Player's info page

    • General

    • Player's info page

      From our local board:
      When you are clicking the player's nick at the statistic you are jumping to the SS with his Home Planet. The idea is to make the player's page (like the alliance page) and after the click on a nick you can see this page. At this page could be some system information about the player (his points, coordinates of home planet, etc.) and the information, which player added by himself. Something like "looking for friends", "want to join the ally", "buying cryss for deit, etc.
    • Collecting fleet points and research points could be useful... The rest. Not so much - that's what the forum is for.

      And regarding the coords of all planets, well, I for one usually have a mobile that I hide my activity on. I wouldn't like the whole world to know about that, it's hard enough to be stealthy already.
    • Hmm, didn't think 'bout that. However this could be overcome as well - like 7-14 days before the new planet/moon is visible in the profile. If you're hiding then you need to be relocating pretty often so the map doesn't see you, so two weeks time is not so bad ;) And we would get rid of portals that contain huge ads of autospys and stuff (at least in poland, dunno about other countries' maps).
    • I usually relocate that planet four to five times a week. Just for the sake of it and due to people updating their own GTs and so on.

      I like the idea though, would make it easier for the people without GT, it has become kinda mandatory if you wanna play seriously... I never like external apps to be mandatory to play a game :)
    • Well, playing without external apps is almost impossible nowadays, apps like foxgame2, or antigame, or some skins in firefox stylish. But i'm talking about entire sites, which not only contain (prepaid or free) maps, but also lots of ads about forbidden stuff, like autospys, refresh bots and others. That's what we would get rid of. Of cource, cunning players will allways lay their hands on scripts, but I'm talking about getting rid of ads here ;)