Announcement Wiki Tasks

  • Dear Wiki member,

    Please keep in mind thread: Wiki & Guides - Important

    This is list of tasks for wiki:

    [Date] - [What needs to be done] - [Link]:

    [03.06.2017] - [Review all tutorials and guides, give feedback about what could be added, changed or removed (if anything)] - [Wiki List]
    [3.7.2016] - [To write Guide 20: Portal] - [Wiki list]
    [03.06.2017] - [Translate a guide or tutorial to any language and post them here: Origin Localized] - [Wiki list]

    The post was edited 3 times, last by ErikFyr ().

  • Hey all,

    I added the following tasks to the list:

    [03.06.2017] - [Review all tutorials and guides, give feedback about what could be added, changed or removed (if anything)] - [Wiki List]

    Anyone can help reviewing the tutorials and guides, and give feedback about what could be added, changed or removed if you find anything, feel free to leave feedback about it in the thread of a tutorial or guide :)

    [03.06.2017] - [Translate a guide or tutorial to any language and post them here: Origin Localized] - [Wiki list]

    We need translators to translate our guides and tutorials, you can translate a guide or tutorial to your language and post it in the Origin Localized area under the language you translated it to, this is also a task anyone can do if they know a language other than English :)
    Origin Supporter
    TM -