Pinned OGame Retro Universe - Rules

  • OGame Retro Universe - Rules

    Retro Server: Official Rules

    This Thread includes all Game Rules, Clarifications and Addons valid at OGame Retro Server starting as of 1st June 2016.

    The following points are valid for this special universe. The rules should permit all players to enjoy a fair gameplay within the Retro Server. Note that complaints and inquires regarding particular accounts will only be disclosed to their owners for privacy reasons.

    Ingame Rules and Clarifications:
  • 1. Accounts

    The owner of an account is always the owner of the email address bound the game account.

    Each account is entitled to be played by a single player at any time.

    Account exchanges are allowed only once every 15 days.

    You can contact support at


    OGame Team isn't supporting Account give away, take over and exchange since email can't be changed due technical reasons on Retro Universe. And if you do it, you are doing it on your own risk. In same time keep in mind that its forbidden to share your account or to have multiple accounts.
  • 4. Bashing

    It is not allowed to attack any given planet or moon, owned by an active player, more than 6 times in a 24 hour period. This rule also applies to moon destruction missions. Probe attacks and interplanetary missile attacks do not count towards the bashing rule.

    Bashing is only allowed when your alliance is at war with another alliance. The war must be announced on the relevant OGame board, in the correct forum and must comply with the board's specific rules.


    Attacking fleets that are completely destroyed do not count towards bashing.
    All Moon Destruction missions count towards bashing, regardless of the battle or moon destruction outcome.
  • 5. Pushing

    It is not allowed for any account to obtain unfair profit out of a lower ranked account in a matter of resources.

    Pushing is, but not only limited to, these example: resources sent from a lower ranked account to a higher ranked one with nothing tangible in return.

    Trades, recycling help & ACS splits must be completed within 72 hours.

    For all exceptions (like bounties) a GameOperator needs to be informed via TicketSystem:


    After a pushing ban is over resources must be sent back to the player who pushed your account or otherwise returned as arranged with your GameOperator.

    • Trades that mean an unfair profit to the higher ranked player by falling outside the following range of ratios will be considered as Pushing cases:
      3:2:1 Where each unit of deuterium is worth 2 units of crystal or 3 units of metal.
      2:1:1 Where each unit of deuterium is worth 1 unit of crystal or 2 units of metal.

    • It is forbidden to manipulate legal trade rates by giving unfair advantage to a higher ranked player (example and not limited to this: buying expensive and selling cheaper the same resource to the same player).

    • Recycling Help : It is recommended to notify a GameOperator while the lower ranked player transports resources to the higher ranked one.

    • Bounties/Headhunts: must be approved by a GameOperator before they happen and can only be paid for after the conditions of the bounty/headhunt have been fulfilled.

    • Note: If You expectedly or unexpectedly receive resources from a lower ranked player, you cannot keep them. Any pushing case will apply 72 hours after the resources are obtained. Within this time, the resources should be sent back to the player pushing you or an appropriate GameOperator should be contacted to arrange a solution.
  • 6. Bugusing / Scripting

    Using a bug for anyone's profit intentionally or not reporting a bug intentionally is strictly forbidden.

    Using a program as interface between the player and the game is prohibited. Any other form of automatically generated information generated for a group of players advantage with malicious intentions is forbidden as well.

    Exceptions are listed here: Ogame Retro Tolerated Addons, Tools, Scripts & Skins


    • Causing an intentional lag to a player or on the servers in any fashion will be treated as Bugusing. Using any methods to prevent a player to send, recall or slow his fleet is forbidden.
    • Bots, Macros, automated scripts etc. will be treated as Scripting unless otherwise expressly approved by Gameforge.
  • 8. Insults and Spam

    Any kind of insult and spam are not allowed.


    Anything that causes offense by being of an unacceptable quality that may hurt an individuals integrity is strictly forbidden.

    The standards in the game environment will be set by the Game Team to meet the users moral views.

    Content might be censored, punished in a temporary or permanent basis: no complaints will be processed about this and as always the final word will be with the game team.

    Any situation intended to saturate a players interface through any method is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to:
    • Personal Messages spam
    • Probes spam
    • Overview spam
    • Advertising other games or content
  • 9. Language

    The game publisher reserves the right to exclude players, who are not able to speak the respective native language (e.g. in Game, Board and IRC official chat-rooms). Other possibly allowed languages will be listed on the official game forum.


    The only official language on the Retro Server, its services and this forum services is English.
    Only use English language in game personal messages, game alliance pages, game alliance applications and game circular messages.

    The only characters allowed on Accounts, Planets, Alliance names and Alliance Tags are those of
    • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    • a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
    • A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    • whitespaces / underscores / hyphens (not at the beginning / end of a word, not more than one in a row, not more than 3 in total)

    Explanation ( retro server specific) :

    We strongly encourage you to use English in messages. If you want to use your native language is ok, but you'll receive a warning if your message is reported and a ban if the content is insulting .

    Alliance pages can be non English as long as the text is accompanied by an English translation.

    All other rules regarding insulting, extremist or racist content will be strongly enforced.

    edit by Valent (06.03.2016)
  • 10. Breach of the rules

    Any kind of breach of the rules will be punished with warnings up to a permanent ban of the account.

    The corresponding GameOperators decide the type and duration of punishments and are contact persons for bans.


    Abuse of Rules:

    Any form, way and or any attempt to get personal profit unfairly out of any staff members decision is forbidden.

    This includes but its not limited to:
    • Messages sent with sole purpose of obtaining a vacation mode ban.
    • Impersonating or claiming to be staff with or without intentions of personal profit.