Pinned Retro Universe combat simulators

    • Retro Universe combat simulators


      since there is much confusion regarding combat simulators (etc. SpeedSim, WebSim, DragoSim...) that they aren't tolerated anymore.

      From now on you can use those combat simulators but on your own responsibility, that means also that GameFogre and OGame Team won't be responsible for any kind of bad calculations. (those bad calculations can cause that you might lose more fleet as expected or even whole fleet)

      Enjoy playing Retro Universe!

      Best regards,
      OGame Origin Team
    • Sunthios wrote:

      What do you mean by bad calculations? What exactly is different between the numbers between the retro universe and those simulators?

      is there a replacement simulator you can recommend then that coincides with the numbers you would find in this uni?

      There is no simulator recommended, because they can not calculate losses with a huge accuracy.

      So probably you will expect to win a battle and you will get a draw or even, stamped.
    • unloaded wrote:

      I think that is the best atm
      anyone using this and having issues copying reports not showing defence you need to edit the file "eng_lang_v0.9.4.0b.ini" and change the below lines (open in Wordpad and use ctrl + f to find)

      Missile Launcher > Rocket Launcher
      Small Laser > Light Laser
      Plasma Canon > Plasma Turret

      Once these are changed, save and reload speedsim and it will read in correctly.
    • I would use more than as big changes only came after (about RF/Damage/Costs etc). v0.9.5.1b changelog says (from 9.4.1b to 9.5.1b):

      - chg: removed espionage probes from theoretical plunder
      - fix: missing translations
      - new: Interplanetary Missiles simulator
      - chg: Transparency of PopUp is being saved now
      - new: Transparency of SpeedSim window adjustable
      - fix: (Skinning) problems with css files

      - fix: now CRs and BWC look good also with activated skin

      - fix: when switching the fleetslot the flying time changed
      - fix: deactivating skins changed the font
      - fix: the menu wasn't translated after first start
      - fix: the monitoring of the clipboard was not ended correctly
      (thx to MrHiggins)
      - fix: removed skinning problems if the background image
      did not had the correct size
      - fix: in some cases needed deuterium was not calculated
      - chg: SpeedSim does not disappear anymore if you edit the
      espionage report
      - new: [Ctrl]+[Enter] opens the raid popup
      - new: you can now set a transparent color for buttons
      (set 'Button_TransColor' in section [Colors])
      - new: recycler time added to flying time
      - new: skinners can set their own css files for CRs and BWC file
      (therefore set the keys 'CSS_BWC' and 'CSS_CR' in [General])
      - new: possibility to load own ship data and rf tables (extended

      - UnicoWS.dll not needed for unicode version anymore
      - fix when changing profiles
      - monitoring of clipboard did not worked in unicode version
      - when switching language to german no restart is needed anymore
      - now maximum, minimum and average number of needed recyclers are
      shown in the tooltip of debris information
      - you can change skins now without restarting speedsim
      - many other bugfixes
      - Option for Uni50 in extended options (german ogame only)
      Thus, unlike later versions, this one is just an improvement from older versions without changing the core of the software :)
      Univers & old player (stopped in early 2007)
      Oldschool Universe - currently active
      HoF Hunter