Pinned Diplomacy Rules

  • Diplomacy Rules

    1.- Subject must be appropiate and descriptive.
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    There are 5 kind of threads allowed in this sections

    [Looking for members] One alliance makes a presentation thread to look for new members.
    [Looking for pact] One alliance make a presentation thread to look for pacts with other alliances (like commerce pact, no aggresion pact, etc).
    [Looking for an alliance] One player who is looking for an alliance.
    [War] One alliance declare wars against another alliance (see point 3). This thread can be used to comment the war, for example, warhits counterlist.
    [Peace] One alliance makes a peace proposal to another alliance to stop a war (Both alliance must agree to stop the war)

    2.- Answers to thread must follow the topic.
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    If you answer to a thread you have to contribute with something that is in the same way than thread topic. If you try to pervert the main topic, your comment can be edited/deleted by staff member.

    3.- War declaration must have following structure:

    [War] [Alliance tag] Alliance Name declare war against [Alliance tag] Alliance Name

    4. Only one declaration war per thread
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    This way, we will have a nice overview of all wars and no of them will be missed. Even subsidiary/affiliated alliances must take his own thread

    5. Only alliance founder is allowed to declare a war
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    Team will check if board user who post the thread have the same IP/E-Mail in the board and in the game).

    6. The war will start 12 hours after the thread declaration has been opened.
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    To avoid 'ninja' declarations, we put this period as a guarranty that any of the alliance who received a war declaration will notice and tell to his team mates.

    You don't need to wait that staff aproves your thread, if it follows the rules it will be ok.

    7. It is allowed to declare a maximum of 3 ward in a period of 24 hours
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    To avoid 'spam wars declaration'

    8. Each alliance can have a maximum of 10 wars at the same time.
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    We put this rule to be sure that wars are used for his own propose, which is, making the game funny and take some objetives. Not only avoid bashing rule.

    9. In the message of the thread you have to specifiy the War format. Two war format allowed:

    "Standard War" with no terms, conditions or limits

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    This type of war will be valid even without the acknowledgment or agreement of the opponent(s)
    This war starts on declaration and the bashing rule is lifted 12 hours later.

    A standard war will end when either side disbands, changes name or the leaders agree to end it.
    It will also end if the "CRs only" thread goes inactive (no posts for 14 days)

    "Limited Duration"

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    This type needs agreement with all alliances involved before it can officially begin and a "CRs only" thread opened.
    If you declare and no agreement can be reached you will need to re-declare using the "Standard War" format.
    This war starts at an agreed time with the bashing rule lifted 12 hours later.
    In this war the ending conditions are set by all of the alliance leaders involved.
    Terms can include a set number of points, a set amount of time, to a certain amount of total damage losses, etc.

    This type of war ends when the agreed time limit, damage limit or whatever agreed conditions are met.
    It can also end if either side disbands, changes name or the leaders agree to end it.
    This type of war will also end if the CRs only thread goes inactive (no posts for 14 days).

    9. Wars can finish if one of this circunstances occurs:
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    - One of the alliances was disolved.
    - One of the alliance won the war because of the rules which both founders agreed.
    - Peace agreement (both founders must sign it).

    If you found any problem with this rules or you need support, you can contact any staff member via IRC, PM or Ticket