Achievement System

    • Accepted
    • General

    • Achievement System

      Hello fellow Origin Board users,

      This is something I thought about some time ago, and I wanted to share it with you, as it is something easy to add to the game and could bring a big plus to the personal enjoyment of the game for players. I'm talking about an achievement system like the ones used by Steam or Blizzard, giving players the possibility to have new targets and count different milestones, such as bronze, silver and gold(or even more ranks) ranks for online time, damage, number of trades over x resources, clicks in the interface, closest jumpgate ninja, biggest amount of resources recycled in one mission, number of items used, and the list can go on forever. One more thing that could add to this, would be "marrying" this with the forum, since we love posting the stuff we're most proud of on the forums, being able to link ingame and forum accounts would allow players to show off their achievements on their forum account in the signature, under the avatar, as small icons with tooltips on mouseover, or anywhere else there would be enough space for those, maybe even a button on a user's forum user profile that could show all their achievements.

      Best Regards,
      Tommy, Board Team :)
      Peace is a lie,There is only Passion!
      Through Passion,I gain Strength!
      Through Strength,I gain Power!
      Through Power,I gain Victory!
      Through Victory,my Chains are Broken!
    • Congratulations on your award of the "Terror of the Spaceways" badge, 1st class. In addition to this exciting achievement, you will also receive the limited edition "Dread Pirate Roberts" (tm) god-mode decoder ring. This ring, fabricated in the orient of space age non-petroleum plastics will allow you to foresee upcoming special events, select the best planets for colonization, and in a special mode, will allow you to discover the cell phone number of Carsten van Husen, Gameforge CEO! Get to work, he's waiting for your call.

      Note : "Dread Pirate Roberts" (tm) god-mode decoder ring is on indefinite back order.