and Merchants can be found here:

      Last edit: 27th may 2015

      The post was edited 1 time, last by The Truth ().

    • Changelog: I noticed that OfferPal was now replaced by SponsorPay and SuperRewards.


      Offerpal (see below for further information)[/spoiler]

      Special Notes Regarding Offerpal

      Offerpal is a payment option introduced in April 2009 (New Payment Option ) that allows people to obtain "free" DM. The DM obtained from this option will be considered as "paid for" DM with respect to inactive account deletion.

      The scheme is currently only available for players in certain geographic regions.

      Offerpal is working in partnership with Gameforge in OGame and whilst every effort is made to ensure that their content complies with Gameforge policy, there may be instances where this is not the case. Please be sure to fully read all Terms & Conditions and Disclaimers before you proceed with any of the Offerpal offers. Further information about unacceptable content can be found here: Offerpal Reports . Complaints of that nature should be posted to the complaints section of the board: here Complaints Dark matter can take 48hrs to be transferred to your game account, anyone with Offerpal payment problems should contact them directly

      What to do if you have not received your Dark Matter:

      There can sometimes be a delay before your DM is transferred to your game account. You may need to re-login before the DM appears.

      Where DM was obtained from the Offerpal scheme: Please contact Offerpal directly at

      If you have questions or problems concerning the OGame DM payment service please contact Your email will be processed within 2 workdays.

      Now replaced with:

      Offerpal/SponsorPay/SuperRewards (see below for further information)[/spoiler]

      Special Notes Regarding "Earn Dark Matter" offers

      Offerpal is a payment option introduced in April 2009 (New Payment option) that allows people to obtain "free" DM. Since then Gameforge has switched to SponsorPay and SuperRewards. The DM obtained from these options will be considered as "paid for" DM with respect to inactive account deletion.

      The scheme is currently only available for players in certain geographic regions.

      These payment schemes work in partnership with Gameforge in OGame and whilst every effort is made to ensure that their content complies with Gameforge policy, there may be instances where this is not the case. Please be sure to fully read all Terms & Conditions and Disclaimers before you proceed with any of the offers. Further information about unacceptable content can be found here: Offerpal Reports. Complaints of that nature should be posted to the complaints section of the board: here Complaints

      Dark matter can take 48hrs to be transferred to your game account, anyone with problems should contact the offer provider directly using the link from within the offer area ingame. Select the offer option that you have the problem with and you will see a link in the top right-hand corner for either "Get Help" (SuperRewards) or "Support" (SponsorPay).

      What to do if you have not received your Dark Matter:

      There can sometimes be a delay before your DM is transferred to your game account. You may need to re-login before the DM appears.

      Where DM was obtained from the "Earn DarkMatter" scheme: Please contact the offer provider directly as stated above.

      If you have questions or problems concerning the OGame DM payment service please contact Your email will be processed within 2 workdays.

      Also added edit note date-change
    • This is guide about payment. To find premium features, check tutorial <<Premium features>>.

      =Using Dark Matter=
      You may purchase either a 3-month or a 7-day subscription to the services. The cost is different for each officer.

      Planets can be relocated to another slot for 240,000 units of DM (-30% in the event). You need to wait 24 hours and your jump gate is block for 24 hours. You need to have no fleet to be in direction or from the planet/moon.

      You can buy fields for the planet or the moon or even a moon shot (1,667 light fighter).

      It is not possible to transfer DM between accounts, in the case of existing user subscription accounts you must cancel your current subscription and order a new one if you transfer to a new game account (e.g. account trade or free-give away). Further guidance on cancelling subscriptions can be found at

      =Account inactivity and Dark Matter=
      Due to legal reasons, any account that contains unused purchased DM or an active Commander/Officer subscription is exempt from deletion after 35 days of inactivity. It should be noted here that DM found during expeditions does NOT protect an account from deletion. In addition, all purchased DM will be used before any that is found during an expedition.

      CAREFUL, you need to have purchased DM on the account. If all your purchased DM is spent, you account can be deleted in 35 days.

      =Costs and Current Stock Levels Indicator=
      The cost of DM varies depending on the quantities you buy and the method of payment selected. These vary from, for example, 30,000 units for €2.99 via SMS payment to 1,250,000 units for €49.99 via paypal or creditcard. (Costs quoted here are given for illustrative purposes only and will vary depending on country and current exchange rates. These costs are subject to change.)

      The amount of DM you currently possess is shown at the top of the Game interface, between the Energy and Deuterium level indicators. Although DM is listed next to the raidable resources, it is not a commodity that can be plundered, neither can you donate any of your DM stocks to another game account; the DM is only available to the account in which it can be seen. In addition, no player will be able to obtain any information on your current DM status from Espionage action or by any other means.

      =How to Purchase Dark Matter=
      Click on the ingame link in the left-hand gamepanel "Recruit Officers". Then click on this image: followed by "Purchase Dark Matter". Select the appropriate country for your geographic location from the dropdown menu in the top right of the payment window.

      Next choose either one of the payment options listed below the various DM quantities displayed. e.g. in the image below you have "Telephone" or "SMS", but this may also show options such as Wallie card etc, or if you have a GF coupon then use the coupon link (indicated with a green arrow below). If you wish to pay by Paypal, Credit/Debit Card or one of the many pre-paid options that Gameforge support then click directly on the quantity of DM you wish to buy (e.g as marked with the red arrow)

      Once you select the quantity of DM you wish to purchase you will find a scrollbar filled with various payment options (pink arrow below) and quick links to the most common choices (paypal, Creditcard and Paysafecard).

      Select your preferred payment method and then a summary of you selection will appear as well as a link to proceed to the final payment window, follow the instructions provided to complete your payment.

      =Payment Options=
      Purchase DM
      DM can be purchased using any of payment options (availability may be limited to specific Geographic regions). You will have options listed once you try to purchase DM.

      Free DM
      Offerpal is a payment option introduced in April 2009 (New Payment option) that allows people to obtain "free" DM. Since then Gameforge has switched to SponsorPay and SuperRewards. The DM obtained from these options will be considered as "paid for" DM with respect to inactive account deletion.
      You can get it by opening purchase window and choose option Earn DM. You will have offer for options. Usually you will have to watch video or like something.

      Dark matter can take 48hrs to be transferred to your game account, anyone with problems should contact the offer provider directly using the link from within the offer area ingame. Select the offer option that you have the problem with and you will see a link in the top right-hand corner for either "Get Help" (SuperRewards) or "Support" (SponsorPay).

      =What to do if you have not received your Dark Matter?=
      There can sometimes be a delay before your DM is transferred to your game account. You may need to re-login before the DM appears.
      Where DM was obtained from the "Earn DarkMatter" scheme: Please contact the offer provider directly as stated above.
      If you have questions or problems concerning the OGame DM payment service please contact Your email will be processed within 2 workdays.

      =Dark Matter from Expeditions=
      Expedition results vary greatly, one thing you can find on expedition is small quantities of DM. These quantities vary mostly in the range of 300 to 1.800 units from any one expedition mission. The DM found in expeditions does not protect an account from 35-day inactivity deletion since it is free DM and therefore not subject to the same legal consideration as the purchased DM.

    • ==Dark Matter from events==

      Occasionally there are events when you can send a recycler to position 17 and receive Dark Matter. The amount is almost 9 time bigger than the one you can find in expeditions. It is important to be the first to reach the "golden DF " if you want to receive the prize. The collected DM is automatically added to your Found DM upon reaching the marked position 17.