Skynet can't read spy reports

    • Skynet can't read spy reports

      it happens with some spy reports: although I open the detailed spy report, Raidar doesn't update the production (it says only the basic production 30-15-0) and it seems I didn't read the SR (the "+" symbol remains).

      Even if I open and open again the detailed report or I reload the page it doesn't change anything. Some times it magically read it after couple of times, other times i have to give up.

      Do you know what could be the problem? It happens with moons too.
    • Yes.

      This problem happens if AGO is also used and AGO changes the galaxy view.

      I wrote a guide for Raidar at the German board.

      1. Skynet must know the galaxy view. Only there it can find the IDs of planets and players that are needed to store the data from the espionage reports later
      2. Navigate through the galaxy view an send espionage probes
      3. If you use another addon, that changes the galaxy view, it can happen, that Skynet does not understand the galaxy any more. It will then delete the gathered planet and player data. If this happens return to step 1.
      4. Open the messages page. Skynet will parse the short reports. On all reports where Skynet have not seen the details (or which where lost) it is not able to show the theoretical production. You'll only see the basic production.
      5. Open unknown reports to the the details. If your level + amount of probes was sufficient Skynet can detect everything and store it (see conditions 1-3)
      6. If you reopen the messages page Skynet will show production for all known planets.
      7. Use another addon that changes the galaxy view? Go back to step 1! This step should be avoided!