FAQ about account conversion to Portal

    • FAQ about account conversion to Portal

      Why do I need a Gameforge account?

      In future all Gameforge games will be merged on one portal with additional information and content. At the same time, the account management for all games on the portal will be standardised. This has the advantage of meaning each player only needs one account to log into the portal and thus also all associated game accounts. This means login will only be possible in future with a Gameforge account.
      If you have an old Gameforge.com account, you can continue using this. It will be automatically converted into a new Gameforge account when you log into the new portal using your existing login information.

      Do I have to convert my account?

      Once your game has been moved across to the new portal you will only be able to log in with a Gameforge account. This will simplify and standardise the various login procedures for all of your Gameforge games.
      If you already have an account for a Gameforge game then you don't need to set up a new Gameforge account. You can simply convert your game account into a Gameforge account. Doing so will automatically add the game account and current game status to your new Gameforge account. The existing email address will be used as your login name and continue to be used along with your old password.

      I still have other Gameforge account that I registered with the same email address. What will happen to them?

      All game accounts registered with the same address will be automatically added to your Gameforge account.

      What happens when a game is moved to the new portal?

      The game will be given a new website. Additionally, all management of game accounts after the move will be done on the portal. Most Gameforge games will be moved across to the new portal in stages over the course of the year.

      When is my game moving to the new portal?

      We still don't have an exact schedule for moving individual games as yet. For some browser-based games, the move will be split by language on different days. As soon as we know the respective move date, all registered players will be informed by email - normally one week before the move date. This means it is important that you have access to the email address for your game account and that this is still active. Alternatively, if you have unsubscribed from the Gameforge newsletter, you can find out by checking the corresponding forum.

      What will happen when my game account is converted into a Gameforge account?

      To convert your game accounts into a Gameforge account you just need to log in to your game account with your login data. The system will check if you have previously confirmed the email address associated with this account. If so, a new Gameforge account will be created and all game accounts registered with Gameforge using this email address will be linked to the Gameforge account. A locked game account will remain locked after the conversion.
      If you haven't yet confirmed your email address, a new activation email will be issued during the account conversion. Clicking on the confirmation link in this email will complete the conversion. We therefore recommend that you confirm the email address before converting your account.

      How long will it take to convert my game account into a Gameforge account?

      If your email address has already been confirmed the conversion will be carried out immediately after you log in and will be completed within seconds. Delays can happen, for example if the game server cannot be reached due to maintenance work.
      After the first game account is converted, a background process will search for additional game accounts registered with the same email address. All accounts found will also be assigned to your Gameforge account. This can take several minutes or several hours in the event of maintenance work.

      What can I do if the conversion of my game account into a Gameforge account is taking an abnormally long time?

      If the notification stating that the conversion has not yet been completed is still being displayed after 24 hours then it's possible that there could be technical issues. Please contact Support in this instance. They will be able to investigate the issue and if necessary, restart the conversion of your game account for you.

      How long will it be possible to convert my game account into a Gameforge account?

      The conversion of game accounts into Gameforge accounts will remain possible indefinitely after the respective game has been moved across to the portal. You can play again with your game account once you have converted this into a Gameforge account.

      How do I log in after my game account has been converted into a Gameforge account?

      You will be automatically logged into the new portal following the conversion. All of the game accounts linked to your Gameforge account will be displayed on the 'My Games' page. If your game has already been moved across to the portal you will be able to log into your game account directly from here. If not, you will be able to access it in the meantime via a link to the existing website for the game.
      If you leave the portal site you will still remain logged into Gameforge.com. The portal will generate a cookie to recognise you for this purpose. If you log out or delete your cookies, you will be prompted to enter your password again at the next login.

      Why does my email address need to be confirmed?

      Gameforge is legally obligated to check whether the email address you have used to register belongs to you. We obtain this confirmation when you click on the link in the activation email. You can then use all functions in the game and on the portal.

      I have created a Gameforge account but I haven't received an activation email. What should I do?

      If the converted game account has already been activated, your email address doesn't need to be confirmed again. The corresponding notification is only displayed in your account settings if your email address has not yet been confirmed.
      You should then check whether you have entered the correct email address and whether the activation email has accidentally landed in your junk mail or spam folder. If this isn't the case, you can request the activation email again. If this doesn't work, please contact Support.

      I can't log into my old game account anymore. What can I do?

      As long as the game still hasn't been moved to the portal, you can use the 'Forgot password' function on the corresponding game website to set a new password.
      If the game has already been moved to the new portal, you will still be able to find the game's old 'Forgot password' function on the account conversion page. You can access it when logged out as follows:
      - Open the corresponding game page on the portal.
      - Click on 'Login' in the header.
      - Click on 'Convert game account' in the field next to the login area.
      - You are now on the account conversion page and can run the 'Forgot password' process for your game.
      The login area also contains the link 'Problems with login?'. This will lead you to additional information and solutions for the most frequent issues.

      I still have an old Gameforge.com account. What will happen to it?

      As long as it isn't locked, your Gameforge.com account will be automatically converted into a new Gameforge account at the next login. Locked Gameforge.com accounts will not be converted.
      The game accounts linked to the existing Gameforge.com account will be assigned to the new Gameforge account. Possible locked game accounts will also be listed but will remain locked. Once the respective game has been moved across to the portal, you will be able to log into the corresponding game account with your Gameforge account.

      I have multiple accounts for one game. What will happen to these accounts if I now use a Gameforge account?

      If you have used the same email address for all game accounts, these will all be merged into one Gameforge account. This means you will only have one login for all of your game accounts. Before you start a game, you will select the game account that you'd like to play with on the portal.

      I have multiple game accounts with different email addresses. What will happen to these accounts when I use a Gameforge account?

      If you have registered your game accounts with different email addresses, the login data for the first converted account will be used for your new Gameforge account. You can then decide whether the other game accounts should be added to this Gameforge account or whether you'd like to create a separate Gameforge account for each game account.

      What advantages are there to me merging my game accounts into one Gameforge account?

      You will only have one login and only have to remember one email address and one password. If you change your password, the change will automatically apply for all game accounts belonging to your Gameforge account. If you've subscribed to the Gameforge newsletter, this will only be sent to your email address once. Once you've registered on the portal, you can switch directly to the associated game accounts and start the corresponding game.

      What happens if the game accounts are converted into separate portal accounts?

      It's the same as before, you just benefit from the advantages of the Gameforge account (see above).

      I don't want my game accounts to be merged. Is that possible?

      If you use the same email address for your game accounts, these will all be merged automatically. If you want to prevent this, you will have to set a separate email address for each game account before the game is moved across to the portal.

      My game accounts have automatically been merged. How can I split them back into different Gameforge accounts?

      First you will have to register a new Gameforge account with a separate email address and confirm the email. Then you can contact Support with the details of the affected account.

      I have a game account that I'd like to swap with another player. What do I have to do?

      A swap can only be done with the help of the Support team. Both of you will need to contact Support.

      I have two Gameforge accounts that I'd like to link together. What do I have to do?

      You can enter a second Gameforge account that you'd like to add to your existing account on the page 'Account settings' > 'Link & add accounts'. All game accounts linked to the second Gameforge account will be moved from this account to the first account. The email address of the linked account will also be added to the first account as an additional email address. This will not change the email address which you use to log into the portal.

      How can I add another game account to my Gameforge account?

      After you've created a Gameforge account, the system will search for all game accounts which you registered with the same email address. These will be automatically added to your Gameforge account.
      If you have another game account that you've registered using a different email address, you can enter this email address under 'Account settings' > 'Link & add accounts' on the portal. The game account will then also be added to your Gameforge account. You'll then only need to use the email address of your first Gameforge account to log in.

      What does it mean if my game account is marked on the portal as 'Ready to convert'?

      Once you've created a Gameforge account, the system will automatically search for all game accounts that you registered with the same email address. It's possible that this could include accounts for games that were linked with Gameforge.com (old) and haven't yet been moved across to the new portal. These will be displayed on the portal with the notification 'Ready to convert'. The direct login to the game from the portal will only function once the game has been moved across to the portal. Until then you can log into your game as usual. Once the game is moved across to the portal, the conversion of the corresponding game accounts will be carried out automatically.

      What can I do if there is a game account missing from my Gameforge account?

      It's possible that the game hasn't yet been moved across to the new portal. You can tell if a game has been moved across when its websites are only displayed on the portal and the game login is done via the portal. If one of your game accounts is missing despite the game having been moved across to the portal and you've already linked the account email address to the Gameforge account, please contact Support.

      Where can I change my email address and my password?

      If the game hasn't been moved across yet, you can change this on the game website as before (depending on the game, e.g. under 'Account settings' or 'Options'). If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it via 'Login' > 'Forgot password' on the respective game website. You'll then receive an email with a corresponding link.
      If you already have a Gameforge account, you can use the 'Change email address' or 'Change password' function on the 'Account settings' page on the portal. A change here will however only affect accounts of games that have already been moved across to the portal.

      I don't have access to my email address anymore. What can I do?

      When your account is converted, you can log into the game using the player name as before. During the conversion, the associated email address used to create your Gameforge account will be displayed. The password will also be copied across from the game account. You will be automatically logged into the portal once the account conversion is complete.
      You can use the 'Manage email addresses' function on the 'Account settings' page to add another email address. Then just confirm the new address by clicking the link in the activation email. Mark the email address as 'primary email address' before logging out so you can use the address to log in.

      How do I log into a game that hasn't been moved across to the portal yet?

      For games that haven't yet been moved across to the portal, you will be prompted for your email address/player name and password as usual. You will still log in with your existing login data.

      The portal isn't displaying all my games. Why is this?

      It's possible that you may have used another email address for this game account that you haven't yet linked to your Gameforge account. You can add this email address to your account on the portal. It could also be a game that hasn't yet been moved across to the portal. In this instance, the search by email address hasn't found the game. This means you will have to continue logging in via the old website as before until this change.