Terraformers formula change

    • Resources and Facilities

    • Terraformers formula change

      ok, since there was a huge number of users with complayn about they didn't expect in past time while colonising new planets for this update with storages fall down, and huge needing for research lab. Now they have problems with free planet fields. My suggestion is for old and new unis is give them chance with new formula for teraformers:

      1. adding formula like this:

      Source Code

      1. (lvl ter. *2)

      1 lvl -> 2 fields (-1 )
      2 lvl -> 4 fields (-2)
      3 lvl-> 6 fields (-3)
      4 lvl -> 8 fields
      5 lvl -> 10fields (-5)
      6 lvl -> 12 fields (-6)
      7 lvl -> 14 fields
      8 lvl -> 16 fields
      9 lvl -> 18 fields

      2. or per each lvl instead of +5 fields you get +8

      3. formula like [ ter. lvl+(ter.lvl. / 2,1)]

      so what do you think?
    • It's something that should be done, but I'm failing to see the point in the formula #1 ... it seems to me that it's actually a lot worse than the situation we have now... or maybe you wanted to cut down the costs of terraformering but failed to mention it.....
      number 2 is let's say nice for the colonies, but the main planet with it's 163 fields won't work. So either to change instead of 163 let's say to 200 fields or something else...

      The third suggestion was by my opinion the best, but why to divide it with 2,1 why not with 2... you had a good start, but I'll rather put it this way
      (tf lvl^2 + 1 x tf lvl)
      here are the calculations how it would look like...
      level before now(i hope)
      x x+y x+y
      1 4+1 1+1
      2 8+2 4+2
      3 12+3 9+3
      4 16+4 16+4
      5 20+5 25+5
      6 24+6 36+6
      7 28+7 49+7

      x - free fields
      y - fields occupied by terraformer

      for lvl 7, and a bonus of 49 fields the price is cheap cr - 3.200.000 de - 6.400.000 but the energy is high 64000 so it seems only logical to leave the price the way it is

      It needs more work, but it could lead to a fantastic compensation for the extra fields taken by storage buildings and stuff like that(possible new buildings been added....)
    • Lot of players in the french board complains about the needed of free fields since the redesign in olds unis.

      A new formula is needed for terra.

      I agree with you O Max, the third seems to be very insteresting. 49 fields for a little lvl 7, very great !

      Then, i think the energy cost of terra is very strange since fice years i play. I never understood it. It is useless and i hope it will be deleted.
    • Its the common complain in old GR servers after the redesign too...i totally agree with the above...though i have to point out something ...they dont complain much about the resources needed but about the energy needed for higher levels...
    • the balancing around the energy needed is perfect. it is enough so that you can build the highest mines without place problems while having research lab, robotics and nanos on that planet.

      remove your solar planet instead of complaining... (and if you have a colony with less than 200 fields it's your fault! every guide tells you that you need a minimum of 200 fields!)
    • I think it's not so bad idea since I had to remove the rest of my solar plants to build storages 8|
      And amount of materials possible to store felt down to half it was


      Anything You need can be made on a 160 fields planet ;)

      Production near the world record:

      Metal - lvl 42
      Crystal - lvl 36
      Deuterium - lvl 37

      Nanite Factory - lvl 6 - because no robotics factory, with nanite it's a waste of place
      Shipyard - lvl 8 - minimum for plasma

      Storages (even higher than You need) :

      Metal - lvl 9
      Crystal - lvl 7
      Deuterium - lvl 7

      Missile silo - lvl 5

      All together - 157 fields

      Without solar plants - just satellites, without robotics - just nanite, without high level shipyards because what for.

      And without any terraformer ;)

    • Horizon wrote:

      I think it's not so bad idea since I had to remove the rest of my solar plants to build storages 8|
      And amount of materials possible to store felt down to half it was


      Anything You need can be made on a 160 fields planet ;)

      Production near the world record:

      Metal - lvl 42
      Crystal - lvl 36
      Deuterium - lvl 37

      Nanite Factory - lvl 6 - because no robotics factory, with nanite it's a waste of place
      Shipyard - lvl 8 - minimum for plasma

      Storages (even higher than You need) :

      Metal - lvl 9
      Crystal - lvl 7
      Deuterium - lvl 7

      Missile silo - lvl 5

      All together - 157 fields

      Without solar plants - just satellites, without robotics - just nanite, without high level shipyards because what for.

      And without any terraformer ;)

      that is ridicules ....and which uni you think you can play after margining with that strategy ? one of you own, i 'll first crash you solar satellites and farm and attack you till you go to vac mod . You need shipyard 12 lvl, research lab 12-15lvl, and storages with that mines minimum at 10-9-9.....

      looking backward no one knew this 'll come, with this, that accounts are not playable, they will leave game and what then...i don't care about me, i have good account i'll handle this update with no consequences but most of them won't !
    • PPL1 wrote:

      Lot of players in the french board complains about the needed of free fields since the redesign in olds unis.

      A new formula is needed for terra.

      I agree with you O Max, the third seems to be very insteresting. 49 fields for a little lvl 7, very great !

      Then, i think the energy cost of terra is very strange since fice years i play. I never understood it. It is useless and i hope it will be deleted.
      Hmm... i was thinking about leaving the needed energy the way it is as a compensation for a low price of the terraformer for lvl7, so solar satellites would be needed for building the terraformer... something like the graviton research, but with about 1/4 less satellites :)
      This way it is a bit more easier then it should be but eventually someone will come up with a perfectly balanced formula :D
    • You need shipyard 12 lvl, research lab 12-15lvl, and storages with that mines minimum at 10-9-9....
      are you crazy? first of all you will NEVER have intergalatic network level 8 to 9 so you don't need research lab on your home planet but EVEN if you have level 12 which is enough so you have 40 places left (assuming the calc of horizon inluding terraformer 7). also you dont need 10-9-9! just login 2 times instead of once a day!

      btw i want to see you how you farm my solar sats... do you get through 3k raks 100 plasma without loss INCLUDING your deuterium? you need about 3000 destroyers to get small losses which will need over one million deut for the flight!
      or how do you like the "miners" buddy which sends 20k battlecruisers?

      so you cry about everything that isn't working as you like, in this damn forum, INSTEAD of thinking how you solve a problem!
      a game is about finding solutions or strategies AND not about crying on the devs shoulder until they help you!

    • that is ridicules ....and which uni you think you can play after margining with that strategy ? one of you own, i 'll first crash you solar satellites and farm and attack you till you go to vac mod . You need shipyard 12 lvl, research lab 12-15lvl, and storages with that mines minimum at 10-9-9.....

      looking backward no one knew this 'll come, with this, that accounts are not playable, they will leave game and what then...i don't care about me, i have good account i'll handle this update with no consequences but most of them won't !
      Marshen is right. Each universe - shipyard level 12, for plasma You need lvl 8 so tell me what for?

      To build Deathstars on your smallest planet?
      Anyway if u have shipyard lvl 8 or lvl 12 or even 20 - what's the difference if u build defense which just needs lvl 8?

      Research lab 12-15 - again, on your smallest planets you need high level labs?

      And you need labs lvl 12-15 on every planet?

      Storages 10-9-9 ... first of all check these mines and then write sth.

      Metal lvl 10 - 5.355.000
      Crystal lvl 9 - 2.920.000
      Deuterium lvl 9 - 2.920.000

      Congratulations if You want to store over 11.000.000 and log about once a week. And even if u want to You can because having 6 fields to use since all takes 157.

      My storages give You:

      Metal 9 - 2.920.000 - metal lvl 42 gives You 1.822.181 a day with geo.
      Crystal 7 - 865.000 - crystal lvl 36 gives You 588.000 a day assuming that u have a geologist.
      Deuterium 7 - 865.000 - deuterium lvl 37 gives You about 400.000 a day with a geo

      This is quite enough for more than a day so You can log just once a day in different hours and your storages won't get full.

      About using solar sats instead of solar plants I won't even talk because it should be obvious.

    • marshen wrote:

      so you cry about everything that isn't working as you like, in this damn forum, INSTEAD of thinking how you solve a problem!
      a game is about finding solutions or strategies AND not about crying on the devs shoulder until they help you!
      Marshen, it's your opinion !

      As I told you here :
      Astrophysic tecnology in old universes

      asterix2 wrote:

      remember there are tens of thousands players in France and that :
      Ogame is a game and in Ogame, as in any kind of game there are very good, good, not so good .... bad ... players.
      It's not a reason to ignore that reality : a lot of players has been disappointed ..
      It's good for you but my purpose here is to think about ALL Ogame's players !
      and I think it's important for the GF to have tens of thousands happy old players !

      So I think it's to the GF to tell us what is their attitude concerning these complaints.

      I repeat what I wrote here :
      Astrophysic tecnology in old universes

      asterix2 wrote:

      Please, if the GF has already decided to do nothing at all for solving the problems I'm talking about, it would be nice to tell us rapidly and I will stop this kind of discussion. Thank you.

      Thank you for reading.

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • I think you're very severe !

      And Ogame is also make for noobs but in the case we are discussing, these are not noobs but players who have been disappointed by the last modifications (made too rapidly ! just a few days in France to modify something eventualy)

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • Yes I agree that You didn't have much time in France to change anything after announcement and it shouldn't be done that way.

      It was about 3 days as I've seen on your board - not too much, but it doesn't change the fact that You had 22 days after query and thus You should take some actions earlier.

      You know how it is - there is a query or some questions, then silence and in an undefined future there are news about a change. Get used to it, it's not the first time :)

      They wouldn't ask if they didn't want to change sth.
    • Hi,
      I don't like that much the idea of improving the terraformer capacity.
      Finding big planets in the first year of an universe takes time, it needs an investment : it is called "strategy", right ?
      You did a mistake and kept a small planet ?
      Then, I would say : use your brain, and adapt your strategy... maybe it will cost you some points, but Ogame is all about choices...
      If we could reach all our goals, and find an easy solution to all our mistakes, where is the challenge ? ;)
    • Times to return to the subject:
      I think "(TF lvl ^ 2 + 1 x TF lvl)" much too strong in growth, especially Terraformer are 8 and 9 are possible for high accounts.

      I therefore propose a combination of calculations:

      round down (0.25 * TF lvl ^ 2 + 4.75 * TF lvl)
      This leads to:
      Level / fields
      1 5
      2 10
      3 16
      4 23
      5 30
      6 37
      7 45
      8 54
      9 63

      By changing the factors one can still easily make adjustments.
      But I think that this bonus one hand, the players help build supplied without the balance to destroy completely, as do the other suggestions.
      You have to remember the planets must be limited otherwise, you also need no fields!

      Display Spoiler
      Um mal zurück zum Thema zu kommen:
      Ich finde "(tf lvl^2 + 1 x tf lvl)" viel zu starkt wachsend, zumal Terraformer 8 and 9 für hohe Accounts möglich sind.

      Ich schlage daher eine Kombination der Berechnungen vor:

      abrunden (0,25 * TF lvl ^ 2 + 4,75 * TF lvl )
      Das führt zu:
      Stufe / Felder
      1 5
      2 10
      3 16
      4 23
      5 30
      6 37
      7 45
      8 54
      9 63

      Indem man die Faktoren leicht verändert kann man noch Anpassungen vornehmen.
      Ich denke aber, dass dieser Bonus einerseits den zugebauten Spielern hilft ohne die Balance völlig zu zerstören, wie das andere Vorschläge tun.
      Man muss bedenken, das Planeten begrenzt sein müssen sonst braucht man auch gar keinen Felder!
    • Raicheron wrote:

      Times to return to the subject:
      I think "(TF lvl ^ 2 + 1 x TF lvl)" much too strong in growth, especially Terraformer are 8 and 9 are possible for high accounts.

      I therefore propose a combination of calculations:

      round down (0.25 * TF lvl ^ 2 + 4.75 * TF lvl)
      This leads to:
      Level / fields
      1 5
      2 10
      3 16
      4 23
      5 30
      6 37
      7 45
      8 54
      9 63

      By changing the factors one can still easily make adjustments.
      But I think that this bonus one hand, the players help build supplied without the balance to destroy completely, as do the other suggestions.
      You have to remember the planets must be limited otherwise, you also need no fields!

      Display Spoiler
      Um mal zurück zum Thema zu kommen:
      Ich finde "(tf lvl^2 + 1 x tf lvl)" viel zu starkt wachsend, zumal Terraformer 8 and 9 für hohe Accounts möglich sind.

      Ich schlage daher eine Kombination der Berechnungen vor:

      abrunden (0,25 * TF lvl ^ 2 + 4,75 * TF lvl )
      Das führt zu:
      Stufe / Felder
      1 5
      2 10
      3 16
      4 23
      5 30
      6 37
      7 45
      8 54
      9 63

      Indem man die Faktoren leicht verändert kann man noch Anpassungen vornehmen.
      Ich denke aber, dass dieser Bonus einerseits den zugebauten Spielern hilft ohne die Balance völlig zu zerstören, wie das andere Vorschläge tun.
      Man muss bedenken, das Planeten begrenzt sein müssen sonst braucht man auch gar keinen Felder!
      hmmm, like this one too. Look reality of ogame is that by each update there is less gamers, first who leaving is disappointed n00bs , then fleeters who can't play without nooobs .....