A few ideas on OGame

    • Acquire and obtain players

    • A few ideas on OGame

      Ogame is one of the best browser games i found and is one enjoying a long life too. However there is a continuous decline in number of players. Why?

      Let me say what i personally think :

      There are a quite a few fine characteristics of the game that makes it a good choice to spend your free time playing it but also, there are a few aspects causing the continuous decline.
      Many of them have been discussed on other topics on this forum.

      What can be done stop this decline and to make Ogame highly attractive to a wider audience?

      1. Goals for Ogame

      The main goals should be to :
      • Have more and more players : Most enjoyable universes are those with high number of players
      • Keep stable the number of present player, reduce the abandon rate
      • Bring in new players and make them stay
      • Provide a way to obtain a sense of accomplishment for each playing style
      • Ensure the game brings profit and in the same time maintain it free. One player should be able to play without paying but in the same time to find a discrete way for paying players to get small advantages and make them pay more - pay less- pay more frequent without making the non paying players feel that is a pay to win game. The free game should be able to ensure a large number of players and the progress of paying players should not affect the balance of the game.

      2. Situation assessment

      What makes a player to choose ogame
      Before thinking to different solutions like universe merge or advanced noob protection or new features in the game just because we think that this will revive the game, I think it is extremely important to think and discuss why we are in this situation. Knowing the cause will make easier to find the good solution to our problem.
      The causes have been discussed in previous threads as :
      • good things
      - good games are simple and easy to play and have to give a sense of accomplishment
      - ogame is one of the first online games of it's type
      - it is / it was less computer power demanding, no need to download a client.
      - no computer skills are necessary to play the game at the start , experience can be gained along the play
      - you can play it from anywhere , all you need is an internet connection and a browser
      - game play demands a certain life discipline : you have to know exactly when you will be online next time, when your fleet is landing.
      - is a strategy game , a game of mind
      - social aspects of the game are strong and players do have the impression they are in a community : alliance is the main feature .
      - you can smash ships , destroy defenses , steal resources ( things that in real life are punishable ) , here depriving other players from their goods is the way to go.
      - there is no limit to your development ( only time )
      • bad things
      - there is a plethora of new games similar to ogame , some original and legal, some are clones of ogame with more or less similar features : the general pool of players is divided among too many games
      -inside ogame the players are divided among too many universes, too many communities not taking into account that there is a finite number of possible players of Ogame )
      - playing a game for 2-5 years is a long time, players are growing, getting old, changing life habits, they get new responsibilities- a family , children, new demanding job , new games
      - people now are having an active life, running from school /work to house. meeting with friends, spamming Facebook, playing other games. there is little time to wait 2 hours for your fleet to return
      - in ogame you can't do something significant in less than 15 minutes
      - playing the game from your phone is not an easy work

      Age span of players
      a) Younger than 16 : We have only few underage players . If they are, is highly improbably they stay longer than a few months, they’ll move to the next game advertised on the gaming sites.
      b) College/students less than 22 years old (often high school level – this is the profile of the ogame highly admired fleeter unfortunately their gaming experience is not longer than a couple of years as they get busy with RL , friends and changing schools, increased education demands over the time - they leave because of the amount of work to do and because of their IRL which changes a lot. In general, they are some of the best and most active ogame players
      c) Young professionals aged less than 35 years old, all professions but many of them working in IT and having huge online times , most have families – they are the long standing players , sometime if the ogame do not becomes a family problem, it is most likely they’ll play the game for many years.
      d) Mature and senior players aged over 35, all professions (usually with good education , some with good jobs or retired )- this category has also a great level of stability in the game, once they get experience , they are most likely to become mentors for their gaming mates.

      Many young people are not so much attracted to a text based browser game, they prefer 3 D games, highly interactive. Some players can't stay on the same game for too long , they like changing games, get new skills, see different characters, features – in general they lose interest of any game in a few months or even less. Conservative players love the old way and hate changing things, any change is a reason to quit in disgust

      A unique game & competition
      Ogame used to be unique, now I hear many commenting: Game X is very much like ogame . There is a need to make a balance between any common elements versus singular aspects of the game. We must take care to make the singular aspects to have more attractive value than the common features and aspects with other games. The clone ogame problem is not serious but makes ogame “bleed “ good , active players.

      The redesign
      The redesign is bringing the ogame’s graphic interface to the modern standard but even after so long time since it was implemented is making unhappy a large number of conservative players ( especially the b, c and d categories). Is true, once accustomed with the change, it makes no difference. These players have the strongest voice and many are ignoring the good things brought by the redesign.

      A friend made a nice comment at the time the redesign was implemented to the old universes:
      He compared Ogame with a mature lady that wishing to keep her husband ( the player ) more attached to her is passing thorough a cosmetic surgery - a face lift . Then the husband is not happy with the change, he was in love with the old lady he knew. Now his choice is to accept the new face of his love or to look for a different lady with an similar aspect to the initial face of his wife ( Ogame).

      Reasons, outside our control for the decrease of player numbers
      - The game market is flooded with all kind of games ( free or paid)
      - Young people ( 14-22 age ranges) most likely to be interested in online games have a lot of other choices to spend free time
      - We live in a speed world, things are changing fast, people are asked to adapt each day to modern technologies, products. The present economic crisis changed a lot how people are spending their free time and money if they have it.
      - There is an increase of activity over the social networks, leaving the online games outside these networks
      - People are driven a lot more to use the mobile as the main communication and recreational media. Ogame is not easily playable on a phone. Playing from the mobile phone is the future of ogame

      The importance of the social aspect of ogame
      One of the strongest cohesion factor in Ogame are the board, the chat and the Alliance.
      Empowering the alliance features and developing new ones, facilitating ingame cooperation is one of the most important things that should be considered .
      - if you are lucky to get in a nice, active alliance, you will continue to play , no matter what
      - if you are not accepted in an alliance or your alliance is crappy , you will lose your interest soon, no matter if you are attacked or not .
      clear examples :
      -my account in uni 7 ogame.us = happy alliance, a lot of newb players enjoying the game , no matter if they get crushed from time to time, account in kassiopea.de – I have a good alliance , I play it , like me, many others.
      -my accounts in ogame .de ( 35, 50 and 32) : I wasn't able to get in any alliance = I +have no joy to play them and nobody attacked me yet , I just keep them in v-mode , activating them from time to time .

      Weaker player protection
      The advanced newbie protection is a good thing to work on, we had so many complaints from players about being attacked by top players with no chance to fight back and I strongly believe that is a necessary thing to do. How we do it is a difficult question.

      While this noob protection can be comfortable for noob players, it can be a nuisance for medium and advanced players.

      I see a good point in escaping fleets and hideouts but only for newbie accounts. For accounts close and over 1kk points, the situation is not that good. Just remember, ogame is a war game, making more restrictions and reducing the hunting pool , will induce starvation and discontent form the advanced players if not enough incentives are given to those too .
      Players are quitting game for various motives , one of them is being crushed , another is lack of socializing, mentoring , the "wolf pack " feeling, many are quitting because ogame is not for them. Ogame requires a certain style of life, to be a successful player one needs to spend a lot of time online, to have a predictable daily schedule; he must know for sure at what time he will be able to come online at the moment his fleetsave returns.

      4. Recommendations & suggestions

      Age shift&playability
      Make the game run smother on all platforms able to connect to internet. When thinking to any game improvement think to whom you are pointing this improvement Make ogame more playable : enhance the speed of page loading, reduce the needed clicks and pages to get on before sending fleet. Enable a text only version, many players are after the thrill of the action, not for the nice pictures . Ogame is requiring long times staying in front of the screen, strong colors and vivid pictures can be tiresome and can become a problem in the long run.
      The future of ogame is mobile. Ogame must be fully playable from any mobile device.
      Reason : Young people from today are more dynamic, they have a social life, they visit friends and friends are visiting them, they spend time in public places , that is hardly the time schedule of an ogame player. One solution would be to ease the play from mobile devices, enable short commands instead of a three stage fleet sending menu.
      We live in a world of speed and miniaturization, graphic design should be appealing ( the ogame layout was one of the things that attracted me at the beginning ) but should not be a source of annoyance for the players in need of speed .
      Ogame players have different ages from teenagers , up to senior people in their 80s .
      I do not have exact information about the age span of ogame players but all top players are over 20- up to 45 years old, or even older. That means that the mature players are most likely to stay playing the game.
      Some the of the reasons might be :
      - Adult players have more stability and get tired less of their game
      - Adult players have already a daily schedule that can be adapted to the ogame routine and young players have the tendency to have a social life, in outdoors and they like spending time in groups ( is not advisable to play ogame in groups ) . Young players are most likely to quit ogame earlier since they can’t be there when fleets comes from fleetsave, if they remember to fleetsave being too occupied with FB conversations

      A simple game
      One reason for the long life and success of ogame is that it was a simple game but complex in the same time, a challenge for mind and courage , a dynamic social medium allowing interaction between real people ( way before the time the market to be flooded with other massive multiplayer games . Now the situation changed and is hard to compete with such a wide variety of similar games or so much different, practically covering any possible preference a player might have .

      5. Conclusions

      - Simplicity : A good game is a simple game, not to many options but enough to make a player feel that his account is what it suits him the best – I use to have the feeling “I’m home “ when I open my account
      - Customization Allow player to “tune up” his game interface ( from minimalist graphic display to complex and dynamic interface). Some are disturbed by the exuberant display of colors, and on the contrary some are annoyed but the static aspect of the browser based interface
      - Bugs-free : Diminish as much as possible game problems- bugs, solve them with priority – improve quality assurance – implement a system for more effective and complete checks before any release. It is not a good image to accept less quality to any offered product – even if is a free one
      - Support Make the game more easy to play, improve tutorial, add a quest system , make the game more addictive and more challenging in the same time. That means simple rules, greater protection and larger liberty of action ( I have no idea how to do that but we can discuss it )
      - Playability Make the game accessible and playable from all kind of devices , including mobile phones- that will help keep on the young players and the adult ones as well (playing from school or from work or even on the beach or on the top of the mountain)
      - Reward active playing. Let the player feel that his skills are improving day by day; make him have a good sense of progress, reward his fidelity to the game. Make him feel he needs to check his game as often as possible ( give gifts at login at a random time of the day- like drawings in a supermarket )
      - Social cohesion The social aspect is one the of the strongest cohesion factors in ogame. Find new ways to enhance the alliance importance and add new features to increase the experience when playing as a member of an alliance ( I have so many ideas in this direction – not the place to present them here )

      Actions to be taken
      One action is to look for ogame community’s opinion, have a closer look at the proposal sections from all ogame communities. I am happy with the Ogame Origin.- Ideas Planet
      To improve the support offered to the start –up player by creating an advanced tutorial
      Another action is to implement some changes to the game in the hope that players will be more attracted to the game and to reduce the abandon rate . The changes must be made step by step , in small quantities and fine tuning based on player feedback and mathematical balancing.
      The missing action is aggressive advertising.
      Give player some opportunity to enjoy those significant 15 minutes he can spare for the game
      Change the advertise way : making trailers with moving ships and great animations will only induce prospect players in error. Many will join but few will stay. I think the social aspect of the game should be enhanced and also more accent on the war like atmosphere of the game , its violence and cruelty . Advertise that this is a game only for the brave and with strong spirit.

      Keeping the product in its original form we only will be able to keep the old customers(at least), some will leave anyway as their life changes.
      The only option is to change in order to be able to compete with other games, flooding on the market, to fight in the "lions den"- the most fierce competition, fighting for the free time of young and mature people (some free, some with subscription).

      We must find a way to make it different, unique and attractive and addictive to a wider range of players. More playable, easier to understand, to ensure the entertainment and the achievement feeling any player is looking for when playing a game.
    • Three short ideas (long post, in any case) to kick this thread a little bit. I do not propose anything, I'm just pointing out to some problems I see, just in case they decide to think about them.

      TL;DR: high differences in points on the first few days / months of universe are depressing to non-advanced users; people want fast growth universes, but only x1 fleet are possible to survive if you are not the monopoly, may be try to mix these two; may be pivot the advertising, and reorientate the opening of universes to make each of them more special, and get people to start months-old universes.

      One of the thing that put new players in despair is the huge differences at the beginning of the universe. Experienced players, wether they are high ranked from the beginning, or know that those differences don't matter (at least to that level) in the long run. But newcomers? They just throw everything. Seeing that after one day playing you have, say, 20 points, and that the rank 1 has 2.000 points is a big problem. Experienced players now that after 6 months or a year, those people might still be ahead them, but definitely not more than 3 times their punctuation, for instance. But I think this is a great deal of why no new players keep coming, and why the universes have difficulties to gather a lot of players.

      How can we solve this? I don't know. GameForge makes a lot of money at the beginnings of universes, so that differences may actually pay themselves in terms of money (less people paying crazy amounts of money > more people spending less), but in terms of playability, I think it's clear that it's worse. Ideally, the differences wouldn't be that big, not that it matters, but because of the impression it creates on newcomers / even average players.

      On another subject: livability. x1 speed universes are the only ones that one can survive decently, playing fleeter, while also having a life, and also having the power of surviving if they are careful. In any other speed, it's impossible. If someone wants to hit you (and they have power) there's no way to survive “decently”. In speed universes, the situation is the similar to extreme capitalism that we live in today: monopolies arise without limit, coping all high (fleet) ranks; without limits to stop them (slow speed) lobbies are the ones in power, the only that can actually have fun; and in fact they abuse. This is mostly an image of almost all speed universes. In slow universes, at least the monopolies don't appear that fast, and they have to grow slowly with no option to hit everyone. But, on the other side, no one wants to spend years to get an account that can get in months in an speed universe. I think this, if mixed correctly, could give some sort of new air to OGame.

      Something that appeared to try to limit those monopolies / abuse / high growth was honour points. I think they are a great idea, but they are not useful, and are not actually relevant. So may be GameForge should revise them, what pros or cons do they give with positive or negative, plus they should also revise how the honour points are achieved because, apart from usefulness, they are “easy” to obtain even while not being abusive.

      Related a little bit to the first point, another problem I see is the number of universes being open. We are few players, but if we are scattered, well, that's no helping. This is difficult, because an opening universe is a lot of fresh money, but I think this current repetitive way is not perfect. Solution? I'm not sure there is. A mixture of something that doesn't stop people from beginning a-few-months-old universes; and may be opening 4 universes a year, one x1, one x2, one x4 and one x5 (for instance), which will make people somehow await for them (“In 6 months the new, tremendous, beautiful x1 server of the year will be opening, keep tuned”).

      Have GameForge thought about subscription based universes? Once you get two months of playing the universe becomes subscription based. Of course, just with officers and, I guess, merchant, (no new features, as buying resources, doubleclicking buildings, etc.). I think they can afford one trial universe, and see how it goes. Because if it's an affordable price, people would prefer that to a pay more get more universe.

      In any case, Valent, I agree with you on the whole thread, but something this big is difficult to orientate.

      My points are just trying to get them to look, think, rethink, those areas. I know many of them do not have a solution, or it's not economically beneficial (and even one, I wouldn't implement it if I was GameForge :D, but hey, may be they like it).
    • The reason it was in sharp decline and many people stopped playing is really, really simple.

      Reason 1: Commander and officers was the first wave in the decline.
      Reason 2: Battlecruisers - An OP ship that violated design guidelines that invalidated two core ships of the time [Battleships and Heavy Fighters] before more balancing was done.
      Reason 3: Nail in the coffin - Pay to Win DM overload that sacrificed all the competitive integrity of the game and replaced it with a fast track to success.
      Reason 4: The burying crew - Rapidfire universes every month or so with the SOLE intention of increasing profit by having people dump tons of money on a new server and then people joining wanting a fresh start from their previous bad experience [due to the same problem on a previous server] would join and experience it again.

      If you played a game of starcraft with your friend and they paid $10 to buy 2000 Minerals and 500 Vespene Gas at the beginning of the game, this would be a TREMENDOUS advantage.

      Now seeing as ogame is meant to be played for years what you end up with is:
      -People playing the beginning of a universe, seeing how futile all the BS is and leaving.
      -People who stay with the universe end up dwindling because of something unfortunate so people just join the new universe like clockwork.
      -You end up with like ~100 active people in one uni when there used to be over a thousand because of Reasons 1 through 4.
    • Without spending say a whole day for compare and contrast to all posts so far, which is kinda strange for the social/communication breakdown. I will say this so far and try to work out the difference later..

      The direction of probably all interest and say even intent is probably the only direction to have. Despite what is mentioned within, now for what, why, how, when, which, and any further of as such, I don't know, my best guess would be what is called: Forums, Discussion Boards, Guides, Manuals, Wikis/Wikia, Encyclopedias, Archives, Databases, Collection, and again say any further of as such.

      But to such for such for any as such, I would say is still just 50-50. But in its' own rights of course.

      And to elaborate as such, OGame is essentially through and through a Text Based Game, rather a Real-Time Strategy, Turn-Based Strategy, Real-Time Tactics, Turn-Based Tactics, Role-Playing Game, First-Person Shooter, 3rd-Person Mystery, Puzzle-Solver, Arcade Shooter, Arcade Fighter, Arcade, Adventure-Quest, and any further of as such, is basically based as a Text-Based release and nothing else.

      And it is here say the limits I say still say find there mark, given rather on regards to supply and demand for resource costs, despite what is least above, what you still find within what is the Text-Based worth for a lesser cost, amounts to the samething, saying you get no different than what can be found with what is called to say of most above.

      I would say even as such the interest of more, should supply the place of much difference to many things, and really in lack of just posting a reply for any specific and/or details in doing so, but I guess the worth of the imagination is still hand to find to "grab" and have let go of for its' worth to be.
      But rather of or not, more seems to make the merrier say of such when in such possible called situation described further above, one way or another.

      Honestly, I would say from what I've said from when started and what I have now, is still to much in saying for what was suppose to be for the says of just 50-50 alone essentially, without spamming still of course in regards to forums rules and guidelines.

      But why at the time of such to say, might mention for such, with what to regards of what to do, would say is OGame in gameplay terms say would offer an answer of response worth just 50-50, does it cost anything else for what there is to say achieve, progress, accomplish, finish, complete, attain, conclude, and any further of as such to do?? Eventually to me a typical Win-Loss scenario plays its' better worth of remarks and catch phrases of course, but still. What is 15 minutes you might wonder though otherwise?? Say anything else other than the practical standard worth of remarks and conventional catch phrases.
      But does it get passed say what is to name your planet for what 15 minutes might say really is?? I don't know. The auction to say at a time takes 45 minutes but is probably still worth no more than 2 seconds at a best really.

      So to me still is alot of 50-50 stuff best said for remark with a typical catch phrase, but works for me, given it usually doesn't have a difference to others say rather literally or technically. But does that help 15 minutes to have, or solve why 15 minutes goes by without an account of time??

      I'd rather add more to this post, but for the worth of thread and posting let alone title of of subject matter I would say I would be cheating the difference still so far without a regards of accordance, given the sakes if still not reading all of any post still so far. But in such does say leave alot of standard stuff at a time, that I would think since the beginning of Gaming for worth of questions would always probably still be within interest of question, that of ideas have covered to a point for a question to ask, when there has been questions with answers still otherwise. Which is fine at a time, but a game with no-ending, doesn't always suggest some practical open-endness to say for a game.
      And at this time to me, more find conflicts of course.

      But for what probably could still be said, is probably still best said for a start rather for a beginning or not, but in the worth of it all should always be the end.

      So will there be a topic to get back to rather than the subject still to be, I don't know. But specifics and say details does seem to offer enough Generalization to say find to have to say probably still is.


    • Mylil wrote:

      The reason it was in sharp decline and many people stopped playing is really, really simple.

      Reason 1: Commander and officers was the first wave in the decline.
      Reason 2: Battlecruisers - An OP ship that violated design guidelines that invalidated two core ships of the time [Battleships and Heavy Fighters] before more balancing was done.
      Reason 3: Nail in the coffin - Pay to Win DM overload that sacrificed all the competitive integrity of the game and replaced it with a fast track to success.
      Reason 4: The burying crew - Rapidfire universes every month or so with the SOLE intention of increasing profit by having people dump tons of money on a new server and then people joining wanting a fresh start from their previous bad experience [due to the same problem on a previous server] would join and experience it again.

      If you played a game of starcraft with your friend and they paid $10 to buy 2000 Minerals and 500 Vespene Gas at the beginning of the game, this would be a TREMENDOUS advantage.

      Now seeing as ogame is meant to be played for years what you end up with is:
      -People playing the beginning of a universe, seeing how futile all the BS is and leaving.
      -People who stay with the universe end up dwindling because of something unfortunate so people just join the new universe like clockwork.
      -You end up with like ~100 active people in one uni when there used to be over a thousand because of Reasons 1 through 4.
      That's pure Bullshit.
      If this was true, clash of clans and others would fail
      In reality ogame tried to go with the time/adapt but failed hard at this because of it's mentally challanged community, which can't understand how necessary these changes are.

      The reason behind ogame failing is as simple:
      It's a pure text based browser game in a time where 3D games exist.
      I don't get any fance pictures, fancy videos, sounds or anything that adresses the newest generation.
      The game is time consuming and once you stop playing for a while you are kinda out. Other games have a proper matchmaking. Going on vacation for a year wont make you top 100 gamer either, but it will still leave you possibilities to have fun. (Man, you can play these games for 20 minutes a day and still progress pretty well. Try to play ogame as a fleeter for 20 Minutes a day)
      Ogame didnt adapt to the time. Its fucking 2016 and we just got some htmls + videos after moon destruction(let's not talk about a smartphone app, about comeback mechanics or anything that would lower the time you have to invest [if you play with fleet]). It's the same game as years ago. Years ago it was funny, because it was the "only" (good) option. Nowadays I have way better options and there's just no reason to start a such time consuming game.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by scorer ().

    • scorer wrote:

      Mylil wrote:

      The reason it was in sharp decline and many people stopped playing is really, really simple.

      Reason 1: Commander and officers was the first wave in the decline.
      Reason 2: Battlecruisers - An OP ship that violated design guidelines that invalidated two core ships of the time [Battleships and Heavy Fighters] before more balancing was done.
      Reason 3: Nail in the coffin - Pay to Win DM overload that sacrificed all the competitive integrity of the game and replaced it with a fast track to success.
      Reason 4: The burying crew - Rapidfire universes every month or so with the SOLE intention of increasing profit by having people dump tons of money on a new server and then people joining wanting a fresh start from their previous bad experience [due to the same problem on a previous server] would join and experience it again.

      If you played a game of starcraft with your friend and they paid $10 to buy 2000 Minerals and 500 Vespene Gas at the beginning of the game, this would be a TREMENDOUS advantage.

      Now seeing as ogame is meant to be played for years what you end up with is:
      -People playing the beginning of a universe, seeing how futile all the BS is and leaving.
      -People who stay with the universe end up dwindling because of something unfortunate so people just join the new universe like clockwork.
      -You end up with like ~100 active people in one uni when there used to be over a thousand because of Reasons 1 through 4.
      That's pure Bullshit.If this was true, clash of clans and others would fail
      In reality ogame tried to go with the time/adapt but failed hard at this because of it's mentally challanged community, which can't understand how necessary these changes are.

      The reason behind ogame failing is as simple:
      It's a pure text based browser game in a time where 3D games exist.
      I don't get any fance pictures, fancy videos, sounds or anything that adresses the newest generation.
      The game is time consuming and once you stop playing for a while you are kinda out. Other games have a proper matchmaking. Going on vacation for a year wont make you top 100 gamer either, but it will still leave you possibilities to have fun. (Man, you can play these games for 20 minutes a day and still progress pretty well. Try to play ogame as a fleeter for 20 Minutes a day)
      Ogame didnt adapt to the time. Its fucking 2016 and we just got some htmls + videos after moon destruction(let's not talk about a smartphone app, about comeback mechanics or anything that would lower the time you have to invest [if you play with fleet]). It's the same game as years ago. Years ago it was funny, because it was the "only" (good) option. Nowadays I have way better options and there's just no reason to start a such time consuming game.
      I'd say you both are wrong, but realizing one probably would weigh more than the other of course.

      Yea, but Starcraft offers what is the interest of a Paying just a dollar a Marine though. Which wouldn't of course, but say a match to perhaps having least a 100 marines used, is fairly reasonable when pay-to-play barely amounts to even a 1% percent difference. But given a Marine use highly a interest of Tactically rather of/on the Strategic Forefront or not might be able to say utilize a 5-7% difference.
      Gives say First-Person Shooters a Perspective insight of some Perception worth on/in regards of the samething for the expense to say pay-to-play at a time. To many interests of many Achievements and Awards/Rewards would be able non-negotiable to say succeed to achieve in acquirance that they otherwise would be.

      OGame has probably went downhill the most with addition to say all the reasons stated over above, given there is just more games out there now, rather 3D and/or Text.

      See it this way, when I game much anymore, I spend an hour essentially doing it at least. Given though, I play about 4-5 games at the sametime. And have about 7 plus tabs for one, 3 for OGame if say include the forums all at the sametime.
      With more games out there says, if you loss at a game and say play on it easier to go to a game to play you haven't than one you have just for the shear cost of signing-up, given promos and the like.
      Restarting some games that you currently play say could take up to 5-7 clicks on most or button presses, where a new game could say only cost 5 at the most with regards to just 2-4 otherwise.
      And from that 2-4 clicks be able to get involved in a game for months if not even a year before anything additional matters for the worth of additional clicks to make it the same game you was playing before.
      As such, I wouldn't give to much credit for 3d games, but realize it is there.
      A good example is The Settlers Online, the story worth of it basically says is advances in terms of content involved but the utilization to cover goes back to almost a stone age comparison against its' typical imployance to say. When any standard would say for anything is worth Bronze Age at least for beginners rather starting at for a first time or not for utilization of how to play than whatever we play with, even if it is just Stone Age stuff.
      3d sometimes more than not actually does the samething, and as such some text based games can be better off for such.

      But to me, most is all excuses to a point, which is fine. I've had my time spent into a release that even at the current rate of things will probably take the industry another 5-10 years to even equal of for a worth of release let alone continue on from for one to have that doesn't change another one to be.

      As for time consuming, usually any good game will always consume alot of time, just debates worth time consumed should be alot for a bad game. A game that just is time consuming against the difference is just a time consuming game. Usually meaning if it took less or more time than it did it would probably just turn into a bad game, given you gotta change the game almost completely for a "good game" rating, and by then there are probably 50+ readily and regularly advertised and marketed without a difference. Industrial Age straight beyond the Space Age and perhaps under 5mins flat say all over again.

      After that I blame the mobile market for hampering the rest of anything. For the money, time, tech, and content coverage is in such short falls from say the yestar-years starting for such, it is best to label something given there was always just nothing next by for any reason why. Something will always win, but even is Something versus Something was, something will always win, but to me, is still not the same Something anytime, let alone everytime, just how that goes.

      Even though I still don't explain much, to me most to do so with is nothing new by far, to the point it is within Ages of Reasoning to say elaborate on. But that does mean for what there is there isn't, usually always the bottomline say from the other-side of things. You might find say a school project or the like as such so might cover a 50-50 area of some interest, but other than not, usually not.
      Betas as about ridiculous for the samething, for what there is is what there is, bottomline. Can probably say what there isn't everyday, but by then does usually amount for the more worth of something than its' place of nothing to have to say for where there was without it(beta vs alpha/final/release).
      Where I'd say alot of differences between Alpha-Final-Release is mainly publications, platforms, and perhaps "round-coverage"(Max computation throughput). Platforms sometime present say the worth of question of button usage say despite input selection. Game Controllers and Keyboards are not always the samething let alone the worth of one mouse/clicker. And that still usually questions say a playability over a say a operation/usability..rather for time differences or the like.

      As such, ideas of OGame should still sustain say to itself, should help work out better say its' place anywhere by then than for somewhere (else) of then. But a question does say debate what has been there for OGame of itself though to say to be.

      But I would say everywhere has that question though say of there when it is here to say of when is.