rotary gattling cannon

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    • rotary gattling cannon

      rotary gattling cannon
      after years or research and trial and error our technicians have out done them selves with this new weapon
      buy coupleing three Gauss cannons together on a ratational platform the rotary gattling cannon was born. fireing large heavy projectiles one after another in rapid secession at a hostile craft .

      metal 45k
      crystal 30k

      deuterium 10k

      attack strength 2500

      shields 650

      si 75k
    • In my opinion, if you analize your proposal, is a mix of some defenses:

      This is what rotary gattling cannon has
      Attack Strength 2500
      Shield Strength 650
      Structural Integrity 75.000

      This is the other defenses important skills

      Attack Strength 1.100 (gauss cannon)
      Attack Strength 3.300 (plasma turret)
      Shield Strength 500 (ion cannon)
      Structural Integrity 35.000 (gauss cannon)
      Structural Integrity 100.000 (plasma turret)

      metal 45k
      crystal 30k
      deuterium 10k

      You have to think that the idea of adding new ships or defenses is to give a new variety of possibilities to the game.
      Plasma turrets are a bit more expensive than your rotary cannon but they are stronger (only in defense strength is weakness)
      With a varied defense you can avoid the construction of rotary cannons so i think it cannot help the game. & SGO
      Origin Supporter

    • actually there is a place for it in the game

      yes a well rounded defenses with current structures is suffecent to a point
      a new defensive piece would help create a new layer to the game and allow the possibility of a new ship also.
      but on to the defense.

      yes the plasma is stronger this is not meant to replace the plasma. but to be an in between stage of defensive evolution .

      for just before you get plasma turrets. so your defenses have more bang for the buck so to speak.
      and early in game alot of these would reduce unwarranted attacks. that most players could avoid but dont buy simply leaveing to many resources on a planet
      this will give them a small edge in defending their over night production
      since most players dont build alot of ion cannons this would be more suited to being part of the game

      so that more players can enjoy a peaceful nights sleep with out worrying about their production.
      and it will make fleeters restratagize their attacks on certian planets and players .
      in early to mid game .

      And in large numbers would be great for late game as turtles would build large numbers of these along with their normal defensive lay outs.