View the number of searches in the search rankings

    • Research

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    • View the number of searches in the search rankings


      First, let me introduce myself I am KRAG of the French Ogame server.

      I submitted an idea long time ago on the French Ogame forum :…-le-classement-recherche/

      We still need to have information about the number of searches in Ogame ranking.

      We submit to do this, a tooltip in search ranking displaying number of searches like in military ranking ships number.

      WHY : Players see that search ranking is not fully representative,
      principally because of special and famous searches having bigger cost
      such as astrophysics or plasma.

      So, number of searches added to points have more pertinent information allowing a precise view of a player and ranking.
      I would like to share a suggestion that to replace the information on the number of technologies.

      Either keep the current ranking by number of points in research and add more one ranking for the number of searches. Let's say the search rankings would separate into two ranking as for the spaceships.
      as to the classification of spaceships, when you fly over with the mouth the point of a player, you see the number of spaceships here when we fly over with the
      mouse the points research we will see how many searches have the player
      (as tooltip).

      Since the arrival of the V4 including fast click, the ranking is
      completely distorted by large miners or stiffness investing maximum in
      astrophysics or plasma technology technologies.

      The largest technocrats with a large network and large laboratories in technology over the years were swept rankings.

      It would be good at least to give a ranking by number of technology.

      it costs nothing, it does not bother anyone, it's happy, it puts up just one more evocative ranking.

      This idea had a lot of positive feedback on the French forum. I hope this will be the same here and I hope that the GF will implement it :)

      80% support the suggestion

      12% are disagreed with the suggestion

      8% have no opinion

      What do you think ?I'm really sorry if mistakes because my English is not the best ;)

      The post was edited 2 times, last by - KRAG ().

    • Why do you want a ranking by number of technoligies? If I want to get #1 in such a ranking I would primarily research cheap things that aren't needed for a better account.
      Also what kind of use would such a number have? If I want to know something about the researches of a player I would just probe them.

      What about waiting for the release of the retro-universe and then create a survey again? Then the users would have expiernced again what kind of use this feature would have.

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