Ask to the GF to create a perfect Battle Simulator

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    • Ask to the GF to create a perfect Battle Simulator

      As all of you konw, many battle simulators exist all over the world for each community.
      but all of them don't work perfectly.
      All of them make some mistake or have some translation error (so they don't read certain kind of ship), etc.
      Many people in my community have been asking for many years a perfect Battle Simulator created by the GF.
      So now that Origin exists, why don't asking this request here?!
    • Well, it would be enough if they gave us an algoritm of battle ogame uses. Basing upon it ogamers could write a perfect script and translate it.

      GF will never give formulas away. Every formula that you know has been guessed (right) by the community.

      And of course you will never get a "perfect" simulator! Or can you simulate contingency? its still random :O

      It would be easier to tell what doesn't work on drago- or speedsim, so that the authors can improve it!
    • Of course I'm aware of randomness in ogame battle scripts. And in expeditions, and espionage as well. So by "perfect script" I simply mean a script that will use the same script as ogame does, when calculating the outcome of battles. Implemented into C++ or whatever else language, rather then php and js.

      And what do you believe GF would do if they told us what's wrong with speedsim? They would give out the info about what is wrong with the algoritm that is counting the outcome, so, in fact, they would tell us how does ogame work in this matter. So they would tell us the entire formula - we guessed some things, they tell us the rest. What's the difference?
    • First of all what do you mean by a perfect battle simulator?

      Even if GF makes sth like this it won't be perfect because it can't.
      The differences in results depend on many elements including use of death stars which is widely common - you can destroy two stars with small losses and lose much more when u fight same fleet with one.

      It's just an example - we already have quite good simulators, for example - Speedsim.

      Results may vary but differences are small.
    • With the word "perfect" I don't mean percfect in giving the simulation of a battle, but perfect in copying the spy-reports, recognizing all the ships and so on...
      For example, there are many errors/mistakes and bugs in many communities because of the translations.
      there are many problems of that kind.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by cristuning84 ().

    • cristuning84 wrote:

      With the word "perfect" I don't mean percfect in giving the simulation of a battle, but perfect in copying the spy-reports, recognizing all the ships and so on...
      For example, there many errors/mistakes and bugs in many communities because of the translations.
      there are many problems of that kind.
      ... -> ...

      marshen wrote:

      And of course you will never get a "perfect" simulator! Or can you simulate contingency? its still random :O

      In general I like the suggestion and will discuss it with our devs / gamedesign but it will be something like already existing ones. You never can get the real final result...but a more or less. Features like "copy from spy report" should not be a real problem.
      - - - WTH was here - - -


      ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
      yeah my girlfriend too :P