Hi Translators !
We have now extracted all the strings from our project and some of our tools are ready for translation.
Our tool is currently known by French Ogamers but i think that could be usable by all Ogame communities.
You have here some screenshots of our tool : board.fr.ogame.gameforge.com/b…y-version-courante-3-2-0/
Concerning translations we are using a website specialized in translations very easy to use named transifex.
You can contribute to our translations at this link :
A Transifex account will be required to contribute.(Easy to create with Google credentials)
Current Status on our translations:
French : source language
Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_BR) 96% 29 untranslated strings
English (en) 79% 176 untranslated strings
Spanish (es) 12% 742 untranslated strings
German (Germany) (de_DE) 8% 707 untranslated strings
Thanks for your help !!
For any questions i'm available by PM, or on our Forum.

OGSteam is a team that develops and tests Legal Tools for OGame.
Please help us to translate OGSteam Tools : transifex.com/ogsteam
The post was edited 1 time, last by darknoon ().