collect routine - need to choose target twice under certain conditions

    • collect routine - need to choose target twice under certain conditions

      I would like to have some thoughts on the following scenario that I experience every day.

      TLDR: if a moon is target of collect, and you want to change the target to the moon of the current planet, you need to click on the moon twice.

      let's say I have three planets, A B C D with moons MA MB MC MD, respectivly. I want to collect resources from A and B on MA, and resources from C and D on MC. collect order A B C D.

      Planet A: I click on the routine button. I click on MA in the target list -> MA is choosen as target. next next next, fleet sent.
      Planet B: Collect + target MA is still logged in -> double click collect button next next, fleet sent
      Planet C: Collect + target MA is still logged in. now, if I click on MC in the target list, the target is not changed. It's still MA. I need to click again on MC to choose it.
      Planet D: (I don't realize that MA was target of C and just continue sending resources of D to MA :D)

      Is this wanted behavior or a bug?
    • It seems to me that you did not get the point of my report. just to be clear let me rephrase my question:

      A moon is already target of collect.
      Is it wanted behavior that I need to
      • click twice to switch target to the moon of the current planet, but
      • click once to switch target to any other moon but the moon of the current planet


      The post was edited 1 time, last by Dark Sky ().