[Old] API Key requests - second edition

  • [Old] API Key requests - second edition

    Dear users,

    As you know, the OGame development team decided to offer to players a new tool for the development of user scripts.

    Please read this for more information: Dev Post: Planned new API for retrieval of combat reports.

    You can make comments here: New API for retrieval of combat reports

    Previous thread to API key request can be found at: Applications for API Keys

    As all of you have already noticed the process of generating and distributing the keys was too long, the team decided to change this.

    The tool developers have to post in this thread a request containing :

    - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key
    - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.
    - Will be open source?
    - A short description of your developer / programming experience
    -Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )
    - Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately to Shole by PM )
    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability).

    If your proposal is accepted ( quality of description of your tool, proven developer experience, providing opensource is an advantage) you will receive an API key that will work only on test servers: 670, 671, 680, 690 (Servers 680 and 690 are with special access, i can give information on request ).

    After your tool is developed and functional in test servers you present it in this board for Gameforge approval : board.origin.ogame.gameforge.com/board38/ (please mention in subject line that it is using the new API key) and add a link in this thread : Links for tools developed with the new API key

    If your tool is approved/ tolerated by Gameforge - OGame Development team , your key will be enabled on live servers.
  • Short description of tool to be developed using the API key:
    ACS Profit distribution calculator.

    Scope of your project:
    English community only for the moment. Will def. look into translating once the tool is running smooth.

    Open source:
    I'm more than willing to help out other tool developers with my experience and will most likely create a step by step guide once this tool is finished.

    developer/programming experience:
    My dad and I are the ones working on this tool. He's tutoring me with his 30+ years of experience in software developing. I can provide his details if necessary.

    valid email and IP:

    IP: I don't know my dad's IP, he's back from vacation by the end of this week, I'l pm his IP as soon as I have it. I will be testing it from his place.

    About testing:

    Valent 03.04.2016 - waiting for details by PM
    Api key sent on 15.04.2016 by Valent
  • Hi there !

    - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key
    For the moment, the project will focus on get the CR and display statistics about the rentability of each players on a period.
    It will also be used to save and share spy reports.

    - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.
    Just for my alliance

    - Will be open source?
    Nope, not for the moment

    - A short description of your developer / programming experience
    I'm a web developper for about two years.

    -Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )
    None. (not about ogame)

    - Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately to me by PM )
    Sent by PM

    2016/04/08 14:42: ImperatorMaximus: Removal of empty lines.
    Hi there !

    - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key

    For the moment, the project will focus on get the CR and display statistics about the rentability of each players on a period.

    It will also be used to save and share spy reports.

    - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.

    Just for my alliance

    - Will be open source?

    Nope, not for the moment

    - A short description of your developer / programming experience

    I'm a web developper for about two years.

    -Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )

    None. (not about ogame)

    - Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately to me by PM )

    Sent by PM

    Api key sent on 15.04.2016 by Valent

    The post was edited 2 times, last by ImperatorMaximus: Removal of empty lines. ().

  • - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key
    i'd like to try out pretty much everything the API can improve, starting with a combat simulator

    - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.
    personal, or alliance if i manage to pull off something really good

    - Will be open source?
    not open source

    - A short description of your developer / programming experience
    freelancer programmer, mostly focused on client side programming (java, c, c++, c#, vb.net), but i know a bit about web (html, php, js) and sql

    -Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )
    nothing published, mostly simple loot calculators for ACS

    - Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately to me by PM )
    i'm using a connection with a dynamic IP, and i can't set a static one on mine. if it's not absolutely necessary for you to know it, i'd prefer to keep it simple

    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to
    provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate
    online availability).
    i'd like to help with testing, if still needed, but i have no IRC contact, nor i know how to create one

    Api key sent on 15.04.2016 by Valent
  • - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key

    A plethora of tools I've developed over the years playing ogame, the two I'm sure the community is most familiar w/ is my flight calc which I known Xenner has a copy of and my ACS split that almost any admin has come across over the years. Would also like to explore the idea of something that worked w/ the support system such as an ACS split verification system to minimize times from bother players and admins, but I don't think we're there yet.

    - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.

    Primarily Community based tools, but a few I would want to be more personalized at a personal/alliance level, like galaxytool is.

    - Will be open source?

    I seriously doubt it, 10 years of development on these tools. Not sure I'm ready to just hand over all those years of experience and work for people to butcher.

    - A short description of your developer / programming experience

    Over 20 years in the computer industry, I've got a wide array of skills. Many of you have seen them in the ACS split's i've created

    -Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )

    Again, most of you have seen my work, i can furnish samples if requested, but again, I keep the work I've done over 10 years developing my ogame tools very private since its taken many hours to develop.

    - Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately to me by PM )

    I will submit privately upon request

    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability).

    Absolutely, I'm only interested in developing the most accurate tools, so thorough testing is welcome.

    Api key sent on 21.04.2016 by Valent
  • Cheers!

    Short description of tool to be developed using the API key:
    Multi-purpose tool with three main goals:

    - calculating the win/loss and distribution of ressources for combats via acs
    - managing your victims and getting a warning if attacking to often: pre-bash-warning
    - storing combat reports and giving statistics

    Scope of your project:
    while under development: Ally

    when done: German community, maybe translation to english

    Open source:
    Once the tool has passed alpha-phase it will be hosted on GitHub and will be open source

    developer/programming experience:
    I have 4 years of programming experience in Java and 2 years in JavaScript / NodeJS

    valid email and IP:

    IP: PN


    Api key sent on 28.05.2016 by Valent
  • Hello,

    - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key

    Offer a warrider-like we can use through Discord (with a Discord bot) to an alliance. We can trigger data from users / planets and store personnal reports / comments on our ennemies, all around our Discord chan.

    - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.

    Personnal / alliance for the beginning.

    - Will be open source?

    Make that open after beta-tests

    - A short description of your developer / programming experience

    PHP/Javascript engineer for 8 years / 2 years experience in NodeJS

    -Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )

    Tons of websites / back and front applications...

    - Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used

    Mail : polo.pwp@gmail.com
    IP : PM

    - Are you willing to help with extended testing?

    Not for the moment. I prefer create and test the tool with my alliance before making that public.


    Api key sent on 28.05.2016 by Valent
  • Ogame RC Report French - Yet another !


    I would like to create an open source script to convert CR.

    Short description of tool to be developed using the API key:
    A french tool like : https://ogotcha.universeview.be/
    And this tools can evolve like ressources sharing.

    Scope of your project:
    French community only.

    Open source:
    Github sources. I also have develop a simple trading tool : https://github.com/razy69/OgameTradeTool

    developer/programming experience:
    I'm sysadmin not a dev, but i dev sometimes just for fun.
    Languagues: Html, CSS3, JS, Ruby, PHP, Powershell, Bash....

    valid email and IP:

    IP: Sysops.win (

    About testing:
  • Hi,

    I would like to request an API key for playing around with the API and possibly develop a tool that will help organizing and sorting spy reports to perfectly time and optimize attacks on farming targets.

    If it all works out as I plan I would consider releasing this to the public and uploading it to github, although it's really just for playing around and seeing whats possible with the API for now.

    I am a professional programmer and developer at an automotive engineering company, working with microprocessors mainly. I have worked on and contributed to open source projects such as the Pixhawk Project and XCSoar as well.

    Display Spoiler
    My mail address is 1chu.qed@gmail.com and my current IP address is

    I'd appreciate if you send my one of those keys :)

    Cheers, 1chu
  • - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key
    I will start with Cr Converter

    - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.

    - Will be open source?

    - A short description of your developer / programming experience
    4 years programming experience
    Languages: PHP, Java, C, Javascript

    - Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately to me by PM )
    PM ( @Shole and @Valent with too many conversations, can you send PM ?)

    - Are you willing to help with extended testing?

    The post was edited 4 times, last by ozolan ().

  • Short description of tool to be developed using the API key

    ACS division of debris. Time ago i have realized this tool and now i want to convert to be able to use api cr
    Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.

    Italian community for the moment, may also in other language
    Will be open source?

    A short description of your developer / programming experience

    It is differents years i realize tool for ogame's staff, for contest, I'm able with php, javascript, html,css
    Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )


  • - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key
    looking / testing. Maybe I can produce something like topraider
    - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.
    currently personal
    - Will be open source?
    maybe afterwards, possibly github then
    - A short description of your developer / programming experience
    Programming since about 8 Years, usually PHP. Other languages Bash, PowerShell, JS, ....
    -Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )
    - Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately to me by PM )
    will be sent by PM
    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability).
    Yes I am, Kalinka on IRC.