I can´t reach the site : DNS Error

    • I can´t reach the site : DNS Error

      Hi, i'd been using topraider since decembre i think. Recently i was 1 week on vacation mode and when i came back top raider stop working. I didn't change anything during that week.
      I try to reinstall but i doesn't work and now i dont even get into the official page.
      This is what happens when i tried to get in to the topraider page to install:

    • No, when i had it installed i couldn't send any CRs, battles or anything else, then was when i notice that isn't working good. Then i tried to get into de speedsim using de topraider bottom and is also broke.
      As i said, i tried to reinstall and i couldn't.
      And now i try with the 2 links that you post and the both run the same problem
      i'd been reading something about flush the internet connection or something like that but first of all i don't know how to do that and i don't know if that can solve the problem.

      P.S: sorry for my english but isn't my born language and i try do my best.

      <img src="https://gyazo.com/486f6850b75f86721bedf95c456efa80.png" alt="486f6850b75f86721bedf95c456efa80.png" title="486f6850b75f86721bedf95c456efa80.png" style="font-size: 0.8em;" />
    • Here to re-install the script : openuserjs.org/scripts/vulca/topraider
      But i don't think it will solve it :s

      Did you try with other browser ?
      Can you try with other computer ? Or with phone data instead of your standard connexion ?

      Does these have the same problem ?

      Thanks !

      (If others have the problem, please tell me !)

      EDIT : Did you try to clean your browser cache ?

      ** OgameTech **
    • With the first link finnally made to install but still not working!

      The others 3 links give me the same error: mines.topraider.eu/

      Right now i dont have any other choice to try it, may be in the weekend i can try with my sister in law laptop but if it work in there, i'll still having the problem on my laptop so that didn't help much xD

      Something keeps me thinking that is the error on the internet, i don't know, but i feel like is something wrong with the internet because all the links to topraider say this "No se ha podido encontrar el servidor de la página mines.topraider.eu (DNS address)."

      Maybe you know whats is DNS address and how can i fix it??
    • With the first link finnally made to install but still not working!

      The others 3 links give me the same error

      Right now i dont have any other choice to try it, may be in the weekend i can try with my sister in law laptop but if it work in there, i'll still having the problem on my laptop so that didn't help much xD

      Something keeps me thinking that is the error on the internet, i don't know, but i feel like is something wrong with the internet because all the links to topraider say this "No se ha podido encontrar el servidor de la página mines.topraider.eu (DNS address)."

      Maybe you know whats is DNS address and how can i fix it??

      And yes, i already clean the cache.

      Edit: i found a tutorial to flush the dns, dosn't fix the problem. :dash:

      Edit again: I'm in another house, with other wifi and works perfectly so it has to be my wifi conection. Any idea about how can i do to fix it?

      The post was edited 3 times, last by punketo ().

    • No, i work with an open wifi. You may say that's the problem but i use this wifi since november and never have any problem with topraider before.
      I tried with other wifi, on my sister in law house and work perfectly.
      I really appreciate your help because topraider is a very helpful tool for my and a i take the opportunity to say thank you for your work with this tool and the time you take to give us support!
    • After research about it on google, that may comes from your computer or from your internet box.
      If you can try another computer on your connexion, or your computer on another connexion, that could help to locate the problem.
      (Same : if you could install and try another browser to be sure it don't come from that, it would help)

      For now, i saw these solution : Restart the internet box, make some updates, telling to you firewall to stop blocking sites, Fixing wrong connexion configuration etc ...
      This problem happend to facebook too. Then i find many answer about how to locate and fixe the problem.
      You should try some research and try those solution.

      ** OgameTech **
    • Try another computer in my house its not an option right now, i dont have any other and im new in this country so i have no friends closers or somebody who can help me with that.
      As i say, i tried in my sister in law house and work perfect, so yes, is the internet connection.
      I can't reset the internet because as i tell you, is an open wifi, it's not mine, so i cant make changes on that but i'll continue looking for a solution to see if i can reset the connections on my laptop to see if i can fix the problem.
      Later i'll try with firefox to see if i can make it work there!

      Do you have any clue about what i have to looking for?? I mean, something specific or you suggest a research about everything that cross my way in this topic?
    • Google the error message, you should find many solution.
      Hoping one of them will work ^^

      But if the problem is from your connexion and not your combuter, i don't know what you could do as you cannot access it :s
      maybe using a proxy could help, but not really a solution, and not really legal for OGame

      edit : did you try without firewall ?

      ** OgameTech **
    • Windows 7 DNS server not responding

      Mail I got recently when I got problem again
      Thank you for contacting Microsoft Community.
      Are you facing same issue with Internet explorer ?
      The DNS lookup failed error is network issue and not an issue with Gmail.com.
      I suggest you to refer to the responses Marked as answer in the following thread which discusses a similar issue.
      Windows 7 DNS server not responding
      Check if this helps in resolving the issue.
      Hope this information is helpful. Please reply with the results and if you need further assistance or have any other queries regarding Windows, we are here to help you.