Guide 12: Expedition guide

    • Wiki Updated

    • Since 2009, Ogame has included the new technology: astrophysics. This technology allow you to have more colonies, send more expeditions at time and colonise all planet slots.

      =How to send expedition?=
      First, to be able to send an expedition, you need to have astrophysics. The number of expedition depends of this technology. Here the formula:
      Number of expeditions = RootSquare(Astrophysics). So, the number of expedition grow at level like that:

      Astrophysical level 1 = 1 expedition in the same time
      Astrophysical level 4 = 2 expedition in the same time
      Astrophysical level 9 = 3 expedition in the same time
      Astrophysical level 16 = 4 expedition in the same time
      Astrophysical level 25= 5 expedition in the same time

      Note that it is possible to have one extra expedition if you activate Admiral. Check <<Premium features>> for more information.

      What we need to put to maximize the expedition for find ships, resources? It’s depending of the top 1.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 100k of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 2.500 expedition points. You
      can find maximum 500.000 metal, 250.000 crystal or 166.667 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 1M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 6.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 1.200.000 metal, 600.000 crystal or 400.000 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 5M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 9.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 1.800.000 metal, 900.000 crystal or 600.000 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 25M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 12.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 2.400.000 metal, 1.200.000 crystal or 800.000 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 50M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 15.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 3.000.000 metal, 1.500.000 crystal or 1.000.000 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 75M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 18.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 3.600.000 metal, 1.800.000 crystal or 1.200.000 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 100M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 21.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 4.200.000 metal, 2.100.000 crystal or 1.400.000 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has more than 100M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 25.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 5.000.000 metal, 2.500.000 crystal or 1.666.666 deuterium during an expedition.

      The number of expedition points is: (Structural Integrity* 5) / 1.000
      So, here the number of expedition points:
      Light Fighter: 20
      Heavy Fighter: 50
      Cruiser: 135
      Battleship: 300
      Battlecruiser: 350
      Bomber: 375
      Destroyer: 550
      Small Cargo: 20
      Large Cargo: 60
      Espionage Probe: 5

      You can't find death star, colony ship and recycler.

      Tip for raiders:
      You need to have 1 Destroyer, 1 Espionage probes and Small/Large Cargo.
      Top 1 < 100k points, you can have 2.500 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 33 Larges Cargo
      Top 1 < 1M points you can have 6.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 91 Larges Cargo/273 Smalls Cargo
      Top 1 < 5M points you can have 9.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 141 Larges Cargo/423 Smalls Cargo
      Top 1 < 25M points you can have 12.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 191 Larges Cargo/573 Smalls Cargo
      Top 1 < 50M points you can have 15.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 241 Larges Cargo/723 Smalls Cargo
      Top 1 < 75M points you can have 18.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 291 Larges Cargo/873 Smalls Cargo
      Top 1 < 100M points you can have 21.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 341 Larges Cargo/1.023 Smalls Cargo
      Top 1 > 100M points you can have 25.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 417 Larges Cargo/1.223 Smalls Cargo

      This is not useful to use more fight ship, because there are a risk with aliens or pirates. Also, the expedition takes only the best ships in the expedition.
      Another advice, a lot of players prefer put a bomber, to avoid big fight against the aliens and pirates.

      For miners: You need to have full Small/Large Cargo.
      Top 1 < 100k points, you can have 2.500 expedition points, the preference, you should have 42 larges cargo or 125 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 < 1M points you can have 6.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 100 larges cargo or 300 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 < 5M points you can have 9.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 150 larges cargo or 450 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 < 25M points you can have 12.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 200 larges cargo or 600 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 < 50M points you can have 15.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 250 larges cargo or 750 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 < 75M points you can have 18.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 300 larges cargo or 900 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 < 100M points you can have 21.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 350 larges cargo or 1.050 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 > 100M points you can have 24.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 400 larges cargo or 1.200 smalls cargo + 1 probes

      =What can I find?=
      What happen during the expeditions? They are different scenario possible; you can find resources, fleet, Dark Matter, Merchant. However, you can have a fight, lost ships. Also, your fleet can be back faster or slower. Finally, you can find nothing during an expedition. Here the probability of each events:

      1) Find Dark Matter:
      - 9% of the expedition.
      The experience show you can find:
      small package: 300-400 DM
      medium package: 500-700 DM
      large package: 1.000-1.800 DM

      2) Find abandoned ships:
      - 22% of the expedition finds ships

      3) Find resources ships:
      - 32,5% of the expedition brings resources
      68,5% metal
      24% crystal
      7,5% deuterium.

      4) Find pirates:
      - 5,8% of the expedition meet pirates. They have you combat technology -3 (If you have technologies 10/10/10, they have
      7/7/7). Normal pirates fleet are +/- 30% of your structural points, large pirates fleet are +/- 50% of your structural points, x-large pirates fleet +/- 80% of your structural integrity points.

      5) Find aliens:
      - 2,6 % of the expedition meet aliens. They have you combat technology +3 (If you have technologies 10/10/10, they have 13/13/13). The size of the aliens fleet are between 40% to 120% of you structural integrity points.

      6) The fleet has delay:
      - 7% of the expedition takes 2, 3 or 5 times of delay.

      7) The fleet back early:
      - 2% of the expedition come back early

      8) Find nothing:
      -18,6% of the expedition finds nothing.

      9) Black hole:
      - 0,33% of the expedition the whole fleet or in partial can be lost.

      10) Find a merchant:
      -0,7% of the expedition finds a merchant. CAREFUL!!! You need to click on the right resources! He is in an orange box! If you don’t click on the right box, you pay 3.500 Dark Matter.

      In the case that you find resources, you can have a normal discovery with 89% of chance, so the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 10 to 50.
      You can also have a large discovery with 10% of chance, the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 50 to 100.
      If you are really lucky, you have 1% of chance to have a X-Large discovery with the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 100 to 200.

      We need to use this formula to know how many resource you find:
      (factor) * (Expedition points) = Metal
      ((factor) * (Expedition points)) / 2 = Crystal
      ((factor) * (Expedition points)) / 3 = Deuterium

      Example: If you have a X-Large discovery and the factor of multiplication is 176 with the top 1 over 100M points (So the maximum of expedition points are 24.000):
      176 (factor) * 24.000 (Expedition points) = 4224.000 metal.
      CAREFUL: Don’t forget to have enough cargo capacity in your ships.

      First, structural integrity is metal + crystal. It’s the same formula for the ships as for the resources.
      The factor of multiplication stay the same so in the case that you find resources, you can have a normal discovery with 89% of chance, so the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 10 to 50.
      You can also have a large discovery with 10% of chance, the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 50 to 100.
      If you are really lucky, you have 1% of chance to have a X-Large discovery with the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 100 to 200.

      ((factor) * (Expedition points)) / 2 = structural integrity (Metal + Crystal)

      Top 1 < 100k points, the maximum of structural integrity is 250.000.
      Top 1 < 1M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 600.000.
      Top 1 < 5M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 900.000.
      Top 1 < 25M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 1.200.000.
      Top 1 < 50M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 1.500.000.
      Top 1 < 75M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 1.800.000.
      Top 1 < 100M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 2.100.000.
      Top 1 > 100M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 2.500.000.

      The system is regenerate 10 expeditions per day.

      Between 0 to 10 expeditions in the day the message “ XXXXXX” say the zone is not exhausted so keep going!
      Between 10 to 25 expeditions in the day the message “ XXXXXX” say the zone is a little exhausted, maybe you should change sector.
      More than 25 expeditions in the day the message “ XXXXXX” say the zone is exhausted, you need to wait or change sector.
    • expo guide (dutch)

      • A tut for expo

      • Written by <author>
      • Jeckyll
        - <link to the original>

      Jun 19, 2010 by Jeckyll

      Expedition Expedition to redesign what is it exactly? Expedition
      is an addition to OGame, a new element where a player can not play
      against one other player but against a simulation program. When forwarding, you do not have just the skills necessary techniques. A player who is actively and daily expedition will however benefit of this experience. Expedition Fleet is not a good way of saving the game since returning from the fleet expedition phalanx. And debris from lost fleet during a fight is not to clean up.

      You have to expedition will need

      * Astro Technology

      * Fleet

      * Fleet slots

      Astro Engineering

      This determines the number of expeditions you can do and for how long.

      * Astro Technology 1-3 entitles an expedition

      * Astro Technology 4-8 entitles two expeditions

      * Astro Technology 9-15 entitles three expeditions

      16-24 * Astro Technology entitles four expeditions

      The number of expeditions have more influence on your results than the time you go on an expedition. So the more you go on an expedition the more you will achieve results below the line. You should not look at a profit but to the total.


      You send away your fleet on an expedition is very crucial for your results. Each ship has its own exhibited amount of points. By expedition's 9000 expedition, you may also send items to fleet, may be higher but has no effect on the result. Is
      the number 1 of the uni, higher than 5,000,000 points than the value of
      the fleet each ship 12,000 points exhibit any other ship you can find. You can only be one level higher or lower than you find them send an expedition. As a result you can not Recyclers, Colony ships or find RIPS

      Expo Points

      * Recycler 16

      * Koloieship 30

      * Star of Death 9000

      * Spionagesat 1

      * 12 small cargo

      * Light Combat 12

      * Large cargo 47

      * Heavy fighting 110

      * 47 Cruiser

      160 * Battleship

      70 * Interceptor

      Bomb Thrower 75 *

      * Destroyer 110

      Here's what remarkable things. The heavy fighting and large cargo ships have high value items for your exhibit and thus very suitable for shipping. Want to find dark matter only then a fleet of a small freighter and a spying probe enough. If you want to each expedition to go beyond the maximum results this is the most efficient fleet.

      * 68 Heavy Combat, this is purely for exhibition items

      * 1 Destroyer, this is for all ships to be found

      * 1 Spy probe, which is to check for activity in sector

      * 30 Large Cargo, this is for storing and exhibiting items found GS.

      This fleet is together expo 9001 points.


      These send you on to see if activity in this sector, you read it back in your report. The less activity in the pig sector, the higher the probability of result. A lock resets itself after about 3 hours. Sending waves fleet does not have an adverse effect or activity in that sector.

      Fleet locks

      Yes you are entitled to simply tie three expeditions then you also lose 3 fleet slots if you're going to do full time.

      Results of Expedition Expedition You have within three scenarios about the outcome.

      * A bad result

      * A neutral result

      * A positive result

      And then you have it again three degrees

      * A normal result for this is 90%

      * A great result, this is about 9%

      * An extreme result, it is approximately 1%.

      A bad result

      you can lose with fleet expedition this happens in a battle with
      pirates or aliens.En or you can lose your fleet into a worm hole where
      your message Kwaa Kra Swit will result as an expedition and then lose
      your entire fleet. Aliens have always 3 levels higher in Arms, Armor and Shield technology. So you can or a part of your fleet in a battle or lose all your fleet. Again the debris that is created in a fight to clear

      Break even

      There is really nothing, you lose no fleet or you find nothing. The disadvantage here is that you can get an exemption in time. Your fleet is suddenly much earlier or much later really. A delay of 24 hours is not alone. This is the reason why expedition is NOT suitable for fleet save. Another result is to find an animal or an unknown substance.

      A positive result

      * 1-You can find a free trader

      * You'll find 2-Dark Matter

      * 3-You will find resources

      * You'll find 4-fleet

      1-A free trader and that might useful.

      2-You can find Dark Matter Again the best fleet to search for dark matter is

      * 1 Small Cargo

      * An espionage probe

      If we look at the three grades is around

      * 90% find a normal amount equivalent to 100-200 Dark Matter

      * 9% is a large amount equivalent to 201-500 Dark Matter

      * 1% find an extreme result of more than 501 dark matter

      The largest find to date is 2076 Dark Matter

      You will find Commodity

      Commodities found in 9/3/1 ratio, meaning that you usually find metal. You never find more than you can carry.

      We then have three possible outcomes than what amounts to

      * 90% a result of up to 450,000 up to 225,000 metal or crystal or deuterium up to 150,000

      * 9% a result of up to 900,000 up to 450,000 metal or crystal or deuterium up to 300,000

      * 1% a result of up to 1,800,000 up to 900,000 metal or crystal or deuterium up to 600,000

      This is a plain where the No. 1 no 5,000,000 points.

      You find Fleet

      As mentioned, you find fleet expedition there are three exceptions, you can not find;

      * A recycler

      * A death star

      * A colony ship

      For the rest if you can find everything before it sends the right ships. You can even early in a uni ships find yourself not allowed to make. The battleships determine what you can find here. A Light Fighter Heavy Fighter may thus find a higher level. A shredder can find this so all the ships out there. What you do is driven depends on your fleet. Once again, everything up to then find the optimal fleet to send in costs and dispatching points.

      * 68 Heavy Combat

      * 30 Large Cargo

      * 1 Destroyer

      * 1 Spionagesat.

      Do you want the maximum resources, and less damage in battles with pirates and aliens you send.

      * 256 Large Cargo

      * 1 Destroyer

      * 1 Spionsat

      The results are

      * 90% between 10 and 50 ships and structures up to 300,000 points

      * 9% between 51 and 100 ships and up to 600,000 points structure

      * 1% between 101 and 200 ships. and up to 1,200,000 points structure

      So in summary

      * Expedition is profitable if you do this every day.

      * Most of your income with the maximum expo.punten fleet to go.

      * The spy satellite is to check activities for the less activity there is in a sector more likely to yield results.

      * No fleet save method.

      * The fleet's return OR phalanx

      * Debris is never clean up.

      That was my minitut. Check for more info.


      * Ogame

      * Expedition fleet value

      * Anti-Game

      * Greasemonkey

      * Firefox

      Fonetisch lezen

      • added - XXth Month 2010 - Name of the editor.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by jeckyll: translation ().

    • I bring some experiences in expos sent in universes where top1 has less than 10.000 points.

      I confirm that limit exists and it is 200 EP, the probe is the following:

      I have sent an expedition with 8 Small Cargoes, 1 Heavy Fighter and 1 Espionage Probe, which add 215 Expedition Points and I've gotten 2.800 Metal.

      As we know, metal prizes are even numbers between 10 and 200 multiplied by the EP of the fleet we send. For example:

      If you send 500 EP, you can get:

      10 * 500 = 5.000
      12 * 500 = 6.000
      14 * 500 = 7.000

      But you will never get 6.300 Metal (for example) sending 500 EP, neither 6.500 nor 5.200.

      Sending 215 Expedition Points you can get:

      10 * 215 = 2.150
      12 * 215 = 2.580
      14 * 215 = 3.010

      Sending 200 EP you can get:

      10 * 200 = 2.000
      12 * 200 = 2.400
      14 * 200 = 2.800

      So if you send a fleet with 215 EP and get a prize that corresponds to 200 EP, it must mean that the Maximum EP Limit in this universe is 200 EP.

      I have sent 1 SC too (20 EP), getting prizes corresponding to a 200 EP limit.

      So in <10k universes, the Maximum and the Minimum EP Limits are both 200 EP.

      The consequence is that no matter what you send in <10k universes, they will always worth as 200 EP, so my recommend is to send 1 SC (or 2 at the most).


      Arzorth ;)
    • Since 2009, Ogame has included the new technology astrophysical. This technology help to have more colonies, but also,
      make expeditions. You can send fleets on the position 16 for have positives things... or negatives things. The size of the fleets makes a different. Here the details.

      First, to be able to make an expedition, you need to have astrophysical. The number of expedition depends of this technology. Here the formula: Number of expeditions = RootSquare(Astrophysical). So, the number of expedition grow at level like that :

      Astrophysical level 1 = 1 expedition in the same time
      Astrophysical level 4 = 2 expedition in the same time
      Astrophysical level 9 = 3 expedition in the same time
      Astrophysical level 16 = 4 expedition in the same time
      Astrophysical level 25= 5 expedition in the same time

      What we need to put to maximize the expedition for find ships, resources? It’s depending of the top 1.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 100k of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 2.500 expedition points. You
      can find maximum 500.000 metal, 250.000 crystal or 166.667 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 1M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 6.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 1.200.000 metal, 600.000 crystal or 400.000 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 5M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 9.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 1.800.000 metal, 900.000 crystal or 600.000 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 25M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 12.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 2.400.000 metal, 1.200.000 crystal or 800.000 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 50M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 15.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 3.000.000 metal, 1.500.000 crystal or 1.000.000 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 75M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 18.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 3.600.000 metal, 1.800.000 crystal or 1.200.000 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 100M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 21.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 4.200.000 metal, 2.100.000 crystal or 1.400.000 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has more than 100M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 25.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 5.000.000 metal, 2.500.000 crystal or 1.666.666 deuterium during an expedition.

      The number of expedition points is : (Structural Integrity* 5) / 1.000
      So, here the number of expedition points:
      Light Fighter: 20
      Heavy Fighter: 50
      Cruiser: 135
      Battleship: 300
      Battlecruiser: 350
      Bomber: 375
      Destroyer: 550
      Small Cargo: 20
      Large Cargo: 60
      Espionage Probe : 5


      Tip for raiders:

      You need to have 1 Destroyer, 1 Espionage probes and Small/Large Cargo.

      Example :

      Top 1 < 100k points, you can have 2.500 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 33 Larges Cargo/
      Top 1 < 1M points you can have 6.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 91 Larges Cargo/273 Smalls Cargo
      Top 1 < 5M points you can have 9.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 141 Larges Cargo/423 Smalls Cargo
      Top 1 < 25M points you can have 12.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 191 Larges Cargo/573 Smalls Cargo
      Top 1 < 50M points you can have 15.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 241 Larges Cargo/723 Smalls Cargo
      Top 1 < 75M points you can have 18.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 291 Larges Cargo/873 Smalls Cargo
      Top 1 < 100M points you can have 21.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 341 Larges Cargo/1.023 Smalls Cargo
      Top 1 > 100M points you can have 25.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 417 Larges Cargo/1.223 Smalls Cargo

      This is not useful to use more fight ship, because there are a risk with aliens or pirates. Also, the expedition takes only the best ships in the expedition.

      Another advice, a lot of players prefer put a bomber, to avoid big fight against the aliens and pirates.

      We aren’t able to know the probability to find a cruiser with destroyer.

      For miners: You need to have full Small/Large Cargo.

      Top 1 < 100k points, you can have 2.500 expedition points, the preference, you should have 42 larges cargo or 125 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 < 1M points you can have 6.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 100 larges cargo or 300 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 < 5M points you can have 9.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 150 larges cargo or 450 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 < 25M points you can have 12.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 200 larges cargo or 600 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 < 50M points you can have 15.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 250 larges cargo or 750 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 < 75M points you can have 18.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 300 larges cargo or 900 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 < 100M points you can have 21.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 350 larges cargo or 1.050 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 > 100M points you can have 24.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 400 larges cargo or 1.200 smalls cargo + 1 probes

      What happen during the expeditions? They are different scenario possible; you can find resources, fleet, Dark Matter, Merchant. However, you can have a fight, lost ships. Also, your fleet can be back faster or slower. Finally, you can find nothing during an expedition. Here the probability of each events:

      (All the number are approximate!!)

      1- Find Dark Matters:
      - 9% of the expedition.
      The experience show you can find :
      small package: 300-400 DM
      medium package: 500-700 DM

      large package: 1.000-1.800 DM

      2- Find abandoned ships:
      - 22% of the expedition finds ships

      3- Find resources ships:
      - 32,5% of the expedition brings resources
      68,5% metal
      24% crystal
      7,5% deuterium.

      4- Find pirates:
      - 5,8% of the expedition meet pirates. They have you combat technology -3 (If you have technologies 10/10/10, they have
      7/7/7). Normal pirates fleet are +/- 30% of your structural points, large pirates fleet are +/- 50% of your structural points, x-large pirates fleet +/- 80% of your structural integrity points.

      5- Find aliens:
      - 2,6 % of the expedition meet aliens. They have you combat technology +3 (If you have technologies 10/10/10, they have 13/13/13). The size of the aliens fleet are between 40% to 120% of you structural integrity points.

      6- The fleet has delay:
      - 7% of the expedition takes 2, 3 or 5 times of delay.

      7- The fleet back early:
      - 2% of the expedition come back early

      8- Find nothing:
      -18,6% of the expedition finds nothing.

      9- Black hole:
      - 0,33% of the expedition the whole fleet or in partial can be lost.

      9- Find a merchant:
      -0,7% of the expedition finds a merchant. CAREFUL!!! You need to click on the right resources! He is in an orange box! If you don’t click on the right box, you pay 3.500 Dark Matter.

      In the case that you find resources, you can have a normal discovery with 89% of chance, so the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 10 to 50.
      You can also have a large discovery with 10% of chance, the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 50 to 100.
      If you are really lucky, you have 1% of chance to have a X-Large discovery with the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 100 to 200.

      We need to use this formula to know how many resource you find :

      (factor) * (Expedition points) = Metal
      ((factor) * (Expedition points)) / 2 = Crystal
      ((factor) * (Expedition points)) / 3 = Deuterium

      Example : If you have a X-Large discovery and the factor of multiplication is 176 with the top 1 over 100M points (So the maximum of expedition points are 24.000):

      176 (factor) * 24.000 (Expedition points) = 4224.000 metal.

      CAREFUL : Don’t forget to have enough cargo capacity in your ships.

      Find ship:
      First, structural integrity is metal + crystal. It’s the same formula for the ships as for the resources.
      The factor of multiplication stay the same so in the case that you find resources, you can have a normal discovery with 89% of chance, so the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 10 to 50.
      You can also have a large discovery with 10% of chance, the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 50 to 100.
      If you are really lucky, you have 1% of chance to have a X-Large discovery with the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 100 to 200.

      ((factor) * (Expedition points)) / 2 = structural integrity (Métal + Crystal)

      Top 1 < 100k points, the maximum of structural integrity is 250.000.
      Top 1 < 1M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 600.000.
      Top 1 < 5M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 900.000.
      Top 1 < 25M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 1.200.000.
      Top 1 < 50M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 1.500.000.
      Top 1 < 75M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 1.800.000.
      Top 1 < 100M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 2.100.000.
      Top 1 > 100M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 2.500.000.

      The system is regenerate 10 expeditions per day.

      Between 0 to 10 expeditions in the day the message “ XXXXXX” say the zone is not exhausted so keep going!

      Between 10 to 25 expeditions in the day the message “ XXXXXX” say the zone is a little exhausted, maybe you should change sector

      More than 25 expeditions in the day the message “ XXXXXX” say the zone is exhausted, you need to wait or change sector.
    • The maximum expo points are 25.000 not 24.000 for Top 1 > 100 M points. I personally made a thread in the .de board for testing the new settings: Anpassung der Expofunde für hochstufige Accounts. These results have been verified a lot of times already and have also been used by Francolino for the expedition routine in AGO.

      The recommended fleets are therefore:
      417 LC + 1 Probe (408 LC + 1 Probe + 1 Destroyer)
      1.250 SC + 1 Probe (1.223 SC + 1 Probe + 1 Destroyer)

      The maximum resources:
      5.000.000 metal, 2.500.000 crystal or 1.666.666 deuterium

      The maximum structural points:

      Another thread in the .de board (v5.7.0: DM-Funde auf Expos) shows that the DM finds since 5.7.0 are:
      small: 300-400
      medium: 500-700
      large: 1.000-1.800

    • Since 2009, Ogame has included the new technology: astrophysics. This technology allow you to have more colonies, send more expeditions at time and colonise all planet slots.

      =How to send expedition?=
      First, to be able to send an expedition, you need to have astrophysics. The number of expedition depends of this technology. Here the formula:
      Number of expeditions = RootSquare(Astrophysics). So, the number of expedition grow at level like that:

      Astrophysical level 1 = 1 expedition in the same time
      Astrophysical level 4 = 2 expedition in the same time
      Astrophysical level 9 = 3 expedition in the same time
      Astrophysical level 16 = 4 expedition in the same time
      Astrophysical level 25= 5 expedition in the same time

      Note that it is possible to have one extra expedition if you activate Admiral. Check <<Premium features>> for more information.

      What we need to put to maximize the expedition for find ships, resources? It’s depending of the top 1.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 100k of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 2.500 expedition points. You
      can find maximum 500.000 metal, 250.000 crystal or 166.667 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 1M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 6.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 1.200.000 metal, 600.000 crystal or 400.000 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 5M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 9.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 1.800.000 metal, 900.000 crystal or 600.000 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 25M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 12.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 2.400.000 metal, 1.200.000 crystal or 800.000 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 50M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 15.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 3.000.000 metal, 1.500.000 crystal or 1.000.000 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 75M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 18.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 3.600.000 metal, 1.800.000 crystal or 1.200.000 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has least than 100M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 21.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 4.200.000 metal, 2.100.000 crystal or 1.400.000 deuterium during an expedition.
      On the universes that the top 1 has more than 100M of points, the value maximum of your fleet of expedition is limited to 25.000 expedition points. You can find maximum 5.000.000 metal, 2.500.000 crystal or 1.666.666 deuterium during an expedition.

      The number of expedition points is: (Structural Integrity* 5) / 1.000
      So, here the number of expedition points:
      Light Fighter: 20
      Heavy Fighter: 50
      Cruiser: 135
      Battleship: 300
      Battlecruiser: 350
      Bomber: 375
      Destroyer: 550
      Small Cargo: 20
      Large Cargo: 60
      Espionage Probe: 5

      You can't find death star, colony ship and recycler.

      Tip for raiders:
      You need to have 1 Destroyer, 1 Espionage probes and Small/Large Cargo.
      Top 1 < 100k points, you can have 2.500 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 33 Larges Cargo
      Top 1 < 1M points you can have 6.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 91 Larges Cargo/273 Smalls Cargo
      Top 1 < 5M points you can have 9.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 141 Larges Cargo/423 Smalls Cargo
      Top 1 < 25M points you can have 12.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 191 Larges Cargo/573 Smalls Cargo
      Top 1 < 50M points you can have 15.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 241 Larges Cargo/723 Smalls Cargo
      Top 1 < 75M points you can have 18.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 291 Larges Cargo/873 Smalls Cargo
      Top 1 < 100M points you can have 21.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 341 Larges Cargo/1.023 Smalls Cargo
      Top 1 > 100M points you can have 25.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 1 Destroyer, 1 probes and 417 Larges Cargo/1.223 Smalls Cargo

      This is not useful to use more fight ship, because there are a risk with aliens or pirates. Also, the expedition takes only the best ships in the expedition.
      Another advice, a lot of players prefer put a bomber, to avoid big fight against the aliens and pirates.

      For miners: You need to have full Small/Large Cargo.
      Top 1 < 100k points, you can have 2.500 expedition points, the preference, you should have 42 larges cargo or 125 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 < 1M points you can have 6.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 100 larges cargo or 300 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 < 5M points you can have 9.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 150 larges cargo or 450 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 < 25M points you can have 12.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 200 larges cargo or 600 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 < 50M points you can have 15.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 250 larges cargo or 750 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 < 75M points you can have 18.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 300 larges cargo or 900 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 < 100M points you can have 21.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 350 larges cargo or 1.050 smalls cargo + 1 probes
      Top 1 > 100M points you can have 24.000 expedition points, the preference, you should have 400 larges cargo or 1.200 smalls cargo + 1 probes

      =What can I find?=
      What happen during the expeditions? They are different scenario possible; you can find resources, fleet, Dark Matter, Merchant. However, you can have a fight, lost ships. Also, your fleet can be back faster or slower. Finally, you can find nothing during an expedition. Here the probability of each events:

      1) Find Dark Matter:
      - 9% of the expedition.
      The experience show you can find:
      small package: 300-400 DM
      medium package: 500-700 DM
      large package: 1.000-1.800 DM

      2) Find abandoned ships:
      - 22% of the expedition finds ships

      3) Find resources ships:
      - 32,5% of the expedition brings resources
      68,5% metal
      24% crystal
      7,5% deuterium.

      4) Find pirates:
      - 5,8% of the expedition meet pirates. They have you combat technology -3 (If you have technologies 10/10/10, they have
      7/7/7). Normal pirates fleet are +/- 30% of your structural points, large pirates fleet are +/- 50% of your structural points, x-large pirates fleet +/- 80% of your structural integrity points.

      5) Find aliens:
      - 2,6 % of the expedition meet aliens. They have you combat technology +3 (If you have technologies 10/10/10, they have 13/13/13). The size of the aliens fleet are between 40% to 120% of you structural integrity points.

      6) The fleet has delay:
      - 7% of the expedition takes 2, 3 or 5 times of delay.

      7) The fleet back early:
      - 2% of the expedition come back early

      8) Find nothing:
      -18,6% of the expedition finds nothing.

      9) Black hole:
      - 0,33% of the expedition the whole fleet or in partial can be lost.

      10) Find a merchant:
      -0,7% of the expedition finds a merchant. CAREFUL!!! You need to click on the right resources! He is in an orange box! If you don’t click on the right box, you pay 3.500 Dark Matter.

      In the case that you find resources, you can have a normal discovery with 89% of chance, so the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 10 to 50.
      You can also have a large discovery with 10% of chance, the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 50 to 100.
      If you are really lucky, you have 1% of chance to have a X-Large discovery with the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 100 to 200.

      We need to use this formula to know how many resource you find:
      (factor) * (Expedition points) = Metal
      ((factor) * (Expedition points)) / 2 = Crystal
      ((factor) * (Expedition points)) / 3 = Deuterium

      Example: If you have a X-Large discovery and the factor of multiplication is 176 with the top 1 over 100M points (So the maximum of expedition points are 24.000):
      176 (factor) * 24.000 (Expedition points) = 4224.000 metal.
      CAREFUL: Don’t forget to have enough cargo capacity in your ships.

      First, structural integrity is metal + crystal. It’s the same formula for the ships as for the resources.
      The factor of multiplication stay the same so in the case that you find resources, you can have a normal discovery with 89% of chance, so the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 10 to 50.
      You can also have a large discovery with 10% of chance, the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 50 to 100.
      If you are really lucky, you have 1% of chance to have a X-Large discovery with the factor of multiplication with the expedition points is 100 to 200.

      ((factor) * (Expedition points)) / 2 = structural integrity (Metal + Crystal)

      Top 1 < 100k points, the maximum of structural integrity is 250.000.
      Top 1 < 1M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 600.000.
      Top 1 < 5M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 900.000.
      Top 1 < 25M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 1.200.000.
      Top 1 < 50M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 1.500.000.
      Top 1 < 75M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 1.800.000.
      Top 1 < 100M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 2.100.000.
      Top 1 > 100M points, the maximum of structural integrity is 2.500.000.

      The system is regenerate 10 expeditions per day.

      Between 0 to 10 expeditions in the day the message “ XXXXXX” say the zone is not exhausted so keep going!
      Between 10 to 25 expeditions in the day the message “ XXXXXX” say the zone is a little exhausted, maybe you should change sector.
      More than 25 expeditions in the day the message “ XXXXXX” say the zone is exhausted, you need to wait or change sector.