[OUTDATED] Known Issues

  • [OUTDATED] Known Issues


    • It is possible to have 2 players with the same e-mail adress
    • Different amount of honour points shown in highscore and combat report
    • Problems with thousand-delimiter in asian languages
    • Some steps can only be fullfilled on the homeplanet. This is not shown as notice.
    • Wrong information at planet relocation in some edge cases
    • In the empire view the research queue isn´t displayed properly. (Active and queued researches are the same)
    • IE display error at some random highscore positions
    • Eventlist: Ripped moons show up as [ : : ] instead of coordinates
    • Buggy energy production with fusion reactor and no deut on the planet
    • Deut consumption is displayed inconsistent in the ressource settings page
    • Resourcesettings - Own row for geologist (like booster and plasma)
    • Date is displayed in german format (dd:mm:yyyy) instead of english version (mm:dd:yyyy)
    • Wrong links in some languages at the welcome e-mails
    • Performance optimisations
    • Tutorial rewards won´t get counted in build list (commander)
    • User gets informed three times after a Cashback Event
    • Password doesn´t get refreshed on Portal after usage of the forgotten password function sometimes
    • Wrong sorting Order of Items in the dropdown on -more options-
    • Fleet: jumps to different planet on edge browser w10
    • Auctioneer Event - Auctioneer stops at 18th oclock after an event
    • Performance problems on very active game rounds at peak time
    • Playerliste: Problem with scrollbars + browserdifferent behavior
    • Research queue is not displayed properly in the empire view
    • Alliance images are not downsized
    • Alphabetical planet sorting does not work correctly
    • Auctioneer Your Bid does not reset with new auction
    • Some Links still link to http instead of https
    • Building/Facilities/Fleet/Defense Building Countdown is displayed wrong
    • No nanite picture/falsely placed upgrade level/pictures not placed correctly
    • Style issues on chat page
    • Tutorial step 6 (storage +1) ignores free fields on the planet
    • Display error at tutorial step 5
    • Moon doesnt get destroyed on old position after relocation sometimes
    • Alliance depot: Missing hold time at the second call without refresh
    • Commander: construction possible (in time XY) hint doesn´t work
    • IE Edge - Caching problem
    • Startpage: The link to the pillory is not clickable when you are banned
    • Destroyed moon at players in Vmode: Tooltip misses attack/espionage/destroy
    • HTML Special Chars in titles of Notes
    • Click on Space Dock buttons doesn't get registered
    • Buttons on Space Dock don't have the correct cursor when hovering over them
    • Charcounter on Alliancetexts isn't correct until clicking a button/writing something
    • 'Report' in errormessage links wrong
    • Auctioneer Page not loading when you bid and entered vacation mode

    Combat system/fleet

    • Jump gate: -reset choice- also resets target, although its still displayed
    • Movement: Fleet Triangle of delayed expeditions misplaced (far on the right/not visible)
    • ACS defend mission don´t consider new combat tech (finished while flying) in combat
    • Wrong Sorting-Orders in Fleet-Movement-Page if Fleets arrive in same Second
    • Wrong change of honor title after combat
    • -Done- display in eventlist
    • Jumpgate looses input in active field if you switch the browser tab
    • Eventplanet Pos 17 ON: Sending a ship to 17 in a system without planet gets wrong error message
    • Eventlist is displayed wrong in galaxy view, when set on -above the content-
    • Formatting at fleet movement
    • ACS gets split up on impact/Fleet attacks 2 times
    • On event list when you get ACS attacked, two message buttons shown


    • You can not add buddies to an own category.
    • Lack of information on buddy request
    • Buddypoints get credited while recriut is XX days inactive
    • Buddyrequest doesnt get deleted when accepted sometimes
    • Buddies: possible to send more than 15 buddy requests a day
    • Buddies: buddy request stays even though its been accepted
    • Highlight is missing when new friend is added to your list
    • Buddy Requests: Number of buddy request behind Link in Headline is still shown with 1 if the player withdraws the request
    • Buddy-List-Management missing
    • Icon for recruited buddy isn't inline with the name


    • (iPad) Names in planet list cut off after 9 signs
    • (iPad) When copy&pasting into a notice a apprestart is needed
    • (iPad) Cachingproblems/Performanceissues
    • (iPad) Login problems with wrong systemdate
    • (iPad - Mobile View) Ignore List and Api button are positioned wrong

    Message system

    • Linebreaks disappear in chat when using emoticons
    • Messages on Fleetpage arent marked read when you visit Communications before it
    • BBcodes in messages arent working
    • Alliance Text Editor - Spoiler Button without function
    • Espionage Button on shared CR's probes the attacker
    • Spyreports not accessible via galaxy view
    • Jump to prioritzed message when opening messagespage
    • message counter is resetted when you entry the message menu
    • No confirm box displayed when removing a buddy from the ignore list
    • Function to check the useable characters doesnt works properly when changing tag or ally name
    • Dropdown in CRs with ACS isnt working correctly
    • Favorites: You can´t remove messages from your favorites and the correct error message is missng in Case that you reached max.
    • Spoiler (more options) on the buddy request message is not working
    • Ally messages: Founder don´t get all messages
    • Message Counter is diplayed wrong in different scenarios
    • Trash: Restore + Delete Button in Detail View not working
    • Site navigation with arrow keys broken on messages
    • Add a space between B/M/K and add alternative text to pictures of ressources in CRs
    • Combat report - Better Display of techs
    • Highlight -Fleet- in Fleet return messages
    • Buggy behavior of the message counter at player to player messages
    • Combat Report: Display of lost ships per slot isnt correct
    • Wrong -missiles_lost_attacker- field in the missile API when there are Anti-Ballistic Missiles existing
    • Comments under CRs will get shown to attacker and defender
    • Missing Report Buttons for circular messages and comments
    • Alliance: Problem in Kick Reason Message ( /n gets shown)
    • Expedition CRs not working correctly (All ships, no API-KEY)
    • Bandits displayed in wrong color in phalanx and fleet-movement-page
    • Wrong display of online alliance members. (Rank problem)
    • Chat: Timestamps in local time until page reload
    • Message protocol of chats with ignored players isnt shown on chat page
    • Chatbar: Button to open chat on chat page isnt working when chatprotocol is empty
    • Message counter in -communications- not correct for alliance applications
    • Links in circular messages get opened in the ogame-tab
    • You can delete messages that arent shown, because the page havent been refreshed
    • Issues with messages that don't have a detailed view, when they get opened in detailed view
    • two CRS cant get compared side by side (values get overwritten)
    • If < or > are entered in a message, it could be that the text wont get considered (html-issue)
    • Opening notes changes the inputfield for circular messages
    • Sounds from Videos in CRs does not stop when switiching messages with the shown buttons
    • Messages on Fleetpage arent marked read when you visit Communications before
    • Deletetime of the welcome message is wrong mentioned in it
    • Research queue in empire view not correctly displayed
    • Message doesn't get deleted when favorited by someone else
    • alignment of ressources not correct, when there are too many
    • Booster picture not shown directly when buying new one
    • Wrong DM amount displayed at Happy Hour Planet Move
    • Missing 'left' in tooltip on Spacedock
    • Chatbar does not remember the set filters
    • URL and Spoiler-BBCode doesn't work in chat messages
    • 28 day inactive status in espionage reports gets displayed wrong
    • When there is a 'show more' tab and you try to close the chattab next to it it won't work
    • Chat opened from 'show more' it won't get a scrollbar/scroll at all
    • Chattab moves into 'show more' instead of opening
    • Chattab doesn't close correctly and opens 'show more'
    • Can't scroll in chattab when opened from 'show more'
    • Tactical retreat ratio gets rounded down for display
    • The counter of the alliancetexts doesn't count correctly

    Origin Admin
    OGame-Tech Chief