End of piloris

    • End of piloris

      Dear all,

      Can we have an explanation for the reasons of this ?

      I honestly think that this change will put very bad atmosphere :

      - between players and players
      - between players and operators

      By the way, organising a very hard operation which can be aborted ( or going not as expected ) because a very big fleets leave the pillory, as far as the ban duration will not be known anymore, will be very frustrating.

      We are in a world changing thanks to his new transparency, and GameForge chooses the other way... Why ?

      Thank you.

      PS : and it seems that the players on the .org, one of the only board on which this had been announced, have the same fears and questions than I.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by iguypouf ().

    • Well, this is something that in my opinion is a bit controversial.

      On the one hand I think it would be better to see them, because if someone complaints about one player is the way to know if he was banned or not easily. With this change the informer has to look for him in galaxy and look if his name is strikethrough and with VMode because of the ban.

      On the other hand, any sanction only matters to the affected player, so others don't have why is other player banned or not and how much.
      This reason can provoke more more discussions in forums, so board teams have to be carefully to avoid flamming or spam.


      If you are baned you are going to see the reason and time, and you are the one who have to know, other people don't have to know.
      Ogame.es & Ogame.ar SGO
      Origin Supporter

    • Hide the reasons, why not ( even if this only thing is a bad idea regarding all the discussions on boards on the life of a universe ) ;

      But hide the whole ban list, and the durations, I can't understand.

      Its like setting your staffes in the lion's area :(

      Its additionally one difficulty ( one more ) for the managers of players team...
    • I knew someone was going to create that thread. :) To me, it looks like a bad idea: getting rid of the already-implemented features, even if they aren't directly-associated with inner functionality of the game. It'll be more than enough to have the link removed from the bottom references menu whilst saving up the ability to reach out the contents of /game/pranger.php page if desired, at least on my sight.
    • Now imagine if we had to care the same way for anyone involved in Panama Papers. Of course they have been evading taxes but hey, we should try not to harm them, let's not make it public.

      The truth is that someone cheating on a server affects the whole server, apart from the fact that nowadays the bans are almost a joke at least they get the shame and disrespect from the rest of the universe (sometimes they are better than in the past, but definitely we haven't got to a place where they are correct, and since it seems that the variation of bans is very very rigid, it seems that we are not getting there soon).

      If the bans harm in any unnecessary way, better make explanations public and then everyone sees if someone pushed 6M resources and forgot to pay or 6.000M resources and was a planned pushing.