
    • Name
      • Info : RaidsTable is a user script, allowing users to sort Spy report's in a tab view.
      • Author : original author Xanatos, modidied by vulca for ogame V6 usage, now wukodlak
      • Website : no one, or board FR / DE
      • Support : wukodlak
      • Version : v2.0.9
      • Ogame : v6.1.5
      • Download :
      • Download :
      • Screenshot : go and see description
      • Browser : FireFox, Chrome (others not tested yet)
      • Languages : French for the moment, i'll work on a multi language version quickly

      A row mean a spy report, you'll find:

      - Message id : A click on it allow you to auto scroll to the spy report.
      - player : color attributes (bandit/honorable/ina) and activity timing.
      - coords : with moon icon if not planet a click will go in galaxy view.
      - fleet : a tooltip show you which number of recycler needed depend on universe specificities.
      - defense : defense value.
      - loot : total ressources in the spy report. a tooltip will remember the loot quantity.
      - LC / SC : calculate usefull fleet number for the loot more + 10 %.
      - SC2: calculate a second loot slot.
      - Attack button : open a new tab with coords (on click the button will be red).
      - Spy button : directly spy player's coord (on click the button will be orange).
      - SpeedSim button : simulatate tool.
      - More Info button : complete report.
      - Delete button : delete the report from the list.

      Script functionality:

      - Remember total possible loot with max fret necessary
      - column over and selected color.
      - row highlight on mouse over.
      - specific tooltips.
      - column sort.
      - click on LC/ SC / SC2 will send correct fret needed
      - highlight row text in red on attack send.
      - id click to drop down to the spy report
      - coords click to go to galaxy page

      - if values Fleet and Def are equals to zero, value is green
      - option menu
      - Multilingual option
      - Percent of SC/HC more to send
      - Added personnal tech to simulate (must go and see research page)
      - show / hide columns (HT / SC / SC2)

      - AGO incompatibility in a few case : i've put a correction > resolved v2.0.9.

      03.03.2016 01:33: Edited by ImperatorMaximus / Fixing bbcode errors
      Original Content

      Source Code

      1. Name
      2. Info : RaidsTable is a user script, allowing users to sort Spy report's in a tab view.Author : original author Xanatos, modidied by vulca for ogame V6 usage, now wukodlakWebsite : no one, or board FR / DESupport : wukodlakDownload : : go and see descriptionBrowser : FireFox, Chrome (others not tested yet)Languages : French for the moment, i'll work on a multi language version quickly
      3. [spoiler=Description]
      4. A row mean a spy report, you'll find :
      5. - Message id : A click on it allow you to auto scroll to the spy report.
      6. - player : color attributes (bandit/honorable/ina) and activity timing.
      7. - coords : with moon icon if not planet a click will go in galaxy view.
      8. - fleet : a tooltip show you which number of recycler needed depend on universe specificities.
      9. - defense : defense value.
      10. - loot : total ressources in the spy report. a tooltip will remember the loot quantity.
      11. - LC / SC : calculate usefull fleet number for the loot more + 10 %.
      12. - SC2: calculate a second loot slot.
      13. - Attack button : open a new tab with coords (on click the button will be red).
      14. - Spy button : directly spy player's coord (on click the button will be orange).
      15. - SpeedSim button : simulatate tool.
      16. - More Info button : complete report.
      17. - Delete button : delete the report from the list.
      18. Script functionality :
      19. - Remember total possible loot with max fret necessary
      20. - column over and selected color.
      21. - row highlight on mouse over.
      22. - specific tooltips.
      23. - column sort.
      24. - click on LC/ SC / SC2 will send correct fret needed
      25. - highlight row text in red on attack send.
      26. - id click to drop down to the spy report
      27. - coords click to go to galaxy page
      28. [/spoiler]
      29. known bug :
      30. - chrome : row highlight is no longer efficient. Css problem, i'll put a correction quickly.
      Display All

      2016-04-14: ImperatorMaximus: Tool submitted for toleration.

      The post was edited 5 times, last by WuKoDlaK: Fixing bbcode errors ().

    • version

      2 little modifications :

      - chrome : row highlight were no longer efficient. Css problem, changed view mode with a transparent background image and top/bottom border only no pure CSS
      - second salve for small cargos : formula error, a modification show now the correct fret number
    • Hi everybody,

      i'm still working on a new update of RaidsTable script. I've put multilingual option in it.

      If somebody can check my english translation and correct me if necessary ;)

      French Version

      Display Spoiler

      var text;
      text = {
      //{ Global
      'Raids Table' : 'Raids Table',
      missing_translation : 'Traduction manquante',
      //option mon compte
      optMenu_moncompte : 'Mon compte ',
      vos_techno : 'Vos technologies : ',
      visitTechPage : 'Visitez la page Recherche',

      //option affichage
      optMenu_affichage : 'Option d\'affichage ',
      affichage_col : 'Affichage des colonnes : ',
      q_aff_colGT : 'Afficher la colonne GT ?',
      q_aff_colPT : 'Afficher la colonne PT ?',
      q_aff_colPT2 : 'Afficher la colonne PT2 ?',
      q_aff_colTech : 'Afficher les technologies de l\'adversaire ?',

      //option divers
      optMenu_divers : 'Divers ',
      q_pourcent_supp : 'Quel pourcentage de vaisseaux PT/GT souhaitez vous en plus ?',

      //option langue
      optMenu_langue : 'Langue ',
      q_langue : 'Dans quelle langue voulez-vous le script ?',
      francais : 'Français',
      anglais : 'English',

      th_nj : 'Joueur',
      th_coo : 'Position',
      th_nv : 'Flotte',
      th_nd : 'Défense',
      th_ress : 'Pillages',
      th_fleet_GT : 'GT',
      th_fleet_PT : 'PT',
      th_fleet_PT2 : 'PT2',
      th_techno : 'Techno',

      oui : 'oui',
      non : 'non',
      ok : 'Ok',
      erreur : 'Erreur',
      cancel : 'Annuler',
      no_data : 'No Data',
      nan : 'NaN',
      aucune_info : 'Aucune Info.',
      pillage : 'Pillages',
      nb_gt : 'GT',
      nb_pt : 'PT',
      nb_cyclo : 'Nb de recycleurs',

      // boutons
      save_options : 'Sauvegarder les options',
      open_tab_options : 'Options',
      close_tab_options : 'Masquer les options',

      // bouton de droite
      espionner : 'Espionner',
      eff_rapp : 'Effacer ce rapport',
      att : 'Attaquer',
      simul : 'Simuler avec ',
      sim_speedSim : 'speedSim',
      plus_infos : 'Plus de détails',

      lm: 'Lanceur de missiles', lle: 'Artillerie laser légère', llo: 'Artillerie laser lourde', gauss: 'Canon de Gauss', ion: 'Artillerie à ions', pla: 'Lanceur de plasma', pb: 'Petit bouclier', gb: 'Grand bouclier', mic: 'Missile d`interception', mip: 'Missile Interplanétaire'

      localization = {
      missions: {
      '1': 'Attaquer',
      '2': 'Attaque groupée',
      '3': 'Transporter',
      '4': 'Stationner',
      '5': 'Stationner',
      '6': 'Espionner',
      '7': 'Coloniser',
      '8': 'Recycler le champ de débris',
      '9': 'Détruire',
      '15': 'Expédition'
      vari = {
      sur: 'sur ',
      de: ' de ',
      pt: 'Petit transporteur', gt: 'Grand transporteur', cle: 'Chasseur léger', clo: 'Chasseur lourd', cro: 'Croiseur', vb: 'Vaisseau de bataille', vc: 'Vaisseau de colonisation', rec: 'Recycleur', esp: 'Sonde d`espionnage', bb: 'Bombardier', sat: 'Satellite solaire', dest: 'Destructeur', edlm: 'Étoile de la mort', tra: 'Traqueur',
      lm: 'Lanceur de missiles', lle: 'Artillerie laser légère', llo: 'Artillerie laser lourde', gauss: 'Canon de Gauss', ion: 'Artillerie à ions', pla: 'Lanceur de plasma', pb: 'Petit bouclier', gb: 'Grand bouclier', mic: 'Missile d`interception', mip: 'Missile Interplanétaire',
      tech_arm: 'Technologie Armes', tech_bouc: 'Technologie Bouclier', tech_pro: 'Technologie Protection des vaisseaux spatiaux',
      tech_com: 'Technologie Combustion', tech_imp: 'Technologie Impulsion', tech_hyp: 'Technologie Hyperespace',
      mine_m: 'Mine de métal',
      mine_c: 'Mine de cristal',
      mine_d: 'Synthétiseur de deutérium',

      lang_speedsin: 'fr',
      lang_dragosin: 'french'

      English Version

      Display Spoiler

      text = {
      //{ Global
      'Raids Table' : 'Raids Table',
      missing_translation : 'Missing Translation',
      //option mon compte
      optMenu_moncompte : 'My Account ',
      vos_techno : 'Your technologies : ',
      visitTechPage : 'Visit Research page',

      //option affichage
      optMenu_affichage : 'Display Options ',
      affichage_col : 'Display choice for columns : ',
      q_aff_colGT : 'Displaying column LC ?',
      q_aff_colPT : 'Displaying column SC ?',
      q_aff_colPT2 : 'Displaying column SC2 ?',
      q_aff_colTech : 'Displaying a column with enemy\'s technologies ?',

      //option divers
      optMenu_divers : 'Varied ',
      q_pourcent_supp : 'Which per cent of more ships SC/HT do you want ?',

      //option langue
      optMenu_langue : 'Language ',
      q_langue : 'In which Language do you want to use the script ?',
      francais : 'Français',
      anglais : 'English',

      th_nj : 'Player',
      th_coo : 'Position',
      th_nv : 'Ships',
      th_nd : 'Defense',
      th_ress : 'Ressources',
      th_fleet_GT : 'LC',
      th_fleet_PT : 'SC',
      th_fleet_PT2 : 'SC2',
      th_techno : 'Techno',

      oui : 'yes',
      non : 'no',
      ok : 'Ok',
      erreur : 'Error',
      cancel : 'Cancel',
      no_data : 'No Data',
      nan : 'NaN',
      aucune_info : 'No Data.',
      pillage : 'Ressources',
      nb_gt : 'LC',
      nb_pt : 'SC',
      nb_cyclo : 'Nb of recycler',

      // boutons
      save_options : 'Save options',
      open_tab_options : 'Options',
      close_tab_options : 'Hide options',

      // bouton de droite
      espionner : 'Spy',
      eff_rapp : 'Delete this esp report',
      att : 'Attack',
      simul : 'Simulate with ',
      sim_speedSim : 'speedSim',
      plus_infos : 'More details',

      lm: 'Rocket Launcher', lle: 'Light Laser', llo: 'Heavy Laser', gauss: 'Gauss Cannon', ion: 'Ion Cannon', pla: 'Plasma Turret', pb: 'Small Shield Dome', gb: 'Large Shield Dome', mic: 'Anti-Ballistic Missiles', mip: 'Interplanetary Missiles',

      localization = {
      missions: {
      '1': 'Attack',
      '2': 'ACS Attack',
      '3': 'Transport',
      '4': 'Deployment',
      '5': 'ACS Defend',
      '6': 'Espionage',
      '7': 'Colonization',
      '8': 'Recycle debris field',
      '9': 'Moon Destruction',
      '15': 'Expedition'
      vari = {
      sur: 'on ',
      de: ' from ',
      tech_arm: 'Weapons Technology', tech_bouc: 'Shielding Technology', tech_pro: 'Armour Technology',
      tech_hyp: 'Hyperspace Drive', tech_com: 'Combustion Drive', tech_imp: 'Impulse Drive',
      pt: 'Small Cargo', gt: 'Large Cargo', cle: 'Light Fighter', clo: 'Heavy Fighter', cro: 'Cruiser', vb: 'Battleship', vc: 'Colony Ship', rec: 'Recycler', esp: 'Espionage Probe', bb: 'Bomber', sat: 'Solar Satellite', dest: 'Destroyer', edlm: 'Deathstar', tra: 'Battlecruiser',
      lm: 'Rocket Launcher', lle: 'Light Laser', llo: 'Heavy Laser', gauss: 'Gauss Cannon', ion: 'Ion Cannon', pla: 'Plasma Turret', pb: 'Small Shield Dome', gb: 'Large Shield Dome', mic: 'Anti-Ballistic Missiles', mip: 'Interplanetary Missiles',

      // ressource:'Ressources',//pour antigame
      mine_m: 'Metal Mine',
      mine_c: 'Crystal Mine',
      mine_d: 'Deuterium Synthesizer',

      lang_speedsin: 'en',
      lang_dragosin: 'english'
    • [MAJ 2.0.9]

      - option menu
      - possibility to choice percent loot with SC/HC in options
      - Display / Hide colums
      - multilangual
      - correction for AGO incompatibily

      [Known bug]

      - display view error while going in another page of message area and back to Spy report page.

      [description & screen ]

      top of this page or [Script] RaidsTable
    • Hi everybody,

      Since a few days (v6.1.6 ..? my new update... ?) i was testing RaidsTable to prevent display bug for a part of ogame users.

      it's seems to be due to the online chat.

      go and see :


      So the V2.0.9 will be available