Pinned Updates to 6.1.xx on Origin test servers

    • Updates to 6.1.xx on Origin test servers

      Dear players,

      Here are the updates to 6.1.xx on Origin test servers:


      [Feature Request] Add Resources Link to planets and moons
      [Bugs] Only allow message reporting once
      [Bugs] Remove favorite option from trash, unfavorite on delete, don't allow deleted messages to be favorited


      [Bugs] Merge: timer displays seconds when refreshing overview
      [Bugs] Planet list: No Jump gate on moon, but Short cut is available and functional
      [Polishing] Dummy for Rewards (Web design working on it)


      [Bugs] When you configure privileges in alliance and there is no rank you get empty error message
      [Feature Request] Galaxy: V-mode + Not Validated - No Access to Galaxy View
      [Polishing] Private Message List - Missing declaration
      [Bugs] Click on API button leads to protocol error
      [Bugs] API-Button in extra Tab CR not functional
      [Bugs] Fleet flee tool tip in CR with incorrect information
      [Bugs] Fleet/Def-Pictures missing when CR is opened in new tab


      [Bugs] Chat bar: Chats do not disappear (Close does not work)
      [Bugs] CSS broken because of bigger images on Facilities page
      [Bugs] Fixes new chat indicators


      [Bugs] Alliance message: Links will open in same tab
      [Bugs] Missing confirmation when reporting a message
      [Bugs] BBCode Editor: Fix Spoiler text and mouse over
      [Polishing] Add ally tag in chat list
      [Bugs] Message indicator broken for chat and for system messages
      [Polishing] scroll bar fancy in chat bar
      [Bugs] Style issues on chat page
      [Bugs] fix for new messages in chat bar
      [Bugs] Alliance high score visible on external alliance pages
      [Bugs] Commander list is not displayed in emperor view when it's the building actually being built.
      [Bugs] Building with DM: Wrong Error-Message if you try to build, while preconditions are not fulfilled
      [Bugs] Notes: counter not correct at special chars
      [Bugs] opened full spy report, behavior
      [Bugs] Messages: deleting messages and jump to the last page result in error
      [Polishing] Change Spoiler Button to More Details Button at BBCode Editor
      [Bugs] Green Dot doesn't align correctly in Chat page


      [Bugs] Style issues on chat page
      [Bugs] mini/maximizing the show more tab leads to Nan-counter on system messages
      [Bugs] Scroll bar in the Chat bar changes look
      [Bugs] Message counter - Buggy in chat bar + several times blinking
      [Bugs] Green Dot doesn't align correct in Chat page
      [Bugs] Fleet/Def-Pictures missing when CR is opened in new tab
      [Bugs] CSS broken because of bigger images on Facilities page
    • Hi!

      OGame Version 6.1.5 got some more fixes for the message counter and the jumpgate in those new tooltips at the planetlist.
      All Live Testserver were updated.

      Have fun testing! :)

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • OGame 6.1.6 > already on Origin test servers

      [Bugs] Chat messages create activity
      [Bugs] Significantly longer load times the more conversations/messages you got
      [Bugs] Wrong image shown in Techtree for solar satellites
      [Bugs] Phalanx usable although account not validated
      [Bugs] Galaxy short cut on moon-tool tip open galaxy with planet not with moon
      [Bugs] Restore from trash not possible when in detailed view
      [Bugs] Trash: Delete Button in Detail View not working
      [Bugs] Share message issues with millions of overlays
      [Bugs] 'Share message' doesn't disappear when message is shared
      [Bugs] Espionage from messages with no free slots - error message with no blank between coordinates
      [Bugs] Loca (DE): In CR it shows 'Ehrloser kampf'
      [Feature Request] Force redirect to https

      OGame 6.1.7--

      [Feature Request] BBCode Tool tip position option
      [Bugs] Jump gate displays not enough ships error message although there are enough ships
      [Bugs] Buddy request button although account isn't validated
      [Bugs] Word wrap with long names on Buddy list
      [Bugs] Notices aren't savable/deletable when they are opened in an extra window
      [Bugs] Two tool tips in empire view are wrong
      [Bugs] Destroyed moon at players in v-mode - galaxy links espionage/attack missing
      [Bugs] Style issues on chat page
      [Bugs] Empire-view: ships and defence are researched, not build
      [Feature Request] Increase deuterium production via plasma research technology (0.33%)
      [Feature Request] Alliance Page Text Limit increased to 50k signs
      [Bugs] Cashback should now deliver the payout once per player
      [Feature Request] Removed public pillory (if you are banned you will see why and the duration)