Features classifying coordinates

    • Features classifying coordinates

      Small proposals:
      1. Add a tooltip to mark coordinates from the espionage report. If you want to add a color / label to a coordinate after reading the spionage report it's terrible to manually go to galaxy and then mark the planet there. There was another script (Marqueur Galaxie) that let you choose a label from the espionage report. It would be nice.
      2. Could we have a certain label like “Don't Spy” that would remove the spy button? That would leave no doubt of which coordinates you don't want to spy (of course you could do it by hovering the planet and then click Spy from the menu that appears).
      3. If that last one is not possible, could you “move” (somehow) the color indicator nearer the espionage button? I mean, having the name of the planet on the left of the monitor written in red is not near the espionage button which in the right; for instance, with inactive players the indicator is much more nearer, because the Name of the player is gray, but with AntiGame, if the name is colored, then every planet of that player is colored so it doesn't help. May be in case we cannot remove the espionage button for certain coordinates... could we have, say, a colored bullet •, next to the espionage button?

    • 1. To add a color to table, we will see first how it will look like. If it looks good than why not.

      2. Simple no. That will just cause more reports to support that they can't spy someone. It is player decision who he wants to spy and who he don't wants to spy.

      3. Actions row is already big, and i don't really get the point why to put •?

      Some more extra features about spy table are planned to be done in future. What are those futures, that will be secret for now. :P
    • Okey, I'm not sure I explained correctly:

      1. May be you understood me, but just to clarify (in case I did not explain well) I meant that this

      is the current method of marking a planet; the thing is that the usual process is spying, seeing an espionage report, deciding to mark a coordinate, having to go back to galaxy and mark that planet. What I would like to remove is the burden of having to go back to galaxy to mark the planet, when it definitely can be done within the espionage report.

      2. If the only reason is that people will complain... well, I think adding an extra option wouldn't do any harm, or a single special label that would remove the button. My objective is to fasten the way we spy to have a clear idea, at first sight, without thinking, of what to spy and what not to spy.

      3. I didn't mean • as my suggestion, the suggestion is to make clearer which coordinate we have marked, the idea of the bulled was just a (non-though) idea. Again, the thing is that , for instance for inactives, it's faster to see where do you have to spy. For instance, of the last two lines

      if you are doing a round, it' easy to spot the inactive (in this case) because the thing that tells it's inactive is its gray name; now imagine if you have two planets marked with red that you want to spy the color is only on the left hand side, could you spot at first sight which two lines (spy buttons) you should click

      May be at first sight yes, but it's a little bit slower, now anything that would help would be welcome. For instance, one could color the ranking (which is near the spy button), but the problem is that it currently does then color all planets of that player

      And here it comes the first thing that passed my mind

      I hope now it's clearer. Thanks for your fast attention.