View / message bugs

    • View / message bugs

      Still a few things not working, but it's really nice to have a message table now. I was using raidstable before, but one less thing in tampermonkey is nice!

      This still doesn't work:
      Event list in Galaxyview - Show below

      Since it has it's own message I won't bother continuing.

      Also, the folding buttons (S) in the message view doesn't seem to do anything either. I have it set to folder plunder under 1kkk (1000x1000)... after scanning, the button seems to do nothing. It's not deleting any message with 0 plunder or anything. The 'X' works to delete all messages, but the 'S' buttons do not. Each 'S' button ads this to the end of the web address: #agoSpyReportOverview .. but nothing else actually happens.

      I should also mention, in comparison to the old spiohelper, the 'X' button to delete messages after sending our missions, only deleted the highlighted (red 'A') messages. Right now it's deleting everything, the same thing as the delete link it's right beside. This could be improved upon as well.

      I should mention I play in org 35 (5x) .. but i've tried in other unis too, same thing happens.

      We appreciate all the hard work with AGO, a must to play ogame now, especially with v6+ .. thanks again.
    • RiV- wrote:

      Did you also set a value for "fleet limit"?
      No, fleet limit is kept blank, this is for raiding inactivates at this point, I don't want anything folded aside from low res, under 1kk total.

      EDIT - I set the fleet folding limit to 99999 and low and behold, it works now. I thought a null for the fleet limit would be ignored, but apparently it counts as 0, so nothing was getting folded because of it. Kudos to Riv- !