Aw Snap error w/ chrome

    • Aw Snap error w/ chrome


      I'm having troubles with TopRaider's website when the combat simulator page (using speedsim) has been opened for too long (10+ minutes).
      It's kinda laggy, cursor having delay changing when mouseovering fields / links, and the page ends up crashing with the Aw Snap error (sometimes making other tabs crashing aswell) :

      Software :

      Windows 7 pro 64 bits
      Chrome 48.0.2564.109 m
      10ish chrome extensions (not sure it matters) including :
      • AGO
      • Adblock (which shouldn't be running on Topraider)
      • The great suspender
      • Tampermonkey with following scripts (4/5 from vulca iirc) :
      Simulateur v 3.0
      War Riders Extended

      Hardware :

      I don't think the problem comes from here, but I can make a fast list if necessary.

      Thanks vulca for your scripts / websites they are amazing.
    • Hi :)

      I often had this on before topraider existed ^^
      But i didn't have this problem for a while.

      I know other users have the problem.
      And I know that it can happen when the topraider's script is deasable too.

      As it can crash speedsim+ogame pages, maybe it could be because of AGO ? Which are runing on both ogame and speedsim ?
      Try without AGO to see if it crash too.

      If it does, maybe the problem is from Speedsim, and i don't know what i could do to solve it :/

      edit :
      Simulateur v 3.0 is included on topraider script.
      Then you don't need it ;)

      ** OgameTech **