Missiles- add a hit confirmation message for the attacker

    • Implemented
    • Usability

    • Missiles- add a hit confirmation message for the attacker

      Suggestion is to add a message for the attacker when Interplanetary Missiles hit a planet. There are a few possibilities about this:

      - Message just confirms that the IPMs reached the coords you sent them at.

      - Message varies based on whether or not the missiles where intercepted. Examples:
      for a direct hit . . .
      IPM Report
      Long range defensive scanners report that the IPMs launched from [x:xxx:x], targetted at [x:xxx:x] have succesfully hit the planet's surface.

      for a miss . . .
      IPM Report
      Long range defensive scanners have lost contact with missiles from [x:xxx:x], aiming for [x:xxx:x] before they hit the target.

      for a half-miss, half-hit
      IPM Report
      Long range defensive scanners report that missiles from [x:xxx:x] heading toward [x:xxx:x] were intercepted by hostile defense systems. However, 'x' number of IPMs managed to reach the target.

      -Message outright says what was destroyed, like in the defender's report. Possibly add a requirement for this, e.g. Espionage Tech level 10. Alternatively, add in an option when sending IPMs to send probe(s) along, and that would allow you to get the full damage report, possibly at the cost of the probe(s).

      Some .org discussion on this topic:
      Mod @ OGame.org - Bugs & Complaints and Suggestions
    • I like the idea of adding a research requirement, possibly have it requirement esp L10 or something before you get any form of report?

      I don't personally feel the attacker should get to know what was hit though. (without manually probing and comparing reports)
    • kwinse wrote:

      - Message just confirms that the IPMs reached the coords you sent them at.

      Kebab wrote:

      I like the idea of adding a research requirement, possibly have it requirement esp L10 or something before you get any form of report?

      I don't personally feel the attacker should get to know what was hit though. (without manually probing and comparing reports)

      I agree with these parts, a message telling the attacker that the IPMs reached the coords would be nice(with a requirement esp ~10), however as Kebab wrote, probe to see what have been hit.
    • if they just would fix that you see your flying missiles again, that would be good enough.
      I scann, calculate the number of missiles needed and start the first wave, then the second, third, and so on.
      All I need is to see is how many missiles are already on theyre way. (like in the old version)
      I realy would be happy if only that would be possible again.
    • good idea !
      what about a message based on esp lvl ?
      like drones, if the attacker's espio is higher than the defender, he can know everything about the missiles'hit !
      If esp is lower than the defender, he only has few (or doesnt have any) informations about what happend !

      if you don't understand me i will try to make better sentences next time ^^
    • well i think it would just be useful for the attacker for its alter ego, since it as no influence on combat it self, but looking a little bit closer , alter-ego is need to continue playing the game as should be , winner or looser .

      It should also be part of the count points for the winner , imagine hitting on the defender part, missile silos and solar plants etc. it could give like a extra point for doing such mind attack dono giving the privilege for a well structure attack .....
    • honestly you could give extra points to the technic used in attack something like evaluate the IQ of an atack but that would be more complex to structure and would not limitate to just missile attacks, it would improve the points table to other level and users whit best technics could increase he-s points based on it .... but just a tough