Stuck ACS defending

  • Fixed
  • Combat System

  • Stuck ACS defending

    There's a problem if someone is ACS defending a planet/moon of an account and that account gets deleted.

    Player A [1:1:1] launches an ACS defend to Player B in [1:2:1], for example the flight time is 1h,
    player B extends the duration with alliance depot for certain time (in this example, say 60 weeks), during this time player A can recall anytime and have fleet back at home in 1h,
    if player B account gets deleted the fleet is automatically coming back from [::] for 60 weeks, there's no way to recall.

    This is a bug, IMO, I think at least the fleet should still be ACS defending [::] instead of coming back from there; so the Recall button should be still available. Or may be, since the account gets deleted, may be the fleet appears instantly at home.

    Or any solution you think of, but I think that having that fleet coming back without option to recall is not logical.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by NoMoreAngel ().

  • No behavior will be changed, only the possibility given to still recall the fleet. That´s what i reported and that´s also the final information.


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